Archive for Minutes

Meeting Minutes 10/4/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Aaron McIntire, Kristi Heintz, Deanne Roquet, Theresa Hornstein

General Members present:  Glenn Merrick, Duane Timo

Guest Present: Heather Williams (Student Senate)



Minnesota Waste Wise Annual Meeting is October 16th at 11:30 at the St. Paul Hotel.  The Council will not send anyone this year.

UMACS is at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa: November 7-9.  Kristi will attend and present the Sustainable Twin Ports project and showcase the posters.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

                *Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad

Kristi reported, on behalf of Rachel, progress made in the work-group.  The group met last week and identified some key areas for reminders both for students and employees.  Regarding PaperCut and print settings, the Council suggested the group talk with or invite Jamie Jepperson to next meeting to discuss software options.  The Council was supportive of the Office Green Star project.


Master Facilities Plan

                *Dick, Cliff, Aaron, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa

Kristi shared the sustainability priorities listed in the RFP for the Master Planning Consultant.  Kristi forwarded that RFP to work group members.  Dick has organized the group’s first meeting for next week Thursday, October 10th at 11:00 in E2028.  Representatives from the Sustainability Council will have an opportunity to meet with Facilities Master Plan consultant in early November.


Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

                *Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

The group met last week and came up with a list of sustainability related reports that the Council is responsible for.  The work group also revisited the idea of adopting AASHE’s STARS program for tracking progress year-t-year.  The Council reviewed and approved the list.  Kristi will forward to Wade and Al.


Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage

                *Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep

Duane has thus far been unable to connect the group with a Student Senate Rep.  Kristi suggested the group move forward with initial ideas planning and include Senate where appropriate.


Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

                Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep

This group hasn’t met yet and needs a chair volunteer.


Sustainability in Curriculum

                Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne, Glenn

Theresa, Deanne, Aaron, Glenn, and Kristi met this morning and had some initial discussions about the Food Systems articulation with the U of M.  Courses were identified that we could run here.  Kristi will set up a meeting with Jenni next week.



The Garden Club has been donating produce from the garden to the Intercultural Center.  Bruce mentioned his interest in working with the Garden Club to identify plants he’d be able to use in the café next spring.


New Business

Travel, registration, and lodging for the UMACS Conference will cost about $720.  Deanne motioned to pay Kristi’s registration and travel expenses, Theresa seconded the motion unopposed.


After some discussion, the group decided a co-chair structure for the Council is appropriate.  This year, Kristi and Deanne will co-chair the Sustainability Council meetings.  We’ll update the members list at next month’s meeting.


Ongoing Business


Old Business

Kristi and Deanne gave an update on Thursday night’s STP Public Showcase.  Both the Budgeteer and The Duluth News Tribune published articles related to Sustainable Twin Ports and the showcase.  The Council received poster copies of the designed project goals and a plaque of completion.  Kristi will use the posters at UMACS.


The AQIP/STP Progress Report was due to Kent by September 23rd.  Kristi completed and sent the report to Kent.



FY14 Budget: $9,000  

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200

AASHE membership: -$280

Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208

Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320


FY13 potential budget items

·         Concourse lighting signage

·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus

·         Additional bike rack for main entrance

·         Outdoor recycling cans

·         Interpretive Trailhead sign

·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans

·         Parking lot info signs

·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures

·         Sustainability kiosk


Next meeting

November 1, 2013, 9:00 am, Student Life Conference Room


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz

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Meeting Minutes 9/6/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Aaron McIntire, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Carol Johnson

General Members present:  Dick Haney, Glenn Merrick,

Guest Present: Al Finlayson, Rachel Peterson, Duane Timo



Sustainable Twin Ports Public Showcase is October 3rd at Spirit Mountain Grand Avenue Chalet at 4:30.  Greg Benson, CEO and co-founder of Loll Designs will be the keynote speaker and Greg Tiburzi will provide music. 

Healthy Duluth Area Coalition’s: City-wide bike/ped count is September 11th and they’re looking for volunteer counters for two-hour counting shifts.  Contact Kristi or Dick for more information.


This year’s UMACS conference is November 8-9 in Decorah, Iowa: The Sustainability Council will have a poster presentation related to the Sustainable Twin Ports project. 


No smoking signs have been posted at the trail’s secondary entrance, where smoking has typically be a big problem.  Student employees will continue monitor the trash and cigarette butt situation.


Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Garden Club:  Aaron reported that the vegetable garden is doing well and some vegetables have been harvested.  Some were used to garner interest for the Club at the Welcome Week table.  Kristi added that the structure of the garden was a huge undertaking and the Club did a great job at persisting through the many hurdles they encountered.  Kristi also commended Aaron on his summer watering responsibility at the S and E building entrances.  The Council will discuss its role in these landscaping projects in work groups.

Interpretive Trail Maintenance:  Glenn reported that our trails student employee, Steve, started trail clearing work Thursday.  He’ll also work on creating some tread way over a couple of seeps at the west end of the trail.  Al mentioned the need to clarify the signage for the secondary “blue” trail the circles the campus.  Hiking signs were installed, but Steve will re-evaluate the effectiveness of the signs in late fall.  This should also be mapped, perhaps another project for Civil Tech.  Cliff’s survey class will be shooting points on the course next week to update the map.  Dick also mentioned the idea of linking to the Superior Hiking Trail.  This would be a good focus group project.  Kristi proposed a trail re-grand opening once the new trail head sign is installed, possibly in late fall.  Glenn and Carol suggested a Student Success Day walk, and make sure the handbook includes information about the trail.  Safety concerns were discussed.  Al will talk with Wade to see if we have any options available to us.

Water aerators from CERTS:  The Council purchased aerators from Niagra Conservation.  Student Employees will install these this fall and keep track of the amount of water saved.  We’ll crunch some numbers and publicize potential savings (estimated to be $100 per faucet per year).  Mike suggested signs near bathroom faucets or mirror clings.  Al suggested promotion at the sustainability kiosk.

Sustainability Kiosk:  Al reiterated his sustainability kiosk idea.  Kristi has some design ideas for a hallway location outside student life.  This will be discussed more in a focus group.

New Business

The Council briefly discussed updates to the SC Committee Structure.  Kristi will look into policy for campus committee chair position.  Discussion tabled until next meeting.  The group also approved changing the occurrence of full Council meetings to once per month with focus groups meeting throughout the month and reporting back to the full Council monthly.  Full Council will meet the first Friday of each month at 9:00 am.


The Sustainability Council reviewed Jean’s poster design for the Sustainable Twin Ports Public Showcase.  It looks great.  Kristi will forward the design to STP for printing.

Sustainability Council’s goals and roles for the year: Many ideas generated today’s meeting will fit into focus groups, outlined below.  Kristi will email the list of focus groups to SC members.  Please sign up for at least one group when you receive the email, and indicate your willingness to organize meeting times.

SC Focus Groups

1. Policy and Procedure: employee reminders (printing, recycling, supplies, computer shut-off, small appliances), student reminders
2. Master Facilities Plan: landscape planning, trails, stormwater, campus green space
3. Sustainability Reporting: Greenhouse Gas Inventory, ACUPCC bi-annual reporting, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, publicizing results
4. Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/alternative energies demonstration, sustainability signage, seating
5. Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting/seeding, rainwater harvesting system, no-mow area, rooftop gardens
6. Sustainability in Curriculum


AQIP/STP Progress Report: Is due to Kent by September 23rd.  Kristi will work on the report and send it around for review.


Ongoing Business


Old Business



FY14 Budget: $9,000  

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

FY14 potential budget items

·         Concourse lighting signage

·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?)

·         Additional bike rack for main entrance

·         Outdoor recycling cans

·         Interpretive Trailhead sign

·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans

·         Parking lot info signs

·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures

·         Sustainability kiosk

·         Rain water collection system



Next meeting

October 4, 2013, 9:00 am, Student Life Conference Room


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz

Posted in: Minutes

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Meeting Minutes 9/6/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Aaron McIntire, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Carol Johnson

General Members present:  Dick Haney, Glenn Merrick,

Guest Present: Al Finlayson, Rachel Peterson, Duane Timo



Sustainable Twin Ports Public Showcase is October 3rd at Spirit Mountain Grand Avenue Chalet at 4:30.  Greg Benson, CEO and co-founder of Loll Designs will be the keynote speaker and Greg Tiburzi will provide music. 

Healthy Duluth Area Coalition’s: City-wide bike/ped count is September 11th and they’re looking for volunteer counters for two-hour counting shifts.  Contact Kristi or Dick for more information.


This year’s UMACS conference is November 8-9 in Decorah, Iowa: The Sustainability Council will have a poster presentation related to the Sustainable Twin Ports project. 


No smoking signs have been posted at the trail’s secondary entrance, where smoking has typically be a big problem.  Student employees will continue monitor the trash and cigarette butt situation.


Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Garden Club:  Aaron reported that the vegetable garden is doing well and some vegetables have been harvested.  Some were used to garner interest for the Club at the Welcome Week table.  Kristi added that the structure of the garden was a huge undertaking and the Club did a great job at persisting through the many hurdles they encountered.  Kristi also commended Aaron on his summer watering responsibility at the S and E building entrances.  The Council will discuss its role in these landscaping projects in work groups.

Interpretive Trail Maintenance:  Glenn reported that our trails student employee, Steve, started trail clearing work Thursday.  He’ll also work on creating some tread way over a couple of seeps at the west end of the trail.  Al mentioned the need to clarify the signage for the secondary “blue” trail the circles the campus.  Hiking signs were installed, but Steve will re-evaluate the effectiveness of the signs in late fall.  This should also be mapped, perhaps another project for Civil Tech.  Cliff’s survey class will be shooting points on the course next week to update the map.  Dick also mentioned the idea of linking to the Superior Hiking Trail.  This would be a good focus group project.  Kristi proposed a trail re-grand opening once the new trail head sign is installed, possibly in late fall.  Glenn and Carol suggested a Student Success Day walk, and make sure the handbook includes information about the trail.  Safety concerns were discussed.  Al will talk with Wade to see if we have any options available to us.

Water aerators from CERTS:  The Council purchased aerators from Niagra Conservation.  Student Employees will install these this fall and keep track of the amount of water saved.  We’ll crunch some numbers and publicize potential savings (estimated to be $100 per faucet per year).  Mike suggested signs near bathroom faucets or mirror clings.  Al suggested promotion at the sustainability kiosk.

Sustainability Kiosk:  Al reiterated his sustainability kiosk idea.  Kristi has some design ideas for a hallway location outside student life.  This will be discussed more in a focus group.

New Business

The Council briefly discussed updates to the SC Committee Structure.  Kristi will look into policy for campus committee chair position.  Discussion tabled until next meeting.  The group also approved changing the occurrence of full Council meetings to once per month with focus groups meeting throughout the month and reporting back to the full Council monthly.  Full Council will meet the first Friday of each month at 9:00 am.


The Sustainability Council reviewed Jean’s poster design for the Sustainable Twin Ports Public Showcase.  It looks great.  Kristi will forward the design to STP for printing.

Sustainability Council’s goals and roles for the year: Many ideas generated today’s meeting will fit into focus groups, outlined below.  Kristi will email the list of focus groups to SC members.  Please sign up for at least one group when you receive the email, and indicate your willingness to organize meeting times.

SC Focus Groups

1. Policy and Procedure: employee reminders (printing, recycling, supplies, computer shut-off, small appliances), student reminders
2. Master Facilities Plan: landscape planning, trails, stormwater, campus green space
3. Sustainability Reporting: Greenhouse Gas Inventory, ACUPCC bi-annual reporting, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, publicizing results
4. Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/alternative energies demonstration, sustainability signage, seating
5. Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting/seeding, rainwater harvesting system, no-mow area, rooftop gardens
6. Sustainability in Curriculum


AQIP/STP Progress Report: Is due to Kent by September 23rd.  Kristi will work on the report and send it around for review.


Ongoing Business


Old Business



FY14 Budget: $9,000  

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

FY14 potential budget items

·         Concourse lighting signage

·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?)

·         Additional bike rack for main entrance

·         Outdoor recycling cans

·         Interpretive Trailhead sign

·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans

·         Parking lot info signs

·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures

·         Sustainability kiosk

·         Rain water collection system



Next meeting

October 4, 2013, 9:00 am, Student Life Conference Room


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz

Posted in: Minutes

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Meeting Minutes 5/3/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Aaron McIntire, Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Theresa Hornstein,

General Members present:  Dick Haney

Guest Present:



Healthy Duluth Area Coalition’s: Active Transportation Week starts May 13th with National Bike to Work Day, May 17th.  Check the website for more information.


This year’s UMACS conference is November 8-9 in Decorah, Iowa: The Sustainability Coucil will submit an abstract for poster presentation related to the Sustainable Twin Ports project.  The Council spent some time on wording, Theresa will work more on it.  Abstract is due May 30th.


NE MN Energy Future Forum with Sierra Club, with keynote Will Steger is May 14th 7:00-9:00 in the LSC Commons.  Kristi handed out fliers for the event.


Campus Clean-up is May 9th from 10:00-2:00.  Heather will have supplies available at the East Entrance for volunteers.  SC Student Employees will help organize the groups.  Student volunteers will receive a free water bottle for helping.  Kristi will contact Adopt-A-Parking lot volunteers to help that day as well.


Open House table is May 10th 3:00-6:00.  Staffers welcome.


Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Student Senate Legacy Project:  Theresa and Kristi met with Michelle and Zak last week about their plans for this year’s Legacy Garden installation.  Theresa offered some very valuable advice, and Senate agreed the Council’s role going forward could be advisory with some help in securing plants with fencing and also helping them with plant signage.


Garden Club Aaron reported that the Garden Club plans are thriving in the Environmental Science Lab and also the Atrium.  He discussed the supplies the group needs to get the north garden functioning and useful as a demonstration of different types of raised beds.  Supplies needed include planting soil, fencing, straw bales, and posts.  Al has show interest in straw bale gardening and Aaron would like to demonstrate a hugal bed.  The Council agreed to provide structural supplies to the group.  Deanne motioned to open a $1,000 purchase order for Dan’s Feed Bin for supplies, Dick seconded the motion.


New Business

Water aerators from CERTS:  CERTS is offering a 75% discount on water aerators.  Maintenance suggested we purchase 100.  Kristi proposed we purchase 70 0.5 GPM aerators and 30 1.0 GPM aerators.  Total for aerators would be $62 with a potential savings of $100 per faucet per year.  Deanne motioned to purchase 100 aerators, Theresa seconded.


SS’s Pilot Green Fee project:  Kristi and Aaron met with Chris Ringsred and Zak Radzak this week.  Chris is offering an Alternative Energies course in the fall and will be using some technologies to test the usage of some campus utilities.  This is something Al is very interested in looking into.  The Senate could use their $6,000 exploratory fund to help make the information that Chris finds public, possibly with an energy dashboard system.  Many other energy saving ideas were discussed that could be great spinoff projects for following years.


LSC is a Smoke Free Ecosystem  Kristi had some signs printed and laminated to hang on the interpretive trail and “pseudo-entrance” reminding students that LSC is smoke free, and asking people to pack their cigarette butts out.


Ongoing Business

Sustainable Twin Ports presentation to staff: Kristi shared the Prezi she and Al presented to staff at Duty Day last week.  There was some great feedback and discussion following the presentation.  Everyone was supportive of water aerators as a “quick win” project.  Others even brought up the use of individual mini-fridges and space heaters.  Paper towel use was a bit of a touchy subject.


Old Business



FY13 Budget: $9,000  


Balance as of 5/2/2013: $5,132.45


Ideas generated for remaining purchases (additional items added from last meeting’s list):

·         Water faucet aerators: 70 0.5GPM @$35 + 30 @ 1.0 GPM @$15 + $12 shp=$62

·         Concourse lighting signage

·         Bottle filling station for ERTC

·         Additional bike rack for main entrance

·         Outdoor recycling cans

·         Interpretive Trailhead sign-next FY

·         Interpretive Trailhead entrance stabilization project: landscape timber 3×4”x8’ @ $2.99 eachx17=$50.83 and limestone$150 = $200

·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans-next FY

ü  Silver Bay “field trip” for EC

·         Parking lot info signs

·         Garden: raised bed demo supplies: soil $180 + 150’ fencing $150 + 4 4×4”x8” corner posts $80 is $180 = $550

·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures-next FY

·         Sustainability kiosk-next FY

After much discussion, the Interpretive Trailhead entrance stabilization project was a priority purchase.  Dick motioned to spend $200 on supplies, Theresa seconded the motion. 

Water bottle filling stations, outdoor recycling receptacles and a water bottle filling station for ERTC were also mentioned as priorities.  Deanne will forward 2 options for outdoor bins to Gary.  Kristi will talk to Wade about the possibility of water fountains.



Next meeting


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz

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Meeting Minutes 3/29/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Aaron McIntire, Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein,

General Members present:  Glenn Merrick, Jeri Schwerin, Sarah Newport,  Wade Gordon

Guest Present:



“Shades of Africa” music festival is April 2-6 at Weber Hall.

Isaak Walton League State Convention and Annual Meeting is April 26-28 at Spirit Mountain


Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Student Senate Update: Sarah reported that Neldon will take over the SS Liaison duties.


New Business

Deanne began a discussion to change the Environmental Council’s name to the Sustainability Council.  Discussion followed this suggestion and the Council agreed this would be a good move to clarify the Council’s role NOT as a regulatory group (as in “Environmental Health & Safety”). Wade will forward this proposal to Pat.  With this suggestions, the newly named Sustainability Council decided it would be appropriate to update the responsibilities of the group, so there isn’t confusion as to what talks the groups is working on versus regulatory concerns that the campus faces.


Glenn has organized a tour of the Silver Bay Eco Industrial Park for Friday April 19th.  The bus will leave at 8:30 and will return to LSC at about 1:30.  A sign-up sheet is in Kristi’s office cube.


Ongoing Business

Earth Day planning:

Heather joined us today to continue discussions for Earth Day at LSC.  It will be April 23rd and 24th

  • Community and student tables, as usual in the East Concourse (23rd)
  • A “picnic” lunch will be prepared by the LSC Café.  Bruce is fairly certain that we will have Thousand Hills hot dogs, and it may be a reduced price lunch.  The group thought a lunch on Wednesday would be nice, following parking lot clean-up.  We could possibly offer free lunch to those that help with the clean-up.  Heather also suggested other give-aways for clean-up participants.  Kristi will talk with Bruce about moving lunch to Wednesday.
  • Presentations: Sarah and Neldon (23rd)
  • Mural painting in the Atrium (23rd)
  • Photo booth (23rd)
  • Campus Clean-Up, including adopt-a-parking lot groups at 10:00, 11:00, and noon (24th)
  • Give-aways: water bottles have been ordered (for volunteers), worm raffle, gummy worm cones

Sustainable Twin Ports-Early Adopters Training update was given by Kristi.  So far, Al, Jenni, Bruce and Kristi have completed 16 hours of training.  There’s been some great discussion so far.  The group has identified strengths, weaknesses, and goals.  The groups is responsible for presenting information to the LSC “Stakeholders” sometime in April.  The group will discuss progress and ask for feedback at the April 26th Duty Day.  Along with the presentation, the group has had to choose a “quick win”.  The group has chosen to sign the Institute for a Sustainable Future: Lake Superior Good Food Network Superior Compact, pledging to support the goal to purchase 20% locally grown food by 2020.  Initial discussion about tracking has been aimed at utilizing a student employee, possibly over the summer months.


Old Business


FY13 Budget: $9,000


Balance as of 3/28/2013: $5,233.60

Ideas generated for remaining purchases (additional items added from last meeting’s list):

  • Concourse lighting signage
  • 2 additional heated foot rests to replace space heaters
  • Semi-permanent recycling signage
  • Bottle filling station for ERTC
  • Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • Outdoor recycling cans
  • Interpretive Trailhead sign
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
  • Food/promo materials for Earth Day
  • Silver Bay “field trip” for EC
  • Parking lot info signs

Kristi sent a facilities related list to Gary A and hasn’t received a response.  Wade will follow up.


Deanne motioned to change the Environmental Council’s name to Sustainability Council.  Glenn seconded the motion.  Motion carried, unopposed.


Next meeting

Friday April 12th, 8:30 , Student Life Conference Room


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz




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Meeting Minutes 3/1/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Aaron McIntire, Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein,

General Members present:  Bruce Wallis, Dick Haney, Glenn Merrick, Jeri Schwerin, Sarah Newport, Stephen Erickson, Neldon Herron

Guest Present:


Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference @UW Madison: Apr 15, 2013.

Kristi reported that we received last year’s plastic bag recycling data from Airpark Disabilities Services.  Last year, LSC recycled almost 275 pounds of plastic through their program.  Kristi has sent this information to Mat for next week’s Newsplash.


Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Student Senate Update: Sarah reported she was unable to attend the last senate meeting where the Legacy Project was discussed.  Kristi emailed Zak and Kyle asking them for updates.

Student Success Day re-cap/Garden Club update: Neldon reported on his Container Gardening session. It went well and he was able to pull in a few more individuals with an interest in the Garden Club.  He also shared a new idea for mobile burlap container gardening.  The Gardening Club may peruse this technique.

Miser project update: Stephen has been working on updating our current vending miser data.  He has taken a full inventory and will put numbers together for various vending machines.  He is also collecting data on energy usage in computer labs and also all of our television monitors.

New Business

The Good Food Summit is at UMD, March 8-9.  Jenni Swenson has paid for Bruce, Deanne, and Kristi to attend.  Deanne reported that scholarships are available for students. Interested students should contact Deanne for more information.

Dick is serving on the Dean of Allied Health and Nursing search committee. He voiced the importance of the Environmental Council’s input in searches past, and suggests we put forth a couple of questions to be used in the search to fill this position.  Much discussion came from this.  Deanne commented that Lorrie Fox may also have some insight here, she will contact Lorrie.  Anyone with ideas should email Dick directly, preferably before March 25th.

Bonnie Hundrieser, from Duluth LEAP has requested a short narrative outlining LSC’s progress in energy conservation over the past few years.  Kristi put a paragraph together, and brought it to the EC for comment today:

Lake Superior College was a Minnesota State Colleges and Univeristies (MnSCU) pacesetter in building design, and in 2007 constructed the first LEED Certified building in the MnSCU system and has recently completed its second LEED designed buildling.  LSC was also an early signatory to the American College and Univeristy Presidents’ Climate Commitment, and in 2011, completed a Sustainability Plan of Action (SPA) which set a goal to reduce carbon emissions 50% by 2030.  The Committment also makes LSC responsible for bi-annual progress reporting to the ACUPCC.  LSC’s latest Strategic Plan supports the campus SPA and sets a goal to decrease energy consumption by eight percent on a per square foot basis over four years.  LSC tracks and reports greenhouse gas emissions bi-annually to ACUPCC and submits all energy use data to the State of Minnesota B3 Benchmarking energy management system database on a monthly basis. Since baseline data was collected in 2007, LSC has reduced total energy consumption by over 5% through an ongoing Guaranteed Energy Service Projects and various facilities upgrades including indoor lighting retrofits, automatic controls, and parking lot lighting upgrades.  Most recently, LSC completed a large scale boiler and hot water heating upgrade, increasing heating efficiency by almost 25% for a majority of the campus.

Over the past 15 years, LSC has sustained a campus committee, the Environmental Council, including roughly 12 members from various campus divisions and departments.  This group has been the driving force behind many sustainability related projects.  The group has recently drafted an Environmentally Responsible Purchasing Policy and Efficient Use of Resources Policy aimed at reducing natural resource and energy consumption on campus.  LSC has also been a member of Minnesota Waste Wise and the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) for over five years.

Council members made suggestions to include alternative transportation initiatives.  Kristi will make changes and forward to Wade/Gary K before sending to Bonnie.

Glenn has been working on an articulation agreement with UMD and the Sustainability and the Environment.  As part of that, he’d like to encourage the EC to pick a day to tour the Eco-Industrial Park in Silver Bay sometime in April.  The EC will provide transportation for this.

Ongoing Business

Earth Day planning:

FROM LAST MEETING—Earth Day Planning:  Heather joined us today to begin discussions for Earth Day at LSC.  It will be April 23rd and possibly some activities on the 24th.  Ideas generated include:

  • Creating a theme for the day focused on local/regional food
  • Community and student tables, as usual
  • Lunch, possibly a bar-b-que.  Bruce will talk with Cara at Upper Lakes Foods about their potential involvement.  Food would have to be prepared for up to 250 people.
  • Presentations:
    • Sarah would like to present on the importance of utilizing local water sources instead of bottled water
    • The Garden Club could present or demonstrate gardening techniques, inviting students to help with early fall planting or fencing on the LSC edible garden
    • The Student Senate could be involved in showcasing their Legacy Project (Sarah will meet with them to see if they’re interested in pursuing this)
  • Campus Clean-Up, including adopt-a-parking lot groups
  • Entertainment: student open mic, possibly outside
  • Possible Interpretive Trail re-opening, if new trailhead sign is finished (could be incorporated with clean-up)
  • Give-aways (for volunteers only): water bottles

There weren’t many updates thus far.  Bruce has confirmed with Upper Lakes Foods that they can provide their corporate chef, but he hasn’t been able to find out what they would be able to offer for food.  Kristi will check with Wade to see if the EC can offer to help pay for food.

Further planning should continue at the next meeting.  Kristi will invite Heather and possibly a representative from the Legacy Committee to join.  We will meet Wednesday, March 13th,  at 10:00 in the Student Life Conference Room.


Old Business



FY14 Budget Planning


FY13 Budget: $9,000


Expenses since last meeting:

-travel for MnSCU Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop at NHCC: $170.14

-UW Madison Earth Day Registration for 2 faculty: $110

-UW Madison Earth Day Registration for 2 student: $50

-UW Madison hotel accommodations, 2 rooms: faculty- $135, 2 student- [$270]

-UW Madison travel and meal reimbursement 2 faculty: $372.90+($39×2)=$450.90


Balance as of 2/28/2013: $6,381.60


Ideas generated for remaining purchases (additional items added from last meeting’s list):

  • Concourse lighting signage
  • Semi-permanent recycling signage
  • Bottle filling station for ERTC
  • Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • Outdoor recycling cans
  • Interpretive Trailhead sign
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
  • Food/promo materials for Earth Day
  • Silver Bay “field trip” for EC
  • Parking lot info signs

Kristi will send a facilities related list to Gary A and find out if any of these items may be on his priority list.


Next meeting

Wednesday, March 13th, Student life Conference Room at 10:00

Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz


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Meeting Minutes 2/1/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Theresa Hornstein, Sarah Newport

General Members present:  Glenn Merrick, Aaron McIntire, Stephen Erickson

Guest Present:


Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference @UW Madison: Apr 15, 2013.  Last chance to contact Kristi and Deanne, registration will be done next week.

The updated EC Calendar is on SharePoint.  You can click the link or get to it through the employee portal>click on committees (left hand panel)>Environmental Council.  Kristi will keep this updated with meetings, workshops, and conferences.

Stephen Erickson has been hired as an Environmental Council Student Employee.  Welcome, Stephen!

Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Student Senate Legacy Project:  Lengthy conversation was had about opportunities for the EC to support the mission of the Legacy Project.  The EC would like to donate a bench or fruit trees.  Sarah will communicate this with their Student Senate at their next meeting.

New Business

A regional Sustainability “Folks” meeting will be held next at LSC in the H-building.  The meeting will be February 26th (Student Success Day). After reviewing participant’s availability, 2:00-3:30 seems to be the best time.  Kristi will send an update to participants.

Chad Johnson (Physics tutor) has been working on an exciting project in his personal life!  He’s working with Sepp Holzer ( and his Permiculture/Agroecology technology.  He’d like to make some connections with local educational institutions, possibly bringing Sepp in for a speaking engagement.  The Sustainability Folks meeting may be a good place to make that connection.

Earth Day Planning:  Heather joined us today to begin discussions for Earth Day at LSC.  It will be April 23rd and possibly some activities on the 24th.  Ideas generated include:

  • Creating a theme for the day focused on local/regional food
  • Community and student tables, as usual
  • Lunch, possibly a bar-b-que.  Bruce will talk with Cara at Upper Lakes Foods about their potential involvement.  Food would have to be prepared for up to 250 people.
  • Presentations:
    • Sarah would like to present on the importance of utilizing local water sources instead of bottled water (i-net cafe)
    • The Garden Club could present or demonstrate gardening techniques, inviting students to help with early fall planting or fencing on the LSC edible garden (atrium or outside)
    • The Student Senate could be involved in showcasing their Legacy Project (Sarah will meet with them to see if they’re interested in pursuing this)
    • Campus Clean-Up, including adopt-a-parking lot groups
    • Entertainment: student open mic, possibly outside
    • Possible Interpretive Trail re-opening, if new trailhead sign is finished (could be incorporated with clean-up)
    • Give-aways (for volunteers only): water bottles

Ongoing Business


Old Business



FY13 Budget: $9,000

Expenses since last meeting:

-2 night hotel for MnSCU Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop at NHCC: $199.98

-2 energy efficient heated foot rests: $105.28

Balance as of 1/17/2012: $7,271.26

Ideas for remaining purchases (from last meeting):

  • Concourse lighting signage
  • 2 additional heated foot rests to replace space heaters
  • Semi-permanent recycling signage
  • Bottle filling station for ERTC
  • Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • Interpretive Trailhead sign
  • Food/promo materials for Earth Day

Ideas were also generated for ways to ask the campus community on funding opportunities for projects or equipment with energy efficiency in mind.  MSUMoorhead’s environmental group has a proposal for funding form available to the campus community for funding request.  Kristi will talk with Al about the EC doing something similar.



Next meeting

February 15st, 2013, Student life Conference Room at 8:30


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz

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Meeting Minutes 1/18/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein, Wade Gordon, Sarah Newport

General Members present:  Dick Haney, Aaron McIntire, Neldon Herron

Guest Present:


Regional STEM Workshop: Community-Engaged Learning and Food Sustainability Regional Workshops May 16th at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. The schedule hasn’t been posted yet.

Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference @UW Madison: Apr 15, 2013.  Anyone interested in going should contact Deanne and Kristi by next week.  The EC budget will fund 8 attendees. Deanne, Neldon, and Sarah all showed interest in attending.  Kristi will forward the invitation to the Student Senate as well.

-Dick reported that the next LEAP (Local Energy Action Plan) meeting will be January 29th at the DTA.  Check the link for more information.

Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Student employees Neldon and Sarah will meet next week to discuss the semester’s planning.  Kristi is still planning to hire one more student employee.  Sarah and Neldon have agreed to tag-team the effort to represent the EC at Student Senate meetings and report back on relevant items.

Neldon and Aaron hope to do an indoor/small space gardening workshop in early spring.  Deanne suggested they contact Paula to do a Student Success Day session.


New Business

The EC discussed remaining budget planning.  Expenses forthcoming for the remaining year include:

  • Earth Day speaker/promo supplies
  • MnSCU Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop lodging and travel for Glenn, Deanne, and Kristi (~$300)
  • Earth Day Conference at UW Madison lodging, registration, and travel for up to 8 people

Ideas generated for remaining purchases:

  • Concourse lighting signage
  • 2 additional heated foot rests to replace space heaters
  • Semi-permanent recycling signage
  • Bottle filling station for ERTC
  • Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • Interpretive Trailhead sign

Kristi and Wade will begin a study to quantify energy money spent on space heaters.  To begin, Kill-O-Watt meters will be placed on a selected heater and tracked for a week and a Kill-O-Watt meter will be placed on a heated foot rest for the same time to demonstrate energy savings.

STP Early Adopters cohort update:  Wade announced that the President’s budget will pay for the Early Adopters training and Al has agreed to be a part of the training team.  The remaining 2 members are yet to be decided.

LSC’s ACUPCC bi-annual Report was due January 13th.  Kristi is working on it, but it isn’t complete yet.

A regional Sustainability “Folks” meeting will be held next at LSC in the H-building.  The Council suggested February 26th (Student Success Day).  Kristi will email Mindy at UMD and ask if that works for her.  If so, Kristi will send a doodle meeting request to contacts.

The EC discussed hosting a 5R recycling event again his year.  The consensus was that although it is a hugely beneficial event, we are too busy this year and that we should make it a bi-annual event.  Kristi will contact the City and WLSSD and ask if they’d like to organize the event this year.


Ongoing Business


Old Business



FY13 Budget: $9,000

Expenses since last meeting: IOS-Business Office foot warmer -$45.13

Balance as of 1/17/2012: $7,576.52


Wade motioned to purchase two more space heaters, Mike seconded the motion.  Motion passed un-opposed.

Deanne motioned to limit the number of participants the EC budget funds to attend the UW Madison Earth Day Conference to 8 people.   The EC will cover travel, food, lodging, and registration. Mike seconded the motion.  Motion passed un-opposed.

Next meeting

February 1st, 2013, Student life Conference Room at 8:30

Next meeting’s discussion will focus on Earth Day planning, Heather will attend this next meeting.


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz


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Meeting Minutes 12/14/2012


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Theresa Hornstein, Wade Gordon, Mike Francisco

General Members present:  Dick Haney

Guest Present:



CERTS 2013 Conference: Community Driven Clean Energy, is February 20-21 in St. Cloud, MN.  If anyone is interested in attending, please email Kristi.


Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Purchasing Policy update: Kristi met with Kathy to go over the last draft of  Purchasing Policy and Efficient Use Policy.  Kathy had some very specific concerns and wanted a few things clarified.  Kristi made some changes and also created a procedure to accompany each policy.  The Council did a final review of the four documents and made some small changes.  Kristi will email the final documents to Wade next week for the President’s Cabinet to review.


New Business

Jerry Hempt from Sustainable Twin Ports met with the Administrative Council and helped the Council “pitch” the Early Adopters Project as a campus supported initiative.  Deanne, Theresa, and Kristi also attended along with Wade.  Overall, we think the meeting went very well and we had some very positive feedback from Admin.  The EC has been tasked with suggesting 5 team members for the training and forwarding those suggestions to the President’s Cabinet next week.  Part of the STP-EAP application includes noting these team members.  Kristi started the application and the Council took some time to make changes.  Kristi will finish it up next week and forward it to Wade next week along with the Council’s suggestions for team members.  After some discussion, the Council thought it would be most beneficial to have Kristi (Sustainability Coordinator), Bruce Wallis (Director Food Service), Hanna Erpestad or Jenni Swanson (Dean Liberal Arts and Science or Business and Industry), Al Finlayson (VP Finance and Admin), and Steve Fudally (Director IT and Web Services).


Kristi met with the AQIP team last Friday about our proposal to make the STP-EAP an AQIP Action project.  The team was very excited about the opportunity and informed Kristi on Monday that it was approved as an Action Project.  The next step is to complete the “AQIP Action Project Commitment Form”.  Kristi has started the form.  Kristi and Deanne will work on this wrapping it up next week then take it Kent over break for feedback.


LSC’s ACUPCC bi-annual Report is due January 13th.  Kristi hasn’t started it yet but hopes to begin pulling the data and information during break.  We may need to ask for an extension.


Ongoing Business

Deanne would like to invite Heather and any Student Senate/Student Life members to our January meeting to begin discussions for Earth Day, which is on Monday, April 22nd.  We’ll also work on budget planning at January’s meeting.


Old Business



FY13 Budget: $10,000


Expenses since last meeting: none

System Hold ($1000)


Balance as of 11/9/2012: $7,628


Next meeting

January 18th, 2012, Student life Conference Room at 8:30


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz

Posted in: Minutes

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Meeting Minutes 11/30/2012


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Theresa Hornstein, Wade Gordon, Mike Francisco

General Members present:  Glenn Merrick, Dick Haney

Guest Present:




Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Purchasing Policy update: Wade, Mike and Kristi met again to review the 2nd draft of Environmental Responsible Purchasing Policy and Efficient Use Policy.  At today’s meeting, members present reviewed the documents and made final suggestions.  Kristi, Wade, and Mike will meet with Kathy Dugdale on Friday, then the Policies will be submitted for campus review.

New Business

North Shore Community School glossy paper partnership update:  After discussion with Roger and Heather, it was decided that this will not be an option for LSC, as Student Life would like to reserve that fundraiser for groups on campus.  The fundraiser is currently well utilized.  Kristi contacted Dan at NSCS.

Sustainable Twin Ports Deanne contacted Larry Hempd, and he’s agreed to attend the Administrative Council’s meeting next Wednesday at 8:00 am where we will formally propose the Early Adopter’s Plan.  Wade will be there, and Kristi, Theresa and Deanne will also be there to represent the EC.


Ongoing Business

Deanne would like to invite Heather and any Student Senate/Student Life members to our January meeting to begin discussions for Earth Day, which is on Monday, April 22nd.


Old Business



FY13 Budget: $10,000


Expenses since last meeting: none

System Hold ($1000)


Balance as of 11/9/2012: $7,628


Next meeting

December 14th, 2012, Student life Conference Room at 8:30


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