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LSC Campus Accessibility Survey

LSC Campus Accessibility Survey, run May 7-11 2012, 51 responses tallied below:


1. Commuting to, from, or around campus, do you walk? (This INCLUDES to and from your vehicle)

Yes        78.4%    40

No         23.5%    12


2. Commuting to, from, or around campus, do you bike?

Yes         13.7%    7

No          86.3%    44


3. Commuting to, from, or around campus, do you use a wheel chair?

Yes          3.9%      2

No          98.0%    50


4. How safe do you feel using these modes of transportation at LSC?

Very     62.7%    32

Somewhat          27.5%    14

Not at All            9.8%      5


5. Would you be more likely to walk, bicycle or wheel chair to and from the campus if safe, easy access were provided?

Yes        72.5%    37

No         27.5%    14


6. Would you use surfaced trails to move around the campus for recreation, stress relief and transportation to other parts of the campus if they existed?

Yes        98.0%    50

No           2.0%      1

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Meeting Agenda 4/27/2012


Student Life Conference Room


Waste Wise Annual Meeting: Tues, October 2nd at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska


Work-Study & Work Group Reports

New Business

Accessibility Survey

Arbor Day/Legacy Project update

Hosting Sustainability Folks meeting, date change

Re-Use Room


Ongoing Business

Food Service Director begins April 23rd, extend an invite

Adopt-A-Parking Lot design


Old Business

Earth Day re-cap


PO Encumbrances since last meeting:

  • Earth Day t-shirts: $500
  • 5R, Recyclemania printing
  • Plastic bag pick-up: $8

Balance as of 4/23/2012: $1859.96

Potential forthcoming encumbrances:

  • Adopt-A-Parking Lot signs $180-300
  • Interp Trail Sign Supplies: $300
  • Earth Day/5R/Recyclemania printing :$
  • Water bottle station: $700 (retrofit) $1300 (full) + installation


Next meeting


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Meeting Agenda 4/27/2012


Student Life Conference Room


Waste Wise Annual Meeting: Tues, October 2nd at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska


Work-Study & Work Group Reports

New Business

Accessibility Survey

Arbor Day/Legacy Project update

Hosting Sustainability Folks meeting, date change

Re-Use Room


Ongoing Business

Food Service Director begins April 23rd, extend an invite

Adopt-A-Parking Lot design


Old Business

Earth Day re-cap


PO Encumbrances since last meeting:

  • Earth Day t-shirts: $500
  • 5R, Recyclemania printing
  • Plastic bag pick-up: $8

Balance as of 4/23/2012: $1859.96

Potential forthcoming encumbrances:

  • Adopt-A-Parking Lot signs $180-300
  • Interp Trail Sign Supplies: $300
  • Earth Day/5R/Recyclemania printing :$
  • Water bottle station: $700 (retrofit) $1300 (full) + installation


Next meeting


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Meeting Minutes 4/13/2012


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Carol Johnson, Deanne Roquet, Kevin Futhey, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein

General Members present:  Glenn Merrick, Kevin Lindgren, Heather Grillo

Guest Present: Neldon Herron



Sigrud Oldon Lecture Series  is at UMD, Wednesday April 18th at 12 noon in the library rotunda

Campus Climate Idols Mindy Granley at UMD contacted Kristi about LSC being a part of the GreenCorps member facilitated Campus Climate Idols project.  The project includes UMD, CSS, and Duluth Sister Cities.  Kristi didn’t have many details, and nobody had any recollection of this being discussed.  Kristi will follow-up with Mindy for more details.

Greenhouse Gas Report for 2011 has been submitted.  Cliff and a work-study gathered and compiled the data and submitted to ACUPCC.  Kristi will send the information to Mat for the weekly Newsplash and will post on the blog.  Deanne suggested a certificate be created for the work-study that completed the data collection.


Work-Study & Work-Group Reports

Vending Misers:  Lance was not present to report, but Kristi posted the miser story on the blog and shared it with the Council.  Kristi will send this to Mat for the Newsplash.

Earth Day & 5R Update  Heather updated everyone on the upcoming Earth Day activities and Kristi gave an update on 5R.  Volunteers for 5R are needed for all time slots.

Arbor Day/Legacy Project update  The Student Senate is still moving forward with the planned Legacy Landscaping Project.  Cliff worked with the Senate Involvement Committee to draw up a plan.  After meeting with President Johns and Jeff West from Boreal Natives, the plan has been altered a bit to include a lower spot on the front lawn.  This location will serve more of a stormwater mitigation purpose and will enable more incorporation of diverse moisture tolerant plants and grasses.  The group still hopes to begin work in late April.

“Local Sustainability Folks” meeting:  The proposed April 19th meeting did not work for most individuals.  May 3rd was suggested as a new date.  Kristi will send an email to gauge interest in this date.

The future of the styrofoam shredder is in question.  The second machine is now built, and there is plenty of material to shred.  Max would like to give up the responsibility of shredding and getting rid of materials, as there is no longer a club willing to put time into doing the shredding.  Deanne suggested contacting Demolicious or Bemidji State to see if either of them would be interested in the machine.  Kristi has contacted WLSSD for the same reason.  Heather mentioned Student Life will no longer give money to clubs for shredding because of safety concerns.  Kristi will ask Bill to take the advertisement for collecting styro off of the monitors and will inform Lolly to direct the public away from LSC for drop-offs.

H-Building LEED Signage  Kristi is working with Mat on the mandatory LEED educational signage.  If anyone has suggestions on type of signage or content, please contact Kristi.


Ongoing Business


Old Business



PO encumbrances since last meeting:

  • Earth Day t-shirts $500
  • 5R, Recyclemania printing
  • Plastic bag pick-up: $8

Balance as of 4/23/2012: $1,859.96

  • Adopt-A-Parking Lot signs $180-300
  • Interp Trail Sign Supplies: $300
  • Earth Day/5R/Recyclemania printing :$
  • Water bottle station: $700 (retrofit) $1300 (full) + installation


Next meeting

Next meeting is April 27th at 8:00 in the Student Life Conference Room


Notes Submitted by Kristi Heintz




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Meeting Minutes 4/13/2012


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Carol Johnson, Deanne Roquet, Kevin Futhey, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein

General Members present:  Glenn Merrick, Kevin Lindgren, Heather Grillo

Guest Present: Neldon Herron



Sigrud Oldon Lecture Series  is at UMD, Wednesday April 18th at 12 noon in the library rotunda

Campus Climate Idols Mindy Granley at UMD contacted Kristi about LSC being a part of the GreenCorps member facilitated Campus Climate Idols project.  The project includes UMD, CSS, and Duluth Sister Cities.  Kristi didn’t have many details, and nobody had any recollection of this being discussed.  Kristi will follow-up with Mindy for more details.

Greenhouse Gas Report for 2011 has been submitted.  Cliff and a work-study gathered and compiled the data and submitted to ACUPCC.  Kristi will send the information to Mat for the weekly Newsplash and will post on the blog.  Deanne suggested a certificate be created for the work-study that completed the data collection.


Work-Study & Work-Group Reports

Vending Misers:  Lance was not present to report, but Kristi posted the miser story on the blog and shared it with the Council.  Kristi will send this to Mat for the Newsplash.

Earth Day & 5R Update  Heather updated everyone on the upcoming Earth Day activities and Kristi gave an update on 5R.  Volunteers for 5R are needed for all time slots.

Arbor Day/Legacy Project update  The Student Senate is still moving forward with the planned Legacy Landscaping Project.  Cliff worked with the Senate Involvement Committee to draw up a plan.  After meeting with President Johns and Jeff West from Boreal Natives, the plan has been altered a bit to include a lower spot on the front lawn.  This location will serve more of a stormwater mitigation purpose and will enable more incorporation of diverse moisture tolerant plants and grasses.  The group still hopes to begin work in late April.

“Local Sustainability Folks” meeting:  The proposed April 19th meeting did not work for most individuals.  May 3rd was suggested as a new date.  Kristi will send an email to gauge interest in this date.

The future of the styrofoam shredder is in question.  The second machine is now built, and there is plenty of material to shred.  Max would like to give up the responsibility of shredding and getting rid of materials, as there is no longer a club willing to put time into doing the shredding.  Deanne suggested contacting Demolicious or Bemidji State to see if either of them would be interested in the machine.  Kristi has contacted WLSSD for the same reason.  Heather mentioned Student Life will no longer give money to clubs for shredding because of safety concerns.  Kristi will ask Bill to take the advertisement for collecting styro off of the monitors and will inform Lolly to direct the public away from LSC for drop-offs.

H-Building LEED Signage  Kristi is working with Mat on the mandatory LEED educational signage.  If anyone has suggestions on type of signage or content, please contact Kristi.


Ongoing Business


Old Business



PO encumbrances since last meeting:

  • Earth Day t-shirts $500
  • 5R, Recyclemania printing
  • Plastic bag pick-up: $8

Balance as of 4/23/2012: $1,859.96

  • Adopt-A-Parking Lot signs $180-300
  • Interp Trail Sign Supplies: $300
  • Earth Day/5R/Recyclemania printing :$
  • Water bottle station: $700 (retrofit) $1300 (full) + installation


Next meeting

Next meeting is April 27th at 8:00 in the Student Life Conference Room


Notes Submitted by Kristi Heintz




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New Health and Science Building Achieves LEED Silver

LSC’s new Health and Science Building was designed LEED Silver, which means the design is responsible for incorporating at least 50 points related to environmental sustainability.  At final tally, we were just short of Gold certification!  Here’s just a few of the key points we achieved:

 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Sitework for the building was designed and constructed in a way to:

  • Prevent loss of soil during construction by stormwater runoff and/or wind erosion, including protecting topsoil by stockpiling for reuse.
  • Prevent sedimentation of storm sewer or receiving streams.
  • Prevent polluting the air with dust and particulate matter.

Construction Waste Management

  • Over 75% of the construction debris was diverted from disposal in landfills.
  • Recycled content and regional (within 500 miles) materials were used throughout the building process.

Public Transportation Access

LSC’s Student Life funds a free bus pass for students through the UPASS Program, reducing our reliance on single passenger vehicle travel to and from campus.

Preferred Parking for Carpool

LSC will designate two preferential parking spaces specifically reserved for carpools, increasing awareness of the need for reduced single passenger vehicles.

Undeveloped Outdoor Space

A space equal to the building footprint will be left vegetated and undeveloped on the northeast of the building, maximizing open spaces adjacent to the building.

Stormwater Management

Bio-swales, consisting of a biofiltration soil mix and tolerant native plants, promote infiltration of at least 90% of roof and pavement runoff from an average rainfall event.

Water Efficient Landscaping

The landscaping installed for the project does not require permanent irrigation systems.  Native plants, sod & seed mixes were selected for their drought tolerance and will obtain adequate moisture from normal rainfall events.

Water Use Reduction

Water fixtures throughout the building reduce water usage by 20%.

  • Urinals use 0.125 gallons per flush vs. typical 1.0 gallons per flush urinals.
  • Faucets use 0.5 gallons per minute vs. typical 2.5 GPM lavatory faucets
  • The janitor sinks uses a low flow 2.5 gallon per minute flow faucet.
  • The lab sinks use a low flow 2.0 gallon per minute flow faucet.

Fundamental Refrigerant Management

No HVAC&R system equipment in the building uses CFC-based refrigerants. Refrigerants and HVAC&R equipment for the project were specifically selected to minimize or eliminate the emission of compounds that contribute to ozone depletion and global warming.

Storage & Collection of Recyclables

LSC has an extensive recycling program, and a recycling room is provided in the new building to ensure proper handling of recyclable materials.

Indoor Air Quality

The building meets and exceeds the LEED Standard Minimum Indoor Air Quality standards by 30%.

Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring

Permanent monitoring systems are installed to provide feedback on ventilation system performance and ensure that ventilation systems maintain design minimum ventilation requirements.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

LSC prohibits smoking in buildings and on campus, improving overall air quality in and around buildings.

Low-Emitting Materials

Low-emitting adhesives and sealants were used on the interior of the building.

Primers, paints and coatings used on the interior of the building were required to meet specific VOC requirements established for buildings by Green Seal Standards.

All carpet installed in the building was required to meet the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Green Label Plus program.

Recycled  content concrete tiles were installed in the main hallway and some labs and classrooms.  These tiles are removable and individually replaceable, and also allow for easy access to air and water handling pipes (that’s right, under the floor!).

Composite wood, and agrifiber products, used on the interior of the building could not contain added urea-formaldehyde resins. Laminating adhesives used for casework also contain no added urea-formaldehyde resins.

LSC has specifically purchased low-emitting furniture which will not negatively impact the indoor air quality in this new building.  Furniture has been manufactured, refurbished or refinished within one year prior to occupancy and must be either Greenguard Indoor Air Quality Certified, or been tested by a third-party testing laboratory following procedures defined by the EPA.

Lighting and Thermal Comfort

A high level of lighting system and thermal control by individual occupants is installed to promote the productivity, comfort and well-being of building occupants.

Daylighting and Views

This building provides daylight to 85% of the occupied space.

  • Daylight sensors reduce the demand on the light fixtures, reducing the energy used to light spaces when receiving daylight.
  • Window shades are utilized to avoid high-contrast situations that could impede visual tasks.
  • Tubular skylights (SolaTubes) utilizing reflective surfaces are used in many places to bring daylight into interior spaces.

Green Housekeeping

LSC has adopted green housekeeping policies and procedures intended to minimize negative affects to indoor air quality campus wide, including the use of many GreenSeal cleaning prodcuts.



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2011 Greenhouse Gas Report Submitted

LSC has recently submitted its bi-annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report to the ACUPCC (American Colleges and Universities Presidents’ Climate Commitment) reporting site.  Here’s a quick summary:

Reporting Year 2008 2011
Building gsf 362,241 sq ft 362,241.0 sq ft
Student FTE 3,415 3,854
Type of Emission metric tons CO2e metric tons CO2e
Stationary Combustion* 965.0 1,121.0
Mobile Combustion** 111.0 120.0
Purchased Electricity 2,683.0 2,521.0
Commuting 5,906.0 6,348.0
Air Travel*** 494.0 256.0
Solid Waste 141.0 153.0
Wastewater 2.1 1.3
Paper 67.5 74.8
*burning of fuels to produce electricity, steam, heat, or power using equipment in a fixed location
**burning of fuels by institution-owned transportation devices
***all air travel paid for by or through the institution

Want more info?  Find it on the official ACUPCC Reporting site.


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Meeting Agenda 4/13/2012


Location:  Workforce Development Conference Room (E2028)


Sigurd Olson Lecture Series at UMD, Wed. April 18th 12 noon

Campus Climate Idols through UMD

GHG Report Submitted-PI?

Work-Study & Work Group Reports

Lance: Vending Misers, Recycling Signage

New Business

Earth Day planning, 5R update

Arbor Day/Legacy Project update

Hosting Sustainability Folks meeting, date change

Future of the Styro Shredder

H-Building LEED signage


Ongoing Business

Food Service Director begins April 23rd, extend an invite


Old Business



PO Encumbrances since last meeting:

  • Earth Day t-shirts: $500
  • 5R, Recyclemania printing
  • Plastic bag pick-up: $8

Balance as of 4/11/12: $1,871.19


Potential forthcoming encumbrances:

  • Adopt-A-Parking Lot signs $180-300
  • Interp Trail Sign Supplies: $300
  • Earth Day/5R/Recyclemania printing :$
  • Water bottle station: $700 (retrofit) $1300 (full) + installation


Next meeting

April 20th, 2012 is a duty day, change?

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