Blues in church for Blues Fest

Earlier this summer, Doug “Fingers” Maguire of Gloria Dei Lutheran in Duluth conceived the idea of a Blues Service during the annual Bayfront Blues Festival in Duluth. Sister Patti Maguire also thought it might be chance to also save the orphanage, whose taxes are long overdue, so Doug decided to get the band back together.

He found bass man Tom “What’s Next Pussy Cat” Jones photographing moss near the lake. Sax player Maia “Mad Reed” Dalager was fishing on Bone Lake. Singer Nancy “Power Serve” Norr was presenting to the board of directors. Drummer Andy “Phantom” Wold was trapped in the orchestra pit at the opera. Guitarist Steve “Blind Dog” Dalager was up to his hips in organic compost. And sound engineer Scott “Trespasser” Norr was trespassing near the West Fork of the Baptism River.

Long story short, Doug got the band together, and here are a few samples.

Stormy Monday. This was the service prelude. The recording is through the sound system here, and since sax and percussion weren’t miked, you aren’t quite hearing the real deal.


You got to move. This was the psalm.


Oh when the saints. This was the sending hymn.


She really really loved me. This was the postlude.


There was more, but that’s a decent sampling. Church blues are the next Corvair (unsafe at any speed), but the band had fun, and we made it to City Hall later, paid the taxes, and saved the orphanage.

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4 Responses to Blues in church for Blues Fest

  1. Jocelyn says:

    And doesn’t it make me sad when I’m reading your blog in a situation where audio just ain’t gonna work.

    You can picture me blogging from the confessional, if you like. Actually, I’m just watching a large crew of kids…

  2. Sarah says:

    You boys sho know how to tickle them strings and ivory! Wish I could hear the sax and percussion too, but it’s amazing as is. My favorites are the two instrumentals. When’s the CD coming out?

    Know this one: “Dropped my Bible in the dirt, now I got one dirty Word”?

  3. Sarah says:

    Thought of some more favorites. Do you know these?

    Jabez Got Mine Too

    Even Though You’re Shapin’ Up, I’m Shippin’ Out (Jonah & The Whalers)

    You’ll Be Changin’ Jus’ To Please Me (Delilah – usually a Barber Shop Quartet, but can be adapted to blues)

    All Night Honky Tonk Stomp (Josh & The Jerichos – requires a brass section, or brass something)

    You Don’t Listen So You Won’t Change (The Jeremiahs)

    Smashing Tablets (Grey Abe – usually punk, but adaptable to blues)

    Talk, Talk, Talk (Genesis Project)

  4. David says:

    I love it. I really had fun playing bluesy tunes in the “Praise band” in Raton. My favorites were the first and the last. It’s a great idea to take the community event and segue it into the church.

    I went to the church website. under Job Openings, in the job description for Parish Nurse is a line about being able to work with anyone regardless of race, creed, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation. I really like that! I think I could be a member of a church like that.

    Blues and inclusivity…who’d a thunk?

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