Category Archives: Travel

In line with the Bayou Steppers

While visiting with Rachel and Abram of the Neighborhood Story Project in New Orleans Saturday (April 5), Sherry and I found out that there would be a Second Line Parade noon the next day starting at some obscure street intersection … Continue reading

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New Orleans: a quick tour 30 months post-Katrina

First, an apology. My photography here is pathetic. My kids (on a school trip) had the digital camera, and in an effort to travel light, neither Sherry nor I brought our good 35mm with us to New Orleans, so I … Continue reading

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Getting out of the French Quarter

Last week I went to the CCCC convention in New Orleans. It was a great conference, but the best part of it happened afterwards when Sherry and I got out of the Quarter and adjacent hotel district and into the … Continue reading

Posted in Sabbatical, Travel | 2 Comments

Icefishing: It’s really true

It’s true. In the winter time, Minnesotans drive out onto lakes, drill holes in the ice, huddle in little houses for hours, and wait. I spent all day last Saturday with my brothers, Dave and Nate, on Upper Red Lake, … Continue reading

Posted in General Musings, Travel | 6 Comments

Boomerang at 44

Four days ago – a week after my 44th birthday – I moved back in with my parents.  The basement’s cold, and Mom’s cooking experients are as interesting as ever, but all in all, it’s pretty decent. It’s not really … Continue reading

Posted in General Musings, Travel | 1 Comment

Fifteen years of water under the bridge reveals the same river

An offshoot of our Marshallese sojourn last summer was our Hawaiian visit with old friends Dave and Cindy, who we’ve vaguely kept in contact with over the past 15 years. They’re two of the most courageous people that I know. … Continue reading

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Farewell to Majuro

Below is some video from our last night on Majuro with Maritha’s family.  We were able to hold a party at our hotel in a Tiki hut called Boknake.  It’s about four minutes long (if you’re gaging whether it’s worth … Continue reading

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The Beach at Laura

The far west end of Majuro is called Laura, a thirty mile journey down the island’s one road from our hotel in Delap. Delap, Uliga, and Rita make up the east end of Majuro where the Majurity of the people … Continue reading

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Zweback, Bergsrud! Thanks for Majuro and the Hawaiian pit stop, too

It’s time for me to express my gratitude to Mark Bergsrud of Continental Airlines.� Growing up, my cousin Mark creamed me in ping pong more times than there are grains of sand on Waikiki.� He also knew�great music when he … Continue reading

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Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll

Jendrik Leviticus, Maritha’s grandfather, was twelve years old in 1946.  He lived on Bikini Atoll in the northern Marshall Islands.  In his lifetime, the Japanese had controlled the islands, but just recently the Americans had “liberated” the Marshallese. The Americans had … Continue reading

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