Archive for Minutes

Sustainability Council Meeting Minutes 11/2/2018

October 5th, 2018

9:00 – 9:30

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Mike, Theresa, Deanne, Mary, Dave, Grant, Nate, Cliff, Mark, Wade, Randel Hansen, Mike Mageau, Glenn, Kristi

General Members present:  Mike Seymour




Kristi shared the System Energy & Sustainability Newsletter via email

Kristi suggested we seek a representative from the Allied Health and Nursing division for the Council.  All current members can recruit and invite new members.


New Business

Welcome Mike Mageau and Randy Hansen, faculty developing and teaching the new Eco Entrepreneurialism program at LSC.  Randy, Mike, Mike, and Glenn offered program details with an anticipated fall 2019 launch.  Mike Seymour joined today’s meeting to share an update on the campus housing project and provide details as they relate to the new program infrastructure.  The final city approval for site agreement will be December 3rd.


Mike Seymour is requesting assistance/guidance from the Sustainability Council on marketing the vision of healthy living at LSC.  This theme will tie the interdisciplinary nature of the new Eco Ent program as well as collaborative spirit of the new housing project.  As the Sustainability Council updates the LSC sustainability webpages and aligns goals with those of the State of MN and the Minnesota State C&U System, we will work on this messaging.


AASHE annual membership dues were due October 31st.  Mike F. motioned to pay the annual $280 dues, Theresa seconded.  Motion passed unopposed.


The Council viewed the State of MN Enterprise Sustainability 2017 Report (found on the MN Office of Enterprise Sustainability webpage) and Minnesota State C&U’s proposed changes to its Commitment to Sustainability Policy (5.17) policies/goals on sustainability ahead of the meeting.  Kristi provided feedback on the drafts earlier this summer.  The Minnesota State policies will be sent to the Board of Trustees (BOT) in the spring for final review.  The Council agreed we would align our own goals with those of Minnesota State.  Wade suggested the Council draft a request to adopt the goals to the President for official consideration and approval.  Kristi requested that while members are browsing the web, members consider appealing ways to present data on our webpages, and send interesting examples to Kristi.


Specific notes discussed related to the sustainability goals/targets:

  • Greenhouse Gas: it appears reporting on Carbon Emission will be limited to Scope 2 (energy), ie data that can be gleaned from B3 data input. The Council considered the value of the comprehensive GHG inventories that we completed in 2009 and 2011.  The Council agreed there may be value for the students performing the inventory, but getting the data might be too time intensive for staff, particularly in the Business Office.  Kristi shared that use of the newest carbon calculator, SIMAP (a campus carbon calculator, formerly CarbonMAP, formerly Clean Air-Cool Planet) offers a 2-month free subscription, and annual subscription for $350.  No formal decisions were made on collecting comprehensive GHG data, but Kristi will work with student employees and interested faculty if they want to use the tool as a teaching resource.  The Council may consider the annual membership at the December meeting.
  • Water: Mike M. shared that the Eco Ent program will be incorporating rain harvesting for their program – great news!
  • Solid waste: much discussion on this goal.  First, we need to capture a baseline on our waste production.  This will be a student employee project, building on past projects.  Kristi shared that the State of MN is removing desk-side waste receptacles, relying on centrally located sorting areas.  The Council has discussed this option many times before.  Wade suggested the recommendation to adopt that practice be sent to Al and/or Pat for consideration.  Kristi noted she would like to be part of or lead the discussion with the maintenance crew if this new process is approved.  Also, viewing the Green Office survey results, many employees are willing to put their waste in a central spot, and many are interested in reusable (towel) options for their kitchenette areas.  With individual waste/recycling baskets removed, perhaps laundering towels could be done by maintenance.  Kristi noted we should do our baseline waste audit before implementing change.  Nate noted Lynn is doing this in the Student Services area already, and laundering items herself, because she’s the best. Based on a small waste sort done by Theresa and Deanne’s Environmental Science class, we know paper towels are a huge (majority) part of our landfilled waste stream by weight.  Perhaps some can be composted on site with the new program, and ideas were shared for bathroom paper towel use.  Mary and Glenn also requested more absorbent options specifically for the science labs.  Mark shared that the more absorbent tri-fold paper towels cost almost 3 times more than our current paper towels.
  • Procurement: Minnesota State is not setting specific targets for purchasing, but does have targets for pollution prevention as it relates to acquisitions. Kristi will request the list of Minnesota State Department of Admin’s Sustainable State Contracts and Cooperative Purchasing be placed on the Employee Portal-Business Services page.  Kristi will also work with the Business Office on additional training for purchasers related to the identification of “green” purchases in the Marketplace system.
  • Energy: We will continue to input monthly energy and water data to B3. Kristi has updated the LSC profile to include the Minnesota State goals for CO2 emissions and energy use so they can be used for tracking and visualization.

Anticipating approval of these policies by the BOT, Deanne suggested that per the Procedure’s “General Responsibility” of campuses to “…appoint a representative(s) for all energy and sustainability issues and shall maintain records regarding carbon emissions, energy and water conservation and efficiency, and waste.  The representative shall also monitor and communicate programs, initiatives and curriculum addressing sustainability, including (bot not limited to) sustainable food policies, conservation and protection of the natural environment, and pollution prevention efforts…” , these new requirements call for a clearly defined Sustainability Coordinator position.  These responsibilities should be reflected in a staff’s position with adequate time allotted for all of these responsibilities, and the position should also be reflected in the campus’ org chart.  Wade suggested the Sustainability Council draft a letter to President Johns outlining this request.


Old Business

Kristi offered a presentation and discussion at this year’s Excellence in Teaching Festival, titled “Threading Sustainability Across Curriculum”; thanks, Jenna, for initiating this!

Zero Waste products have been difficult to acquire in the LSC store, due to high initial cost.  Kristi will work with Wade and Mike to devise a process similar to that used in the copy center for supplies.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Update from Student Employees

  • No opposition was raised to putting a geocache on campus. Grant will look into this.



FY 18 original budget: $8,450

Encumbrances to date:

  • Prairie Restorations (tansy treatment): $300
  • Menards: $200
  • ShelDon: $140.52
  • 4 Seasons Outdoor Svcs: $ 193.99


Next Meetings

Regular monthly meeting: Friday, November 30th, 9:00 am, S2920 (Large Admin)

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 11/2/2018.  Posted to LSC Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.

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Sustainability Council meeting minutes 10/5/2018

9:00 – 9:30

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Dave, Theresa, Jenna, Mike, Eric, Kristi, Mark, Grant, Dave, Brandon

General Members present:



1 student employee position for the Sustainability Council has been posted, as Nicole had some scheduling conflicts.  Interested students should contact Kristi.

Jenna is looking for presenter(s) on sustainability in curriculum for the College in the Schools Day of the Excellence in Teaching Festival on October 24th, both a break-out and keynote during lunch.


Old Business

Campus housing follow-up thoughts (tabled to Nov. meeting)


New Business

Maintenance on the existing trail head entrance (west end) to the creek was completed with new limestone and stormwater flow diversion.  Thanks to Glenn, Dave, and Grant for helping with that effort.


Kristi purchased a new trailhead sign with an updated campus map from ShelDon.  With Grant’s help, we were able to avoid renting a dingo to drill the holes for the Interpretive Trail sign frame at its new location, just across the main driveway from the E parking lot exit.  Brian Bich has been strategizing the move.  The Council planned an Interpretive Trailhead sign moving party following the meeting, so the meeting agenda was brief.


Ahead of a new LSC presidential search, Kristi suggests the Sustainability Council work to update the LSC Sustainability webpages and landscape plan.  Kristi asked for feedback on the most efficient way to accomplish this.  The Council agreed word docs should be sent around for individual edits.  Kristi will take a first run at the edits and send around for feedback.  Edits should be completed by November meeting.


Dave shared that he is continuing to work with Greg on potential mountain bike trail development in and/or near campus.  He will continue to update the Council as discussions progress.


Kristi shared that work done by our GreenCorps revealed some potential student-driven projects, specifically related to the employee Green Office Program that Chris championed.  Kristi asked for feedback on the survey, and will send that spreadsheet for review and prioritization of student-led projects.  This review should be completed by our November meeting.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Update from Student Employees (tabled for Nov. meeting)



FY 18 original budget: $8,450

Encumbrances to date:

  • Prairie Restorations (tansy treatment): $300
  • Menards: $200
  • ShelDon: $140.52
  • 4 Seasons Outdoor Svcs: $ 193.99



Next Meetings

Regular monthly meeting: November 2nd, 9:00 am, S2920 (Large Admin)

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 10/9/2018.  Posted to LSC Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.

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Sustainability Council meeting minutes 9/7/2018

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Deanne, Al, Wade, Mary, Dave, Nate, Theresa, Jenna, Mike, Eric, Glenn, Kristi

General Members present:



Woody Plants Field Workshop & Removal (Duluth CISMA) Oct 3rd, 3:30-5:30, Casket Quarry Park

New student employees for the Sustainability Council have been hired.  Grant and Nicole will tag team trails and garden work this summer/fall and the Council will prioritize student projects at our October meeting.

LSC’s Integrated Mfg assists in Imagine Canal Park in Sept, kick off event is tonight.

Harvest Fest is Saturday (9/8) in Bayfront Park

The Duluth People’s Climate March is Saturday (9/8) starting at 10:00 at the AICHO

Monthly Twin Ports Climate Conversations, October’s meeting will be at Perch lake for wild ricing demo and discussion, contact Deanne or Kristi for more information.

Soles to the Poles– Nonpartisan get out the vote festival is October 13th, 1:00-5:00 pm at Denfeld HS, contact Deanne for more info

LSC hosts the Izaak Walton League monthly meetings and programs.  Next meeting is Wed October 3rd with a focus on understanding treaty rights.  Contact Glenn for more information.


New Business

Our FY19 budget was set, as last year, at $8,450.


Glenn shared fall plans to reprint the Interpretive Trail-head sign to include an updated campus map and proposed new trailhead.  Rental of a dingo/auger is needed for sign holes.  The Council discussed the proposed trailhead and sign location and ideas to make the ditch more traversable.  Al favors a permanent culvert.  Kristi shared the updated map that Jean modified for our hand-maps and trailhead sign.  Mary suggested adding a QR code or link to the trailhead map so people don’t have to take a paper hand map.  Supply needs for the trail include limestone and supplies to repair and stabilize the old trail entrance.  Dave motioned the Council use its budget to fund these projects, Theresa seconded.  Unopposed.


The Council reviewed its membership roster on the Campus Committees page.  Kristi will request updates.


Kristi hosted a “Hosting a Zero Waste Event” meeting for most campus event planners/purchasers this summer.  Student Life hosted their first nearly zero waste pizza party event during welcome week, and it was a great success.  Kristi was able to easily place bins, provide education for students, and assist with clean up.  In the future, this will become a student employee task.

Connie is still on board for purchasing these items, if departments are willing to purchase from the LSC Store.  Wade noted it would be great to get to a place where zero waste was part of normal event planning, and planners would have to opt-out if they intended to purchase items not listed as compostable.  A great goal!


Summer Grounds Projects

  • Pollinator garden-Kristi shared photos of the pollinator garden planting and progress. The Council briefly discussed winter management (ie keeping salt, snow, and sand off the plants).  Kristi plans to put reflective stakes around the garden and will continue to work/communicate with maintence.  The Council will continue to work on a design for the black plastic area over winter.
  • Tansy town-Glenn and Kristi shared our experience on the H-building hillside. Kristi shared that Prairie Restorations had done the first application of Escort in late spring, and we plan to do the same next spring.  Glenn noted the project is simply gigantic, and too big for us to manage on our own.  Following a second year of tansy treatment, the Council will continue to plan for a planting strategy.  Kristi suggested we continue to look for grant opportunities for the project.

The Council discussed preliminary thoughts about the new student housing project ahead of the September 14th meeting with architect Carly Coulson. Kristi and Deanne took notes; Kristi will summarize throughts and will circulate to the Council ahead of that next meeting.


Remaining new business agenda items were tabled for October meeting


Old Business



Work Group and Student Employee Reports




FY 18 original budget: $8,450

Encumbrances to date:

  • Prairie Restorations (tansy treatment): $300
  • Menards: $200


Next Meetings

Meeting with Carly Coulson: September 14th, 9:00 am, Large Admin Conf Room (S2920)

Regular monthly meeting: October 5th, 9:00 am

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 9/7/2018.  Posted to LSC Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.

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Meeting Minutes 5-1-2018

1:00 – 2:00

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Tim Leudke, Kristi Heintz, Marissa Berger, Mike Francisco, Deanne Roquet, Connie Moore, Nate Bronk, Theresa Hornstein, Glenn Merrick, Mark Cardinal

General Members present:

Guest Present: Chris Whaley



May 9th is National Bike to School Day. Duluth Bikes and Zeitgeist support a range of activities during the month of May.  Kristi suggested we mark the day with coffee, cookies and orange juice for morning active commuters (bus, bike, walkers).  Kristi will bring coffee and orange juice, Marissa and Deanne will each bring cookies.


New Business

The Council review the current FY18 budget and worked through potential final budget items.  After extensive discussion, the Council approve expenditures for the following:
Current balance: $2,441.18

  • Dan’s Feedbin (flowers, fertilizer) -$300
  • Menards (soil, supplies) increase -$300
  • Smart strips ($28 each x 6)
  • Campus countertop compost bins/bags ($29 each x 6)
  • Heated footrests ($45 each)
  • EnergyStar refrigerator for Art Bldg ($280)
  • Picnic table (quote obtained from Max-R, appx $950 with shipping)
  • Cordless saw/drill kit for trail work (up to $400), Mike will assist in finding an appropriate model
  • Interpretive Trail trailhead sign ($1500)
  • Training/travel?

Kristi will encumber funds and work through purchasing before June 30th.


Garden/Grounds planning:

  • Tree planting is cancelled (spread the word). We will have the area burned this spring and will continue to    but Kristi and Glenn are organizing some trail work this Thursday at about 10:30.  Mike will bring a saw from home to use for this effort.  Glenn will have some students helping with the effort.
  • Glenn and Kristi would like to move the trail head sign. Mark and Mike had some great suggestions; we’ll work through this project soon.
  • We have at least 1 faculty and student interested in “adopting” raised beds in the vegetable garden. Tim Larson has amended and “tamed” the hugel bed and planted seeds.  Kristi and Danielle will discuss development of signs for the space.
  • The student employment position for groundskeeping and trails is still open. Send any interested students to Kristi.


Kristi and Chris are working on light switch stickers for Green Office.  The stickers are intended to remind people to turn off lights when the space isn’t occupied.


MAP #3 “Distinctions” Task Force: Leadership with a Sustainability focus will be put forward to the task force.  Kristi, Glenn, and Deanne will continue to develop this Distinction/focus.


The Boreal Natives contract is set for the spring burn. Meeting addendum: the burn will happen Wednesday, May 2nd.  Kristi will alert admin and involved maintenance.


Old Business

Earth Day review (adjourned before discussion occurred)


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

(adjourned before discussion occurred)


FY 18 budget balance: $2,441.18

Encumbrances to date:

  • Earth Day supplies, compost bags and cookies: -271
  • Shoreview Natives: -3,000
  • Prairie Restorations: -1,050
  • Amazon (smart strips): -275
  • Amazon (pruners, compost bags for campus): -87.67
  • RSPT annual membership: -330
  • Menards: -300
    • Atrium soil, potting soil, landscape tools
  • Mileage reimbursement: MPCA site supervisor training: -160.50
  • Mileage B3 luncheon: -167.99
  • B3 luncheon registration: -27.37
  • AASHE annual membership: -280
  • Print/postage: -36.47


Next Meeting


Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 5/2/2018.  Posted to LSC Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.

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Meeting Minutes 4/6/2018

9:00 – 10:00

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Tim Leudke, Kristi Heintz, Marissa Berger, Danielle Wood, Mike Francisco, Connie Moore, Nate Bronk, General Members present:

Guest Present: Chris Whaley




New Business

Kristi shared the final results of our 6-month Trex recycling challenge.  Our final total weight of collected material was 503 pounds, surpassing our goal by a whopping 3 pounds!  In recognition of fulfilling the goal, Trex will be shipping free a bench to us, a $529 value!  The Council can discuss best placement of the bench when the weather turns spring.


Going forward, Kristi has reached out to A1, who is now providing plastics pick-up service in the Twin Ports area.  To our knowledge, this is the only plastics hauler in town.  They charge $25 per pick up.  The Council agreed we might use them for a year at one pick-up per month.  Because a contarct for service will be necessary, Kristi suggested we wait to establish this agreement until July 1st.  Further discussion can happen at that time.


Kristi updated the Council on our landscape prep.  The contract with Shoreview Natives has been established.  Kristi also requested further information from Dan regarding pollinator friendly certification and signage.  Dan offered some options:

From Dan Schutte: “Certifying a pollinator site is a cinch. There are a couple of options:

  • Certified Monarch Waystation – The Monarch Watch program sponsors this out of Kansas University. Good program to support, pretty popular to certify with them.
  • National Wildlife Federation Habitat Certification – NWF has a habitat certification program that this installation would qualify for.
  • Xerces Society– Xerces is an international invertebrate conservation NGO, kind of nice to promote them, and the sign is very descriptive of what the site accomplishes.
  • Wild Ones Butterfly Garden – Wild Ones has a robust chapter in the Arrowhead. They have a nice looking sign.  All of these are $20-30 to certify

The May meeting will look closer at these options, and a potential local Wild Ones’ Affiliate Not-for-Profit Org member benefit.


MAP #3 “Distinctions” Task Force: Leadership in Sustainability focus from existing courses (tabled until May meeting when additional information is available)


Kristi shared that the MREA PV Development for Institutions Course wrapped up two weeks ago.  Kristi posted a blog update and linked to MREA’s press release earlier this week, and also shared it on our Sustainability facebook page.  Kristi requested marketing assistance to share the course participation widely, Janet reached out to the DNT, no further updates at this time.


Tangentially, Marissa noted Al’s mention of support for PV deployment.  Armed with our new knowledge, Kristi is optimistic there will be some momentum going forward.  There has been further discussion on PV installation in curriculum which would necessitate a panel or array for teaching.  Kristi will continue to update the Council as it all unfolds.


Kristi shared the Earth Day poster and agenda.  The Council discussed a couple of remaining details:

  • Connie shared that Superior Small Batch and Upper Lakes Foods will be donating our samples. We still need to secure help for sample prep.  Kristi and Connie will work with Heather on this.
  • Barb from the TLC suggested a clothing shop. Kristi will send an all campus email to prompt employees to drop clean and gently used clothing in the Learning Center for student shopping on Earth Day.
  • Tim cleared up some remaining presentation/audio questions. Kristi will work with Carly on making sure those options are set.


Tree planting planning is moving along for May 3rd and 4th.  Kristi made a facebook event, and she will ask marketing to share it on the LSC page.  Kristi will also send another email reminder to all employees.  The Council suggested adding it to all employee’s calendars too.  ERTC is unable to do a grass burn before that date, so we will work to weed whip the hillside in the weeks leading up to the planting.  Kristi received 40 bags from Duluth Coffee Company to use as weed barrier, and is looking at other options including grain sacks from breweries.  We’ll need about 250 bags total.


The Boreal Natives contract is set for the spring burn.


Summer groundskeeping and trails manger student employee needed.  The position is posted on the LSC student employment page.


Old Business


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

GreenCorps project(s) update:

  • Chris and Tim gave an update on the smart strips.  Most agree the current sensing strips do not work for work stations, but the Belkin button/timer strips work well.  Tim shared some additional IT projects that are in the works.
  • Chris gave an update on an appliance replacement survey he’s been working on.  He’s identified a refrigerator in the Art building that could be replaced, although it gets very little use.  Connie also has a need for a new cooler.  If energy efficient options exist, the Council may consider chipping in, especially if the cost slightly exceeds a less efficient model.  Connie will keep the Council informed as they look at their options.



FY 18 budget balance: $2,796.65

Encumbrances to date:

  • Earth Day supplies and cookies: -271
  • Shoreview Natives: -3,000
  • Prairie Restorations: -700
  • Amazon (smart strips): -275
  • Amazon (pruners, compost bags for campus): -87.67
  • RSPT annual membership: -330
  • Menards: -300
    • Atrium soil, potting soil, landscape tools
  • Mileage reimbursement: MPCA site supervisor training: -160.50
  • Mileage B3 luncheon: -167.99
  • B3 luncheon registration: -27.37
  • AASHE annual membership: -280
  • Print/postage: -36.47


Review/revise FY18 potential budget items

  • Smart strips
  • Energy-related requests/ideas?
  • Bottle filling station for Atrium?
  • Picnic table under H catwalk, or Student Life area?
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk: pamphlet holder, plastic bag bin
  • workshops?

Connie motioned to adjourn, Tim seconded.

Next Meeting

Friday, May 4th, 9:00

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 4/6/2018.  Posted to LSC Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.

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Meeting Minutes 3/2/2018

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Deanne Roquet, Tim Leudke, Kristi Heintz, Marissa Berger, Danielle Wood, Mike Francisco, Connie Moore, Nate Bronk, Theresa Hornstein, Heather Grillo

General Members present:

Guest Present: Chris Whaley



The Twin Ports-Campus Sustainability Network (TP-CSN) is hosting a collaborative student gathering: S’Mores and Sustainability Social @ Bagley today from 2:00-4:00.  Kristi has shared the meeting via ours and LSC’s facebook page and Chris hung posters.

Weed Em Out: Invasives Workshop an invasive plants early detection workshop– March 27th, 9am-3:00, EPA

Duluth CISMA Stewardship Network – introductory conversation for local colleges and universities (March 7th from 11:00-noon and 14th from 10:00-11) at the City of Duluth.  Glenn and Kristi are tag-teaming this effort.


New Business

Theresa provided her insight on last week’s discussion with Dan Schutte from Shorview Natives regarding our S-building landscape discussion.  Theresa’s remarks were very positive and supportive of Dan’s vision and plan for the area.  Danielle also attended the discussion and agreed with Theresa’s sentiment.  Kristi shared the Shoreview project area on the map, noting this planting would replace the 2 main areas in front of the S-building that are now “wildflower” and where manual weeding has become almost impossible over the last 2 growing seasons.  Kristi received a work estimate  and shared that Dan suggested we split our transition of the area into 2 seasons, and also noted the cost of project install could be reduced by $700 if we can muster volunteer labor for planting in late spring/summer.  Based on the estimate (for half of our overall designated transition space), Deanne motioned we move ahead with the plan (based on Dan’s estimate of about $2,900) and work to get volunteers involved in planting.  Connie second the motion, all favored.


Kristi gave an update on this year’s LSC Earth Day (April 19th) presentation with Shawna Weaver from Ethical Choices Program.  Kristi and Jenna worked out a theme: “Food for Thought: The ecological and ethical impact of your everyday decisions”.

  • Deanne, Danielle, Kristi and Connie have been working on some food options. Deanne brought an Evol burrito to sample, and noted we need to be careful to offer ecologically healthy food options.  Kristi thought perhaps this could mean offering only vegetarian food options and asking student to provide feedback on what they’d like to see in the Café.  Connie liked this idea, as they are working to increase offerings in the fall, and this could help inform that decision.  Kristi will work with the Upper Lakes Rep and find some meat-free options (frozen burritos, hummus…).  Student Life (per Heather) is willing to pay for snacks, sides for the burrito, tortilla chips, popcorn, trail mix and cuties.   The Café (per Connie) will donate lemonade and water, the Council will provide compostable cups.  The Council agreed if Upper Lakes did not want to donate samples, the Council would cover up to $500 of main food and eatware.  Mike motioned on the amount, Theresa seconded, motion passed without disagreement.
  • Heather suggested we create a separate poster for campus clean-up if we want it to get more attention. The Council discussed “incentive” and Heather noted we could maybe offer prizes for best clean-up effort.  Heather has all of the supplies, Mike and Tim agreed to help direct the clean-up efforts on the 19th.


Garden/Grounds planning

  • The south hillside tree sapling planting is scheduled for May 4th. Mike suggested we offer a couple of days, perhaps the 3rd as well.  There will also be opportunity to help with site prep.  Kristi asked ERTC if they’d be willing to try to burn the site before May 4th; she hasn’t received a response from Joe Tribby.  Kristi asked if we might use coffee sacks to surround the saplings after planting, Nate will check with Duluth Coffee Company to see if they might donate used burlap sacks.
  • Theresa and Kristi shared a new Garden Club/Sustainability Council partnership they have been discussing. Noting the oscillating student interest in summer garden maintenance, Kristi wondered if an employee/student mentorship might be a way to keep interest and accountability going.  Danielle did a lot of work in the fall to clear the overgrowth inside the garden area.  The Council agreed it’s worth a try.  Kristi will put together a blog post and share via the Newsplash and offer 3 raised beds on a first request basis.  Tim Larson and a student have shown interest in the hugal bed area, so they may take that area on this season.
  • Boreal Natives provided an estimate for site maintenance (and prescribed burn). $700 would cover the 3 areas that have been seeded since 2014.  The map below was provided by Boreal, and Kristi will work with them to correct the misrepresented area along the southern-most roadway.  Kristi asked ERTC if they might be able to burn these areas this fall, she has not received a response from Joe.  Noting this, Mike motioned we go ahead with the prescribed maintence per Borea’s quote and Kristi’s changes, Nate seconded, unopposed.


We are hiring a summer groundskeeping and trails manger student employee, as Danielle’s availability may be limited.  The position is posted on the LSC employment page.


Old Business

Nate gave an update on the LSC to Piedmont bikeways discussion we had with James Gittemeier from Met Interstate Council.  Brain Bich, Dave Israel, Jeremy Roseth, Joshua Tesch, Nate, Chris, and Kristi all attended this meeting.  James was very appreciative of our input and will get back in touch with us after he’s had a chance to review the suggestions we had.  Brian and Dave both offered to give James a tour of those prospective connections any time.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

GreenCorps project(s) update:

  • Chris gave an update on the three types of power strips we purchased.  Tim has also been using a few and will expand the “test” scenario next week.  Kristi has been using the Belkin brand strip with a timer and desktop button, and this one seems the most appropriate for workspaces.  Anyone that has completed the Green Office survey can request a strip to use from Chris and offer their feedback.  We’ll share all of the information we gather with IT.
  • Chris again request that each Council member to urge their department to participate in the Green Office Challenge if they haven’t already.



FY 18 budget balance: $6,771.00

Encumbrances to date:

  • Amazon (smart strips): $275
  • Amazon (pruners, compost bags for campus): $87.67
  • RSPT annual membership: $330
  • Menards: -300
    • Atrium soil, potting soil, landscape tools
  • Mileage reimbursement: MPCA site supervisor training: -160.50
  • Mileage B3 luncheon: -167.99
  • B3 luncheon registration: -27.37
  • AASHE annual membership: -280
  • Print/postage: -36.47


Review/revise FY18 potential budget items

  • Smart strips
  • Energy-related requests/ideas?
  • Bottle filling station for Atrium?
  • Picnic table under H catwalk, or Student Life area?
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk: pamphlet holder, plastic bag bin
  • workshops?


Next Meeting

Friday, April 6th, 9:00

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 3/5/2018.  Posted to LSC Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.

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Meeting Minutes 2/2/2018

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Tim Leudke, Kristi Heintz, Marissa Berger, Danielle Wood, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein, Eric Brandt, Deanne Roquet, Nate Bronk, Glenn Merrick, Jenna Trenberth

General Members present:

Guest Present: Chris Whaley



Introductions and welcoming of potential new members, Tim and Jenna!


LSC to Piedmont bikeways discussion with James Gittemeier (Met Interstate Council) will happen Tues Feb 6th, from 10:30-11:30 in S2920.  Anyone interested is welcome to join.


The Twin Ports-Campus Sustainability Network (TP-CSN) is hosting a collaborative student gathering: S’Mores and Sustainability Social @ Bagley on Mar 2 from 2:00-4:00.  This is the Friday just before spring break, so no idea how many students might be interested.  Eric suggested we maybe offer an on-campus rendezvous point prior, and everyone is on their own for transport.


New Business

Kristi gave an update on the first week of the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) PV Development for Institutions Course.  Each week’s module includes an assignment.  Kristi asked if the Sustainability Council would like to provide feedback on those assignments.  Some were interested, so Kristi will share the working OneDrive folder with the Council and request feedback each Wednesday before assignments are submitted.  Glenn asked what the goal of this course was.  Kristi offered that it’s an opportunity for us to be guided through content that will help us weigh a number of options for solar deployment and hopefully quantify some of the educational benefits an installation would bring.  Our NREL assessment showed a 19 kW array would be marginally cost effective, and would supply 1% of our load.


Kristi gave an update on this year’s LSC Earth Day (April 19th) presentation with Shawna Weaver from Ethical Choices Program.  Shawna is available and would like to run 2 45-minute presentations, and the Council thought an 11 and noon session would work well.  The first session focus on food, the second on conventional farming.  The group agreed we should offer some healthy and ethical food options, Kristi will ask Shawna if she has any ideas, perhaps we can collaborate with the Café?  Deanne will ask Connie if she has any ideas.  Danielle suggested maybe the Co-op can do some healthy eating demos.  Kristi will ask Heather/Roxanne if they want to incorporate that too. Jenna mentioned Open House is the following day, and it would be great to put more focus on campus clean-up for our event on the 19th.  Maybe we can ask if Student Life would provide financial incentive to clubs to help with this effort.  Glenn suggested we invite the Ikes to table, Deanne suggested we invite Julie from DNR to maybe represent the Twin Ports Climate Coalition.  Kristi will send tale invites in a couple of weeks.  If anyone has a snappy theme idea, message Kristi.


The annual Regional Stormwater Protection Team (RSPT) dues are now due.  The dues were increased this year from $300 to $330.  The group discussed the value of our membership.  Glenn motioned to pay the dues, Deanne seconded, notion carried unopposed.


Kristi shared the Climate Committee’s request for outdoor gathering spaces.  Related, Glenn wants to plant 1,000 trees on the H-building hillside this spring.  This will require a pretty immense amount of prep and planting work.  Ideally, tree sapling planting will occur on May 4th to involve students.  Trees have been ordered from the DNR.  Perhaps we can use Earth Day to drum up interest in helping with the planting?


Kristi also asked if anyone had ideas for the front wildflower area, as the weed population has grown in recent years, almost making it unmanageable with our current manual and herbicide-free practice.  Tim and Danielle suggested reaching out to some local contractors for advice and get an idea of what it might cost to take on a project like this.  Danielle suggested more perennials like milkweed.  Kristi will hold off on our usual seed order until more planning happens.


Old Business

The Climate Leadership Network official withdrawal letter has been sent; no feedback from the CLN thus far.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

GreenCorps project(s) update:

  • Chris gave an update on his energy use analysis (employee work stations and kitchenette appliance, both normal use and phantom load) and offered some suggestions for new smart strips.  Tim noted that IT would like to test run one of each to make sure they are work for their needs.  Deanne suggested we buy 3 of each kind, Mike seconded.
  • Chris noted 4 office have completed the Green Office Challenge, and we’ve received some great feedback and offered some pretty easy change suggestions.  Kristi asked each Council member to urge their department to participate if they haven’t already.

Danielle reported the grounds are still frozen.



FY 18 total budget: $7,399.26

Encumbrances to date:

  • Menards: -300
    • Atrium soil, potting soil, landscape tools
  • Mileage reimbursement: MPCA site supervisor training: -160.50
  • Mileage B3 luncheon: -167.99
  • B3 luncheon registration: -27.37
  • AASHE annual membership: -280
  • Print/postage: -18.04


Review/revise FY17potential budget items

  • Trees for H-hillside (Glenn)
  • Energy-related requests (smart strips?)
  • Picnic table under H catwalk, or Student Life area?
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk: pamphlet holder, plastic bag bin
  • workshops?


Meeting adjourned 10:45

Next Meeting

Friday, March 2nd, 9:00

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 2/2/2018.  Posted to LSC

Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.

Posted in: Minutes

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Meeting Minutes 1/12/2018

9:00 – 10:45

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Kristi Heintz, Marissa Berger, Danielle Wood, Mike Francisco, Eric Brandt, Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Dave Israel, Eric Brandt, Wade Gordon

General Members present:

Guest Present: Chris Whaley




New Business

Following December’s meeting and conversation with Al, Kristi drafted an official withdrawal notice for the Climate Leadership Network/ACUPCC, on behalf of President Johns.  The Council took time during the meeting to review the draft and edit for content and typos.  The Council agreed the letter adequately represented the group and campus’ position on membership.  Kristi will send the draft to Debbie/Pat for his consideration and ask him to forward to the Climate Leadership Network.


This summer, Janet Blixt asked Kristi to update the review the LSC Wikipedia page to include additional information regarding our more recent sustainability efforts.  Kristi has edited and asked for Sustainability Council review.  All agreed it was an accurate representation, and like that it links to our campus’s sustainability webpage, but felt it needed a brief reference to our MS4/stormwater efforts and local affiliation.  There may even be an appropriate place to put this info in the “facilities” section of the Wikipedia page.


While updating the Wikipedia page, Kristi thought it might be a good time to revisit the LSC Sustainability mission statement.  The Council will maybe take this on another time.


Kristi sat in on a webinar for the Green Ribbon Schools award.  This is an annual application/award program for both higher education and K-12 institutions.  Each state accepts and scores applicants and forwards their top candidates to the U.S. Department of Education for national pool review.  Kristi asked the Council if anyone if this is something we should pursue.  All agreed it might be good if anyone has time.  Perhaps we would seek support from our PR department.  LSC has never applied for this award. Pre-application (a simple “intent to apply” is due Feb 1 and the full application is due Mar 7.  Kristi will work through this if time allows.


Emily Ziring from the Minnesota State System Office shared that the “APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities” is seeking campus sustainability case studies for their annual publication.  Kristi thought it might be cool to share a story about our collaborative project with WLSSD’s community compost drop site.  The Council agreed it would be nice to submit, time allowing. The application deadline is only a couple of weeks away.


Kristi was excited to share details of the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) PV Development for Institutions Course she applied for and was accepted to participate in.  The course will run from January 29 – March 25.  The intent of the course is to lead a team of 5 members within an institution through all the steps of planning and deploying PV on a campus.  There are a number of “teams” participating in the course.  Modules are completed weekly, for 8-weeks, at our own pace but we have an opportunity to attend weekly webinars with PV industry professionals and ask questions.  The LSC includes Kristi (team lead), Al Finlayson, Wade Gordon, Jon Lintula, Steve Oberstar and Alan Ahlberg.  Right now, some team members are participating in the PV 101 optional “pre-req” course.  Kristi will provide monthly updates to the Council as the course proceeds.  Related, Wade reported PV course work (certificate or other track) development is being discussed amongst deans and Workforce Development.


Related to our PV course Kristi asked Emily Ziring for additional guidance on Minnesota State’s position on solar PV deployment and also asked for a list of campuses that have deployed PV to date.  Most campuses have installed systems <10kW, and may have been program or education driven, as opposed to primarily driven to generate/save campus electricity.  Emily will be providing campus guidance via PowerPoint, sometime in February.  Great timing.


Kristi shared that we are about half-way through our Trex soft plastics recycling drive and about 50% to our goal.  At the December meeting, Danielle through a “plastic bag drive” might be a good idea to get a final push on plastics collection and also promote more recycling.  It’s a great idea, and Kristi thought we might tie it to our March 22nd annual recognition of World Water Day.  We can maybe showcase the project in March and use the day as a celebration and outreach effort.  Danielle and Kristi will work on that project.  Anyone else can join in planning if they’d like to.


The Council decided our Earth Day could be celebrated on April 19th.  Last week, the Biology Department faculty received an offer from Shawna Mullen about her willingness to present to classes on the Ethical Choices Program.   Many of the Program’s themes focus on food and healthy decision-making, and there are 4 pre-designed interactive talks to choose from.  The Council reviewed the programs, narrowed it down to their two favorites, and would like to hear Shawna’s opinion of the most appropriate message for the audience.  Shawna also teaches at St. Scholastica, so would have a very good idea of demographic messaging.  Kristi will follow up with Shawna and ask if she is available, and go from there.  The Council will also invite Heather to the February Council meeting to continue Earth Day planning.

Kristi and Chris will do another energy walk-though over break, replicating results from 2009 and 2011, to quantify costs (energy and dollar) of small appliances and heaters.  This information will be useful in out Green Office roll-out.


Old Business

Kristi has heard feedback from maintenance and the nighttime supervisor, Craig, about their wanting some training for employees about proper recycling practice in offices.  In response, Kristi used the Duty Day gallery walk table to “Talk Trash” with faculty and staff.  Kristi also invited Sarah Lehrol from WLSSD to promote the LSC Community Compost drop site and offer home composting tips and bins for those that wanted them.  People were very receptive to the information.
Chris also tabled and kicked off the Green Office Challenge. He provided ¼ page cards to interested employees, with Kristi’s Trash Talking/recycling info on the back.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

GreenCorps project(s) update:

  • Kristi and Chris had stickers and maps designed for the Green Office Challenge, and Chris kicked it off at the January 4th Duty Day. Kristi has a blog post available with the link to the google GO Challenge survey and information went out in the Newsplash this Monday.  Chris reported there have been 2 “teams” that have completed the survey and asked for additional resources. Win!
    • Marissa asked if there is a hard-copy version available for the survey, if anyone were to want to print and work through the survey over time with their team. Chris will look at this and maybe create .pdf that we can post on the blog.  Great idea.
  • Chris gave an update on his small appliance and technology audit. He is almost done and talked about some of the high level findings.  Largely, some computer settings or steps on how to most efficiently set personal laptops would be a nice resource that he could develop.  He’ll quantify more results on appliance use in the coming weeks.



FY 18 total budget: $7,399.26

Encumbrances to date:

  • Menards: -300
    • Atrium soil, potting soil, landscape tools
  • Mileage reimbursement: MPCA site supervisor training: -160.50
  • Mileage B3 luncheon: -167.99
  • B3 luncheon registration: -27.37
  • AASHE annual membership: -280
  • Print/postage: -18.04


Review/revise FY17potential budget items

  • Trees for H-hillside (Glenn)
  • Energy-related requests (smart strips?)
  • Picnic table under H catwalk, or Student Life area?
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk: pamphlet holder, plastic bag bin
  • workshops?


Meeting adjourned 10:45

Next Meeting

Friday, February 2nd, 9:00

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 1/16/2018.  Posted to LSC Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.

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Meeting Minutes 12/1/2017

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Kristi Heintz, Danielle Wood, Mike Francisco, Connie Moore, Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Dave Israel, Eric Brandt

General Members present:

Guest Present: Chris Whaley



The Twin Ports Campus Sustainability Network (TP-CSN) meeting 12/1 at 1:00 in the Student Life Conference Room.  Everyone is welcome to join!


New Business

Kristi outlined the history of LSC’s commitment to the ACUPCC (President’s Climate Commitment).  Three years ago, the Council decided to discontinue reporting citing other required reporting formats.  While still committed to our Sustainability Plan and the mission of the ACUPCC (Now Second Nature – Climate Leadership Network), Kristi reached out to the organization to find out if there was an option to reduce annual fees (then $750, last invoice was $900/year) and requirements.  The CLN now offers 3 “Presidents’ Climate Leadership Commitments” including: Climate Commitment, Carbon Commitment, and Resilience Commitment each with different reporting requirents.  The Resiliance track would be most appropriate for LSC, however, we aren’t yet sure if we find enough value in this membership for the fee.  After discussion, the Council agreed there may be value if the campus’ Marketing Department is willing to showcase it as such.  The Council suggested we bring this discussion to Administration for feedback.  Kristi will try to get a meeting with Admin during semester break.  If we decide to rescind our membership, a letter from President Johns is required, along with rational for withdrawing.


Kristi and Connie have worked to stock compostable products for department purchase in the LSC Store.  Since last meeting, Kristi talked with Student Life and Student Senate president to ask if they’d be interested in using these products for events, purchasing from the Store.  Both were very positive about the opportunity. Connie reported she has not yet purchased but will be soon and will send an update to all campus when the products are available.

Kristi also noted the compost bins are available, and maintenance will put them out when event organizers indicate they want them available (through EMS).  Kristi noted that any additional educational materials (signs, “trash talkers”, etc) should be the responsibility of the Sustainability Council and student employees.


The Council discussed some outdoor Minnesota Recycles receptacle-bottles.  There wasn’t huge support of placing these outside, however it was agreed some kind of recycling and trash should be available at every entrance.


Kristi shared the high points of the System-wide Sustainability Work Group web-meeting hosted by Emily Ziring from the System Office on Tuesday 11/28.  Kristi noted a 6-month Building Operator Training/Certification was mentioned as a really good option for building operators and energy efficiency gains.  Kristi passed that information and contact information to Mark.  Emily asked for feedback on the B3 Term Reports.  If anyone has ideas/suggestions, send to Kristi.


After several recycling complaints were communicated with Kristi from both students and employees, a detailed email including links to state recycling statutes and local ordinances were sent to Craig to convey to his staff.  A solution was found and the maintenance staff and Kristi talked about the discrepancy.

Kristi and Chris will do another energy walk-though over break, replicating results from 2009 and 2011, to quantify costs (energy and dollar) of small appliances and heaters.  This information will be useful in out Green Office roll-out.


Old Business


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

GreenCorps project(s) update

  • Chris gave a Green Office work group update. The small group met last week to go through the survey and talk through the timeline and roll-out details.  The group decided the January 4th Duty Day might be a good place to roll it out.  The group decided we would use a large map to define “teams” rather than letting people self-define.  Kristi will work on the logo design with Jean.
  • Chris updated the TP-CSN group on his EnergyMiser project at the November meeting. Jonna (from UMD) mentioned UMD has 5 new misers that they aren’t using and offered to give them to us.  Kristi picked them up; Chris will install them over semester break.


Kristi gave a 2-month update for our Trex recycling challenge.  110 pounds were counted this month, bringing us to a 165 pound total of our 500 pound goal.


Danielle didn’t have an update on grounds and garden maintenance aside from “frozen”, but Danielle will now be working with Chris to develop some infographics and other social media and blog graphics to go along with Chris’s outreach materials.



FY 18 total budget: $7,399.26

Encumbrances to date:

  • Menards: -300
    • Atrium soil, potting soil, landscape tools
  • Mileage reimbursement: MPCA site supervisor training: -160.50
  • Mileage B3 luncheon: -167.99
  • B3 luncheon registration: -27.37
  • AASHE annual membership: -280
  • Print/postage: -18.04


Review/revise FY17potential budget items

  • Bottle filling station for Atrium?
  • Picnic table under H catwalk, or Student Life area?
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk: pamphlet holder, plastic bag bin
  • workshops?


Meeting adjourned 10:30

Next Meeting

Friday, January 5th, 9:00

Posted in: Minutes

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Meeting Minutes 11/3/2017

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Theresa Hornstein, Kristi Heintz, Marissa Johnsen, Danielle Wood, Mike Francisco, Nathan Bronk, Connie Moore, Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Dave Israel, Wade Gordon

General Members present:

Guest Present: Chris Whaley



The American Indian Community Housing Organization (AICHO) is hosting a “Sustainable Practices: Solar, Worms, and Ojibwe Values” discussion/meeting tonight (Nov 3rd) from 5-7:00 pm at The Dr. Robert Powless Cultural Center at 202 W 2nd St in Duluth.


The Twin Ports Climate Coalition is hosting it’s November speaker on the 21st at the MPCA office in Canal Park.  This month’s topic is What climate action lessons can the Twin Ports learn from South Florida?  Networking at 11:30 and program at noon.  Bring your own lunch.


New Business

Kristi attended the B3 Awards Luncheon last week and accepted the award on behalf of the college.  This news has been shared with the campus, and Janet put together press release this week.  The award has been in Admin for the week, and will live permanently in the Sustainability Office for all to sniff (it’s made of cedar wood).


Kristi and Connie met this week to talk about the LSC Store’s ability to purchase compostable product kits for campus events, and departments can purchase from the Store.  They both feel this will be advantageous for the campus, as Connie can purchase in bulk for better pricing, less time will need to be spent across campus on product pricing and purchasing decisions, less time will be spent on PO encumbrance and record keeping, and hosting zero waste events will be simpler.  Kristi will work with Connie on product options.  Deanne suggested it might be good to offer a “brown bag” to roll out this Zero Waste Kit idea to the campus, inviting key purchasers to hear about the procedure and benefits.  This is also a listed goal in our Strategic/Master Work Plan.


Al shared that the METASYS upgrade will happen next week, and programming and training will happen when the upgrade is complete.  Kristi also noted the new roadway lights have now been retrofitted to LED fixtures with programmable timers.  These improvement projects are now logged in B3 so we can track energy savings.


Marissa shared that Minnesota State (C&U) is reviewing MS4 status for our campus (among others).  She will let us know when a decision is made by MPCA.  Kristi noted that future reporting will get more onerous with Miller Creek now in approved TMDL status.  Also, we are nearing the end of our “grace period” to implement a number of enforcement and response procedures (ERPs) and documentation for best management practices (BMPs) related to the most recent permitting cycle.  We’ll wait for MPCA’s decision before we move forward with getting these procedures finalized.

The Council decided April 19th would be a good day for LSC’s 2018 Earth Day (actual holiday is the following Sunday).  Ideas for theme and speakers will happen later.


Old Business


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Chris gave a GreenCorps project(s) update:

  • He’s been working to reconnect the campus’ EnergyMisers, most of which were disconnected after they were originally installed (5+ years ago). Kristi shared that Al has been using the electric and cost data that we found to renegotiate our contract with Lighthouse for the Blind.  Chris noted that we would need just over $900 to connect the machines that are not currently on misers.  There are no rebates currently available to defray this cost.  The Council decided it would be a good idea to wait until the contract is settled to see if some machines could potentially be removed before we put misers on them.
  • Kristi and Chris went to ERTC to do a mini-audit of energy use. Chris noted there were very few students in the building at the time, but the whole place was lit up like a Christmas tree!  The fixtures are dated and there would be guaranteed savings from fixture/bulb retrofits and also motion activated sensors for many of the classrooms and hallways.  Wade noted this has been discussed before, but not made a high-level priority.  It might be a good idea to quantify the potential energy savings.  Kristi will look around, and work with Mark and Al, to find someone to do this analysis.
  • Chris has been working on a Green Office survey. The idea behind this is to both provide information and dialog within departments/office-mates and also get information and campus ideas to the Sustainability Council.  The Council reviewed the survey, some minor adjustments were made and questions about scoring and incentive were briefly discussed.  Kristi noted it might be a good idea to get a small group to work on this more between now and the next meeting.  We may want to roll it out in April, around Earth Day, maybe introducing it at the April Duty Day.  Kristi will ask Kirsten to pencil the Council in on the Agenda for this and maybe a larger update on GreenCorps projects.  Dave suggested we also include some workspace nature/calming components into the survey.
  • Related to the Green Office, Wade wondered if there might be an individual opportunity to participate if office mates weren’t willing. There could be a “Green Champions” category/award.  Dave cautioned we don’t “nominate” someone for this distinction without their consent, as green-nosing might be seen as unwelcomed attention in some areas.


Kristi shared an update on the Trex recycling challenge.  After our first month of this challenge’s collection, we have 55 pounds on record!  We have 5 more months to reach our 500 pound goal!


Danielle gave an update on her grounds and garden maintenance work.  She worked with Marissa and maintenance to get the glass removed from the garden area and has done a lot of work to clear the vegetable garden for spring.  She will also decorate the planters with festive branches for the winter once they are moved.



FY 18 total budget: $8,450

Encumbrances to date:

  • Menards: -300
    • Atrium soil, potting soil, landscape tools
  • Mileage reimbursement: MPCA site supervisor training: -160.50


Review/revise FY17potential budget items

  • Bottle filling station for Atrium?
  • Picnic table under H catwalk, or Student Life area?
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk: pamphlet holder, plastic bag bin
  • workshops?


Meeting adjourned 10:30

Next Meeting

Friday, December 1st, 9:00

Posted in: Minutes

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