Sustainability Education Workshop
June 22-26, 2009 Northland College, Ashland, WI
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June 22-26, 2009 Northland College, Ashland, WI
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Leave a Comment (0) →June 10-11, 2009 Minneapolis
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Leave a Comment (0) →Members present: Celeste Zuniga, Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Glenn Merrick, Julius Salinas, Kevin Futhey, Melissa Doolittle, Theresa Hornstein, Jim Drake, Erica LeMay, Erin Gregor, Britt Johnson.
Committee Reports
Worm building: Theresa reported the worms have been granted an extension on their eviction to the end of the month. Theresa has been sifting compost and will be selling it at the Plant Sale. Gary Adams does not intend to move the worms until it is certain the science building will be built. It has been discussed to convert the “Smokeshack” into a worm building, including greenhouse functions. Theresa also reported Kathy Nelson informed her the Environmental Council is responsible for finding alternative disposal for food waste. Jim and Theresa will work on ideas for replacement worm building locations.
Old Business
Budget: Missy reported the EC budget currently has $622 remaining, including in-house items. $150 for Wastewise Membership is due 6/13/09. Kevin will contact Kate Worley to request a 7/01/09 bill date for a FY10 budget expense. Kathy Nelson and Mark Winson both approve and support LSC’s Wastewise membership. Other budget items include AASHE membership and the UMACS conference.
Wastewise: Kevin will request another copy of the Wastewise report from Kate Worley’s site visit.
PHEV Prius: Dennis Godfrey sent a note to the council about the PHEV Prius project. The Prius has arrived and the parts to convert it are getting POs. They will drive the vehicle and collect data for 2000 miles and then do the conversion and collect more data. More information will be coming, including media coverage.
Open House/Earth Day Posters: Erica reported $86 in costs for laminating the “green” posters for the LSC Open House and Earth Day.
Duty Day: Deanne reported the Environmental Council came in 3rd of 9 for the IE grant request. No funds are guaranteed at this point. Hosting Deb Rowe will cost $5500. The EC requested $1000 be budgeted for Duty Day. Mary Nienaber said HR would cover $2000 in expenses. This will cover a half day visit from Deb Rowe. Deanne is working to locate other funding sources such as Customized Training, which could involve an evening presentation. Student senate, CTL, and UMD are other possible areas of involvement. Other presenters considered for duty day are Rick Carter of LHB, Kate Worley of Wastewise, Connie Jamieson, WLSSD, etc. The council voted in favor of funding at least one-half day hosting Deb Rowe for Duty Day.
Schools Cutting Carbon: Deanne reported two Kill-A-Watt meters are now in place in computer labs at LSC and are being monitored by Ben Smith. More monitors will be put in place once arrived. Monitors will also be available for check-out through the library.
IE: Deanne, Kevin, and Wade are on the IE Action Project working to develop a focus and framework for LSC’s sustainability efforts including a policy statement. This is one of five action projects being developed at LSC by the IE committee to meet AQIP requirements.
New Business
2009 Pearson Sustainability Solutions Award: Glenn will pursue this award. Deadline is November 2009.
Website: Deanne reported Carly, LSC student, has completed the website highlighting sustainability and environmental efforts of LSC. Carly developed the website to fulfill requirements of a course she is taking here at LSC. The website will be turned over to Steve Fudally and should be available for viewing soon.
Energy Inventory: To heighten awareness for fall Duty Day, Kathy Nelson asked Kevin and Wade to inventory equipment left on at night at LSC. Kevin reported a large number of items left on (fans, lights, etc.) and also a large number of heaters, microwaves, and refrigerators.
Tree Planting: Glenn reported 250 trees and 100 shrubs were planted by Environmental Science students along the stream. The purpose of the planting was northern hardwood forest restoration and erosion control on the interpretive trail.
Styrofoam: It has been suggested that we submit an article about the shredder and students to the Community College Times which is a publication of the American Association of Community Colleges at
Deanne announced two upcoming events:
· Green By Design, June 10-11, 2009, Minneapolis
· Sustainability Education Workshop, June 22-26, 2009, Northland College, Ashland, WI
The council voted in favor of funding at least one-half day hosting Deb Rowe for Duty Day.
Next Meeting
To be determined.
Posted in: Minutes
Leave a Comment (0) →Members present: Celeste Zuniga, Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Glenn Merrick, Julius Salinas, Kevin Futhey, Melissa Doolittle, Theresa Hornstein, Jim Drake, Erica LeMay, Erin Gregor, Britt Johnson.
Committee Reports
Worm building: Theresa reported the worms have been granted an extension on their eviction to the end of the month. Theresa has been sifting compost and will be selling it at the Plant Sale. Gary Adams does not intend to move the worms until it is certain the science building will be built. It has been discussed to convert the “Smokeshack” into a worm building, including greenhouse functions. Theresa also reported Kathy Nelson informed her the Environmental Council is responsible for finding alternative disposal for food waste. Jim and Theresa will work on ideas for replacement worm building locations.
Old Business
Budget: Missy reported the EC budget currently has $622 remaining, including in-house items. $150 for Wastewise Membership is due 6/13/09. Kevin will contact Kate Worley to request a 7/01/09 bill date for a FY10 budget expense. Kathy Nelson and Mark Winson both approve and support LSC’s Wastewise membership. Other budget items include AASHE membership and the UMACS conference.
Wastewise: Kevin will request another copy of the Wastewise report from Kate Worley’s site visit.
PHEV Prius: Dennis Godfrey sent a note to the council about the PHEV Prius project. The Prius has arrived and the parts to convert it are getting POs. They will drive the vehicle and collect data for 2000 miles and then do the conversion and collect more data. More information will be coming, including media coverage.
Open House/Earth Day Posters: Erica reported $86 in costs for laminating the “green” posters for the LSC Open House and Earth Day.
Duty Day: Deanne reported the Environmental Council came in 3rd of 9 for the IE grant request. No funds are guaranteed at this point. Hosting Deb Rowe will cost $5500. The EC requested $1000 be budgeted for Duty Day. Mary Nienaber said HR would cover $2000 in expenses. This will cover a half day visit from Deb Rowe. Deanne is working to locate other funding sources such as Customized Training, which could involve an evening presentation. Student senate, CTL, and UMD are other possible areas of involvement. Other presenters considered for duty day are Rick Carter of LHB, Kate Worley of Wastewise, Connie Jamieson, WLSSD, etc. The council voted in favor of funding at least one-half day hosting Deb Rowe for Duty Day.
Schools Cutting Carbon: Deanne reported two Kill-A-Watt meters are now in place in computer labs at LSC and are being monitored by Ben Smith. More monitors will be put in place once arrived. Monitors will also be available for check-out through the library.
IE: Deanne, Kevin, and Wade are on the IE Action Project working to develop a focus and framework for LSC’s sustainability efforts including a policy statement. This is one of five action projects being developed at LSC by the IE committee to meet AQIP requirements.
New Business
2009 Pearson Sustainability Solutions Award: Glenn will pursue this award. Deadline is November 2009.
Website: Deanne reported Carly, LSC student, has completed the website highlighting sustainability and environmental efforts of LSC. Carly developed the website to fulfill requirements of a course she is taking here at LSC. The website will be turned over to Steve Fudally and should be available for viewing soon.
Energy Inventory: To heighten awareness for fall Duty Day, Kathy Nelson asked Kevin and Wade to inventory equipment left on at night at LSC. Kevin reported a large number of items left on (fans, lights, etc.) and also a large number of heaters, microwaves, and refrigerators.
Tree Planting: Glenn reported 250 trees and 100 shrubs were planted by Environmental Science students along the stream. The purpose of the planting was northern hardwood forest restoration and erosion control on the interpretive trail.
Styrofoam: It has been suggested that we submit an article about the shredder and students to the Community College Times which is a publication of the American Association of Community Colleges at
Deanne announced two upcoming events:
· Green By Design, June 10-11, 2009, Minneapolis
· Sustainability Education Workshop, June 22-26, 2009, Northland College, Ashland, WI
The council voted in favor of funding at least one-half day hosting Deb Rowe for Duty Day.
Next Meeting
To be determined.
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Posted in: Good Stuff
Leave a Comment (0) →Environmental Council
May 8, 2009
Location: Gary’s office
Please note: If you would like to have a paper copy of the agenda at the meeting, please print it out. Paper copies will not be provided.
1. Worm Building (Theresa)
2. Duty Day
3. Announcements
4. Old Business
5. Committee Reports
6. Budget (Missy)
7. Pearson Higher Education – 2009 Pearson Sustainable Solutions Award (Glenn)
8. Alliant Energy Grant
9. Inventory on energy usage during off hours (Kevin/Wade)
Posted in: Agendas
Leave a Comment (0) →Members present: Carol Johnson, Cathy Carlson, Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Gary Adams, Glenn Merrick, Julius Salinas, Theresa Hornstein, Wade Gordon, Frank Niffenegger, Ben Smith, Erin Gregor, Britt Johnson.
Committee Reports
Earth Day: LSC Earth Day was successful. Ken Gilbertson’s session was well attended. John Stetson’s session was very well attended. Glenn’s interpretive trail had one attendee. Students from the Fire school and senators participated in the campus clean-up. The light-colored earth bags were distributed. The dark-colored earth bags were saved and will be distributed at another LSC event (duty day?)
PR/Signage: Carol suggested renaming the PR/Signage sub-committee to the Communications sub-committee.
Trail/BioRetention Pond: Glenn reported there will be trail maintenance on Friday May 8, 2009. 350 trees will be planted. The bridge is in need of repair. Miller Creek is one of five creeks being monitored in Duluth for turbidity, salinity, etc. There are problems with some of the disc golf holes. 5 holes have been moved, two more are in need of being moved. At this time, talks with the city are on hold. There is a need for more people to assess and discuss the disc golf course.
Worm building: Theresa reported the worms must find a new home by May 15. Theresa will be looking into this and reporting back at the next meeting.
Old Business
Workforce Lecture Series: 27 people attended the Green Lecture Series on Tuesday, April 21, 2009. Wade reported Workforce Development is working on 5-6 other classes, including a make-n-take rain barrel class. Deanne suggested setting up a class when Deb Rowe is here in August for Duty Day.
Campus Ambassadors info: At a previous EC meeting, Erica LeMay requested a summary of LSC’s green projects to include in the campus ambassador tours. Deanne provided this information to Erica.
Schools Cutting Carbon: A report has not yet been received from Tim Blodgett on the SCC site visit that took place on March 25. Also, grant funds have not yet been received for the purchase of the Kill-A-Watt meters ($18/unit). Wade has a few units that can be used by Frank and Ben in order for them to get started on the project. The project involves comparing electricity usage of two computer labs. One of the labs shuts down from 11pm to 7am, the other lab does not. Frank and Ben will also be assessing electricity usage in the Student Technology Center. There was also discussion of turning lights off of vending machines and doing a comparison of energy usage.
Wastewise Earth Day: Deanne attended the Wastewise Earth Day meeting on April 23. She gathered useful information and plans to share with the rest of the EC. Deanne suggested organizing EC “Brown Bags” for these types of purposes.
Styrofoam: Theresa reported the Marshall School will also be collecting styrofoam chunks. Julius will be contacting staff at WLSSD to see if there is interest in purchasing the shredder. Cathy suggested the entrepreneur program at LSC use the styrofoam shredder as a test project.
Budget: The EC budget currently has $989 remaining. Carol and Deanne will meet and discuss the budget and then email a summary to all EC members. Wade requested $12,000 for next year’s budget. This amount allows for the hiring of a student worker and a kiosk in the S building.
Retreat: Meetings next year will be every-other-week and will alternate between Thursdays at 2pm and Fridays at 9am. Meetings will be 90 minutes. Deanne suggested setting up brown bag sessions to discuss special topics.
UMACS Conference: Wade, Cliff, and Dick plan to attend the UMACS Conference May 31 – June 3.
Environmental Council Website: Deanne will be meeting with LSC student, Carly. She will be demonstrating the new Environmental Council website she is working on as part of a class.
Deb Rowe/Duty Day: Deb Rowe will be speaking at the August LSC Duty Day, answering the question “What can I do in my position here at LSC?” Deb Rowe would also like to meet with Kathy, Wade, and the rest of the Environmental Council in the evening. If the EC does not receive funding to host Deb Rowe, Human Resources will cover the costs. There are also plans to host Kate Worley of Wastewise, Rick Carter and Connie Jamieson.
New Business
New Member: The Environmental Council welcomed new member, Erin Gregor, LSC student.
Presidential Cabinet PowerPoint: Wade will be assembling and presenting a PowerPoint presentation on LSC’s environmental/sustainability efforts to the President’s cabinet.
Memberships: Wade announced LSC is now officially a member of AASHE. Carol suggested assembling a list of associations and memberships LSC has. Cathy suggested having EC members appointed to check updates for these associations and then submit summaries to be added to the blog.
Trayless Cafeteria: The council discussed the possibility of a trayless cafeteria. Cathy reported the majority of schools that have implemented a trayless system have returned to a tray system within a few months. Cathy reported next year she will eliminate all paper/styro cups and use only real cups.
No motions were made at this meeting.
Next Meeting
The next Environmental Council meeting will take place at 10:00am on Friday, May 8, 2009 in Gary’s office.
Posted in: Minutes
Leave a Comment (0) →Members present: Carol Johnson, Cathy Carlson, Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Gary Adams, Glenn Merrick, Julius Salinas, Theresa Hornstein, Wade Gordon, Frank Niffenegger, Ben Smith, Erin Gregor, Britt Johnson.
Committee Reports
Earth Day: LSC Earth Day was successful. Ken Gilbertson’s session was well attended. John Stetson’s session was very well attended. Glenn’s interpretive trail had one attendee. Students from the Fire school and senators participated in the campus clean-up. The light-colored earth bags were distributed. The dark-colored earth bags were saved and will be distributed at another LSC event (duty day?)
PR/Signage: Carol suggested renaming the PR/Signage sub-committee to the Communications sub-committee.
Trail/BioRetention Pond: Glenn reported there will be trail maintenance on Friday May 8, 2009. 350 trees will be planted. The bridge is in need of repair. Miller Creek is one of five creeks being monitored in Duluth for turbidity, salinity, etc. There are problems with some of the disc golf holes. 5 holes have been moved, two more are in need of being moved. At this time, talks with the city are on hold. There is a need for more people to assess and discuss the disc golf course.
Worm building: Theresa reported the worms must find a new home by May 15. Theresa will be looking into this and reporting back at the next meeting.
Old Business
Workforce Lecture Series: 27 people attended the Green Lecture Series on Tuesday, April 21, 2009. Wade reported Workforce Development is working on 5-6 other classes, including a make-n-take rain barrel class. Deanne suggested setting up a class when Deb Rowe is here in August for Duty Day.
Campus Ambassadors info: At a previous EC meeting, Erica LeMay requested a summary of LSC’s green projects to include in the campus ambassador tours. Deanne provided this information to Erica.
Schools Cutting Carbon: A report has not yet been received from Tim Blodgett on the SCC site visit that took place on March 25. Also, grant funds have not yet been received for the purchase of the Kill-A-Watt meters ($18/unit). Wade has a few units that can be used by Frank and Ben in order for them to get started on the project. The project involves comparing electricity usage of two computer labs. One of the labs shuts down from 11pm to 7am, the other lab does not. Frank and Ben will also be assessing electricity usage in the Student Technology Center. There was also discussion of turning lights off of vending machines and doing a comparison of energy usage.
Wastewise Earth Day: Deanne attended the Wastewise Earth Day meeting on April 23. She gathered useful information and plans to share with the rest of the EC. Deanne suggested organizing EC “Brown Bags” for these types of purposes.
Styrofoam: Theresa reported the Marshall School will also be collecting styrofoam chunks. Julius will be contacting staff at WLSSD to see if there is interest in purchasing the shredder. Cathy suggested the entrepreneur program at LSC use the styrofoam shredder as a test project.
Budget: The EC budget currently has $989 remaining. Carol and Deanne will meet and discuss the budget and then email a summary to all EC members. Wade requested $12,000 for next year’s budget. This amount allows for the hiring of a student worker and a kiosk in the S building.
Retreat: Meetings next year will be every-other-week and will alternate between Thursdays at 2pm and Fridays at 9am. Meetings will be 90 minutes. Deanne suggested setting up brown bag sessions to discuss special topics.
UMACS Conference: Wade, Cliff, and Dick plan to attend the UMACS Conference May 31 – June 3.
Environmental Council Website: Deanne will be meeting with LSC student, Carly. She will be demonstrating the new Environmental Council website she is working on as part of a class.
Deb Rowe/Duty Day: Deb Rowe will be speaking at the August LSC Duty Day, answering the question “What can I do in my position here at LSC?” Deb Rowe would also like to meet with Kathy, Wade, and the rest of the Environmental Council in the evening. If the EC does not receive funding to host Deb Rowe, Human Resources will cover the costs. There are also plans to host Kate Worley of Wastewise, Rick Carter and Connie Jamieson.
New Business
New Member: The Environmental Council welcomed new member, Erin Gregor, LSC student.
Presidential Cabinet PowerPoint: Wade will be assembling and presenting a PowerPoint presentation on LSC’s environmental/sustainability efforts to the President’s cabinet.
Memberships: Wade announced LSC is now officially a member of AASHE. Carol suggested assembling a list of associations and memberships LSC has. Cathy suggested having EC members appointed to check updates for these associations and then submit summaries to be added to the blog.
Trayless Cafeteria: The council discussed the possibility of a trayless cafeteria. Cathy reported the majority of schools that have implemented a trayless system have returned to a tray system within a few months. Cathy reported next year she will eliminate all paper/styro cups and use only real cups.
No motions were made at this meeting.
Next Meeting
The next Environmental Council meeting will take place at 10:00am on Friday, May 8, 2009 in Gary’s office.
Posted in: Minutes
Leave a Comment (0) →Please note: If you would like to have a paper copy of the agenda at the meeting, please print it out. Paper copies will not be provided.
1. Old Business
2. Committee Reports
3. Erin Gregor, LSC Student, new Environmental Council member (Deanne)
4. Trayless Cafeteria (Cliff)
5. UMACS Membership/Involvement (Deanne)
6. Pearson Higher Education – 2009 Pearson Sustainable Solutions Award (Glenn)
7. Deb Rowe, Fall Duty Day (Deanne)
8. ListServe, events (Britt/Cliff)
9. New home for the worms (Theresa)
Posted in: Agendas
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