My friend David recently reminded me that blogging matters.� He wrote, “Dude”�write, or post some pictures or something”�geez.”� This reminded me that, as a blogger, I have civic responsibilities.� People out there are depending on us to tell the truth, to write wrongs, to interpret the world,�and to�right songs.� We bloggers are no less important than the Helsinki Complaints Choir.
A shout out to Hanna Erpestad for cluing me in about this choir’s great work.� I humbly blog on in their tradition.
As your pal Dave, in his infinite wisdom (and with an admirably gentle touch), has expressed, we, your loyal readers, need our fix. I come here, day after day, only to find no new posts. Where’s my Steve, me wonders?
I hope your blog silence has been due to finally grading those 70 papers (and sleeping all day, in the midst of your deathly illness).