A Few Good Moments

Some guys and I have been playing together off and on for several years now.� After one of our recent sessions, Greg offered up the obvious question.� “Why aren’t we any better?”� No one had any answers.

My goal was to somehow post an mp3 file of us playing Kansas City.�� It didn’t work.� Time to find the FAQ’s regarding posting audio files…

Stay tuned.� Maybe I’ll get if figured out while I’m supposed to be working on other things.

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3 Responses to A Few Good Moments

  1. BD says:

    Hi Steve,
    I created a little tutorial for embedding an mp3 file with a flash player. I hope it helps. Go to:


  2. haha faud aka dad i love your little blog! why arent you any better? i think you need more cowbell.

  3. Hi dad,
    Nice blog!!! It nice. But ahh need to add some more things to it. I like it! Love ya dad
    ur the best and u alwayse there for me to help me for my trouble and suffer and my cryes and pain! THanks! Oh and love this!
    love ya dad
    love maritha

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