Monthly Archives: January 2009

Warm feet at MLK march; enjoy the moment

It’s possible that I’m addicted to MLK marches.  Besides the obvious allure of marching for civil rights and marching to honor MLK, I think it’s the cold that’s the attraction. My first march would have been in January of 1994 … Continue reading

Posted in General Musings | 2 Comments

Big Two-Hearted River

David’s comment on my previous entry prompts me to remember that I’m way behind in my book reviews.  Last summer, among other things, I read all of The Nick Adams Stories,  including “Big Two-Hearted River.” which was by far the best of … Continue reading

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Wolf Kill on Snowbank

Two a.m. Saturday morning I woke up from the hard ground, but I was still warm, and happy about it.  There were only six hours until sunrise, I could feel nine toes, and I was confident that Scott wasn’t going to … Continue reading

Posted in Travel | 2 Comments