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Meeting Minutes 12/6/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Kristi Heintz, Theresa Hornstein, Glenn Merrick

General Members present:  Glenn Merrick, Dick Haney, Duane Timo

Guest Present: Heather Williams




Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

*Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad

Kristi relayed the information Rachel compiled for UMD’s green office program.  The group through the idea had some great potential.  The next step will be to make the criteria more specific to LSC.  After those criteria are decided upon, the group can discuss rating protocol.

Master Facilities Plan

*Dick, Cliff, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa

Dick gave a report on the Master Plan consultant meeting.  Dick, Cliff, Theresa, and Kristi met with the consultants and discussed sustainability related ideas with them.  Trails and accessibility along with grounds maintenance schedules were discussed.  Cliff and Dick are putting together maps to forward to the consultants for trail development potential.

Dick also reported that he, Glenn and Kristi hiked the interpretive trail toward Trinity Road with Judy Gibbs from the City of Duluth.  They were looking for connector opportunities to the Superior Hiking Trail.  Trinity Road is a definite barrier, as access through the stream tunnel is limited, but Judy is looking at options on the east side of the road.

Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

*Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

Kristi is working to clarrify and update past GGI data in the new Clean Air Cool Planet web application system.  Some data was improperly translated when the old excel format was uploaded.  Once that is complete, Al instructed Kristi to talk with supervisors of those who will be responsible for compiling data to discuss opportunities for collaborative data input.  Kristi hopes to have those discussions over semester break.

Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage

*Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep

Duane reported he is working on software options.  He will work on content over break and next month.  Kristi reported that she Steve Fudally has voiced concern for an open access touch screen format.  They’ll continue to work on options to limit access to intended site content.

Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep

Kristi reported that the S-building seeding project was completed before it snowed.  There was some soil moved during the first snow’s plowing, but re-seeding will be a spring priority.

Neldon reported that he did some sapling and weed trimming on the rain gardens before winter as well.  He also completed some forebay sand removal.  There was about 2 bucket loads of sand removed.  He also noted that a screen should be placed at the outlet pipe to keep trash and other debris out.

Sustainability in Curriculum

Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne, Glenn

Theresa reported she has been in conversation with Jenni about a potential start date for course offerings in the Food Systems articulation.  Theresa will continue to update the Council on developments.

Other SE Updates

Neldon reported he found options for aerator adapters through Grainger.  We’ll get a final count and purchase enough to cover the Health and Science building faucets.


New Business

The Council reviewed the HLC comments from our STP AQIP update.  Overall, there were favorable comments and the last phase of the project will be reporting on the process of integrating sustainability into our Master Facilities planning document.

Downtown campus energy projects-tabled for next meeting (Wade)

Update SC Committee structure: members, Governing Council, and Council co-chair responsibilities – tabled for next meeting


Ongoing Business 



Old Business

ACUPCC Progress Report was submitted last month.  We’re still working to streamline the process and make the collection of more complete information a bit easier.

Kristi gave a lackluster report of the UMACS conference.  The next conference will be in 2 years at Bemidji State.

The group talked a bit about hosting the next Sustainability Across the Curriculum conference.  The group talked about funding, timing, and organization.  Further discussion at the January meeting.

Renee and Cliff finished the Interpretive and other trails mapping project. Cliff is working on measuring the trail distance, then Kristi will send the materials to Jean for design.  We hope to have the sign installed by spring.  Also, Kim Parmeter (LSC Foundation) has discussed the opportunity to use the trails for a snowshoeing fundraiser this winter.  Dick and Kristi have both talked with her and will continue to assist where needed.


Budget                                                                                                                                     FY14 Budget: $9,000 

Encumbrances to date:

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200

AASHE membership: -$280

Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208

Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320

UMACS Kristi travel and registration: -$758.39

ACUPCC annual 2013-2014 membership: -$750

Eden Brothers (seed mix for S-bldg): -143.96

FY14 potential budget items

  • Concourse lighting signage
  • Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus
  • Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • Outdoor recycling cans
  • Interpretive Trailhead sign
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
  • Parking lot info signs
  • Legacy: fencing for exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk

Next meeting

January 17th 2013, 9:00 am, Student Life Conference Room


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz


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Meeting Agenda 12/6/2013

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room

Review Last Meeting’s Minutes




Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

                *Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad

Review UMD’s office green star criteria

Master Facilities Plan

                *Dick, Cliff, Aaron, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa

                                Trails planning (Dick)

Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

                *Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

                                GGI update (Kristi)

Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage

                *Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep

Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

                Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep, Wade

                                H-bldg seeding project, Dave Stark opportunity (Wade)

Sustainability in Curriculum

                Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne

                                Food Systems articulation update (Theresa)

Garden Club update (Neldon, Aaron)

Other SE Updates (Neldon, Aaron)

·             – Aaron: café benchmarking project

·             – Neldon: rain garden clean-out


New Business

Review HLC comments from our STP AQIP update

Greenhouse Gas Inventory update

Collaboration opportunities or outreach material with Admissions

Downtown campus energy projects (Wade)

Update SC Committee structure: members, Governing Council, and Council co-chair responsibilities


Ongoing Business


Old Business

ACUPCC Progress Report submitted

UMACS report (Kristi)

Interpretive and other trails mapping project (Cliff, Kristi)




FY14 Budget: $9,000 

Encumbrances to date:

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200

AASHE membership: -$280

Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208

Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320

UMACS Kristi travel and registration: -$758.39

ACUPCC annual 2013-2014 membership: -$750

Eden Brothers (seed mix for S-bldg): -143.96


FY14 potential budget items

·         Concourse lighting signage

·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus

·         Additional bike rack for main entrance

·         Outdoor recycling cans

·         Interpretive Trailhead sign

·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans

·         Parking lot info signs

·         Legacy: fencing for exclosures

·         Sustainability kiosk


Next Meeting

January ??, 2014 9:00 in Student Life Conference Room


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Meeting Minutes 11/1/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein, Wade Gordon

General Members present:  Glenn Merrick, Dick Haney, Bruce Wallis, Duane Timo

Guest Present:



SC meeting with Facilities Master Plan Consultants will be November 4th.  Cliff, Dick, Theresa and Kristi will represent the Sustainability Council.

UMACS is at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa: November 7-9.  Kristi will attend and present the Sustainable Twin Ports project and showcase the posters along with Duluth Coffee Company and STP flyers.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

*Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad

This update and discussion was tabled for December meeting

Master Facilities Plan

*Dick, Cliff, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa

Cliff, Kristi and Glenn met for a second time to discuss our priority proposals for the master planning consultants.  Sustainable landscape procedures, annual maintenance plan, trails and accessibility options, and campus leisure spaces (both inside and out) will be our key priorities.  Dick mentioned his discussions with Paula for outdoor opportunities on the ERTC campus.  Wade would like to see a self-sustaining Eco-house built on campus, used as a demonstration and a means for generating foundation support.  This also spurred a conversation about admissions and ambassadors incorporating sustainability into their planning.  Kristi mentioned she’d emailed Brandon Leno about doing a quick promo video, but hasn’t received a response from him yet.  Wade also suggested the Sustainability Council meet at and tour the ERTC campus.

Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

*Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

Kristi forwarded the lists generated to Wade and Al.  Aaron and Bruce are continuing to work on Superior Compact benchmarking.  The group had an impromptu discussion about local and regional food procurement.  Bruce will be offering Locally Laid eggs along-side his usual egg salad next week, at different price points, to gauge interest in supporting more local.  More discussion in today’s “New Business”.

Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage

*Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep

Duane gave a report on sustainability kiosk ideas he’s compiled so far.  Wade mentioned that he and Al have identified at least three places on campus where they’d like to see a kiosk placed.  Wade has touch screens available.  The Kiosk groups is tasked with coming up with content ideas for the touchscreens and possible leisure area ideas to accompany it.

Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep

This group hasn’t met yet and needs a chair volunteer.

Sustainability in Curriculum

Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne, Glenn

This group hasn’t met since last meeting.

Garden Club indoor plant pots discussion tabled until next meeting.


New Business

Cliff, Aaron and Kristi met last week to determine the best method for compiling the FY13 Greenhouse Gas information needed for the Inventory, which is due in January.  The new Clean-Air Cool-Campus online format is much more user-friendly and the group discussed having those with the information (Business Office, Denise in Inst. Research, etc) directly input data that we need.  Wade will have the conversation with Al.  The group discussed the accuracy and use of the data that is collected, Wade suggested a commuting counter be placed on the entrances to count cars over a few months’ time.

The group talked about using the AASHE STARS platform to track our annual progress.  The group looked at the advantages of using the $900 subscription services versus the free format.  Wade pointed out that the $900 could be better utilized in projects.  Kristi also mentioned the Sustainable Twin Ports beta metrics project, which is based on STARS. Kristi will be involved in the beta project and asked if the Council thought both tools could be useful.  Deanne motioned to use the free STARS tool this year, and assess the benefit of subscription after the first year.  Dick seconded the motion.

The S-bldg entrance lawnscape project is underway.  Seeds have been purchased and work will hopefully begin next week.  Gary Chick will use the bobcat to work the soil, and the remaining Juneberry trees will be removed.  Wade has material that machine tool can use to laser-etch signs.

The search committee for Building Services Forman position is taking question suggestions.  Anyone with sustainability related suggested questions should email them to Kristi by next Friday.  Kristi will send a message for hard-copy review before November 15th, then forward to Wade.

Review HLC comments from our STP AQIP update (tabled for Decemeber meeting)

Update SC Committee structure: members, Governing Council, and Council co-chair responsibilities (tabled for December meeting)

Collaboration opportunities or outreach material with Admissions (tabled for December meeting, Kristi will invite Ashley Grimm).


Ongoing Business

Old Business


FY14 Budget: $9,000 

Encumbrances to date:

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200

AASHE membership: -$280

Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208

Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320

UMACS Kristi travel and registration: -$758.39

ACUPCC annual 2013-2014 membership: -$750

Eden Brothers (seed mix for S-bldg): -143.96

FY14 potential budget items

  • Concourse lighting signage
  • Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus
  • Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • Outdoor recycling cans
  • Interpretive Trailhead sign
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
  • Parking lot info signs
  • Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk


Next meeting

December 6, 2013, 9:00 am, Student Life Conference Room


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz


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Meeting Agenda 11/1/2013

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room

Review Last Meeting’s Minutes



UMACS at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa: November 8-9

SC meeting with Facilities Master Plan Consultant – November 4th


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

                *Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad

Master Facilities Plan

                *Dick, Cliff, Aaron, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa

Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

                *Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage

                *Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep

Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

                Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep

Sustainability in Curriculum

                Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne

Garden Club update (Neldon, Aaron)

Other SE Updates (Neldon, Aaron)


New Business

FY13 Greenhouse Gas Inventory due in January


S-bldg Landscape, seed purchase

Review HLC comments from our STP AQIP update

Update SC Committee structure: members, Governing Council, and Council co-chair responsibilities

Collaboration opportunities or outreach material with Admissions


Ongoing Business


Old Business

ACUPCC Progress Report submitted


FY14 Budget: $9,000 

Encumbrances to date:

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200

AASHE membership: -$280

Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208

Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320

UMACS Kristi travel and registration: -$758.39

ACUPCC annual 2013-2014 membership: -$750

Eden Brothers (seed mix for S-bldg): -143.96


FY14 potential budget items

  • ·         Concourse lighting signage
  • ·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus
  • ·         Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • ·         Outdoor recycling cans
  • ·         Interpretive Trailhead sign
  • ·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
  • ·         Parking lot info signs
  • ·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures
  • ·         Sustainability kiosk



Next Meeting

December 6th at 9:00 in Student Life Conference Room


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Meeting Agenda 11/1/2013

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room

Review Last Meeting’s Minutes



UMACS at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa: November 8-9

SC meeting with Facilities Master Plan Consultant – November 4th


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

                *Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad

Master Facilities Plan

                *Dick, Cliff, Aaron, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa

Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

                *Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage

                *Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep

Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

                Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep

Sustainability in Curriculum

                Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne

Garden Club update (Neldon, Aaron)

Other SE Updates (Neldon, Aaron)


New Business

FY13 Greenhouse Gas Inventory due in January


S-bldg Landscape, seed purchase

Review HLC comments from our STP AQIP update

Update SC Committee structure: members, Governing Council, and Council co-chair responsibilities

Collaboration opportunities or outreach material with Admissions


Ongoing Business


Old Business

ACUPCC Progress Report submitted


FY14 Budget: $9,000 

Encumbrances to date:

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200

AASHE membership: -$280

Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208

Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320

UMACS Kristi travel and registration: -$758.39

ACUPCC annual 2013-2014 membership: -$750

Eden Brothers (seed mix for S-bldg): -143.96


FY14 potential budget items

  • ·         Concourse lighting signage
  • ·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus
  • ·         Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • ·         Outdoor recycling cans
  • ·         Interpretive Trailhead sign
  • ·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
  • ·         Parking lot info signs
  • ·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures
  • ·         Sustainability kiosk



Next Meeting

December 6th at 9:00 in Student Life Conference Room


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Meeting Minutes 10/4/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Aaron McIntire, Kristi Heintz, Deanne Roquet, Theresa Hornstein

General Members present:  Glenn Merrick, Duane Timo

Guest Present: Heather Williams (Student Senate)



Minnesota Waste Wise Annual Meeting is October 16th at 11:30 at the St. Paul Hotel.  The Council will not send anyone this year.

UMACS is at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa: November 7-9.  Kristi will attend and present the Sustainable Twin Ports project and showcase the posters.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

                *Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad

Kristi reported, on behalf of Rachel, progress made in the work-group.  The group met last week and identified some key areas for reminders both for students and employees.  Regarding PaperCut and print settings, the Council suggested the group talk with or invite Jamie Jepperson to next meeting to discuss software options.  The Council was supportive of the Office Green Star project.


Master Facilities Plan

                *Dick, Cliff, Aaron, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa

Kristi shared the sustainability priorities listed in the RFP for the Master Planning Consultant.  Kristi forwarded that RFP to work group members.  Dick has organized the group’s first meeting for next week Thursday, October 10th at 11:00 in E2028.  Representatives from the Sustainability Council will have an opportunity to meet with Facilities Master Plan consultant in early November.


Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

                *Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

The group met last week and came up with a list of sustainability related reports that the Council is responsible for.  The work group also revisited the idea of adopting AASHE’s STARS program for tracking progress year-t-year.  The Council reviewed and approved the list.  Kristi will forward to Wade and Al.


Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage

                *Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep

Duane has thus far been unable to connect the group with a Student Senate Rep.  Kristi suggested the group move forward with initial ideas planning and include Senate where appropriate.


Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

                Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep

This group hasn’t met yet and needs a chair volunteer.


Sustainability in Curriculum

                Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne, Glenn

Theresa, Deanne, Aaron, Glenn, and Kristi met this morning and had some initial discussions about the Food Systems articulation with the U of M.  Courses were identified that we could run here.  Kristi will set up a meeting with Jenni next week.



The Garden Club has been donating produce from the garden to the Intercultural Center.  Bruce mentioned his interest in working with the Garden Club to identify plants he’d be able to use in the café next spring.


New Business

Travel, registration, and lodging for the UMACS Conference will cost about $720.  Deanne motioned to pay Kristi’s registration and travel expenses, Theresa seconded the motion unopposed.


After some discussion, the group decided a co-chair structure for the Council is appropriate.  This year, Kristi and Deanne will co-chair the Sustainability Council meetings.  We’ll update the members list at next month’s meeting.


Ongoing Business


Old Business

Kristi and Deanne gave an update on Thursday night’s STP Public Showcase.  Both the Budgeteer and The Duluth News Tribune published articles related to Sustainable Twin Ports and the showcase.  The Council received poster copies of the designed project goals and a plaque of completion.  Kristi will use the posters at UMACS.


The AQIP/STP Progress Report was due to Kent by September 23rd.  Kristi completed and sent the report to Kent.



FY14 Budget: $9,000  

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200

AASHE membership: -$280

Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208

Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320


FY13 potential budget items

·         Concourse lighting signage

·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus

·         Additional bike rack for main entrance

·         Outdoor recycling cans

·         Interpretive Trailhead sign

·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans

·         Parking lot info signs

·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures

·         Sustainability kiosk


Next meeting

November 1, 2013, 9:00 am, Student Life Conference Room


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz

Posted in: Minutes

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Meeting Agenda 10/4/2013

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room

Review Last Meeting’s Minutes



Minnesota Waste Wise Annual Meeting: October 16th at 11:30 at the St. Paul Hotel. 

UMACS in Decorah, Iowa: November 8-9


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

                *Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad

Master Facilities Plan

                *Dick, Cliff, Aaron, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa

Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

                *Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage

                *Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep

Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

                Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep

Sustainability in Curriculum

                Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne

Garden Club update (Neldon, Aaron)

Other SE Updates (Neldon, Aaron)


New Business

Define Council Chair role

Update SC Committee structure: members, Governing Council, and Council chair or chair/advisory group


Ongoing Business


Old Business

STP Public Showcase report, and purchasing an STP vinyl banner?



Motion to fund travel to UMACS for Kristi, November 7-9

                Lodging: $210

                Reg: $150

                Transport: $340

                Food: $22              total: $720

 FY14 Budget: $9,000 

Encumbrances to date:

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200

AASHE membership: -$280

Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208

Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320


FY13 potential budget items

  • ·         Concourse lighting signage
  • ·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus
  • ·         Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • ·         Outdoor recycling cans
  • ·         Interpretive Trailhead sign
  • ·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
  • ·         Parking lot info signs
  • ·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures
  • ·         Sustainability kiosk

Next Meeting

November 1st at 9:00 in Student Life Conference Room

Posted in: Agendas

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Meeting Agenda 10/4/2013

9:00 – 10:30

Student Life Conference Room

Review Last Meeting’s Minutes



Minnesota Waste Wise Annual Meeting: October 16th at 11:30 at the St. Paul Hotel. 

UMACS in Decorah, Iowa: November 8-9


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

                *Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad

Master Facilities Plan

                *Dick, Cliff, Aaron, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa

Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

                *Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage

                *Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep

Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

                Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep

Sustainability in Curriculum

                Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne

Garden Club update (Neldon, Aaron)

Other SE Updates (Neldon, Aaron)


New Business

Define Council Chair role

Update SC Committee structure: members, Governing Council, and Council chair or chair/advisory group


Ongoing Business


Old Business

STP Public Showcase report, and purchasing an STP vinyl banner?



Motion to fund travel to UMACS for Kristi, November 7-9

                Lodging: $210

                Reg: $150

                Transport: $340

                Food: $22              total: $720

 FY14 Budget: $9,000 

Encumbrances to date:

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200

AASHE membership: -$280

Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208

Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320


FY13 potential budget items

  • ·         Concourse lighting signage
  • ·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus
  • ·         Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • ·         Outdoor recycling cans
  • ·         Interpretive Trailhead sign
  • ·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
  • ·         Parking lot info signs
  • ·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures
  • ·         Sustainability kiosk

Next Meeting

November 1st at 9:00 in Student Life Conference Room

Posted in: Agendas

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Meeting Minutes 9/6/2013


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Aaron McIntire, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Carol Johnson

General Members present:  Dick Haney, Glenn Merrick,

Guest Present: Al Finlayson, Rachel Peterson, Duane Timo



Sustainable Twin Ports Public Showcase is October 3rd at Spirit Mountain Grand Avenue Chalet at 4:30.  Greg Benson, CEO and co-founder of Loll Designs will be the keynote speaker and Greg Tiburzi will provide music. 

Healthy Duluth Area Coalition’s: City-wide bike/ped count is September 11th and they’re looking for volunteer counters for two-hour counting shifts.  Contact Kristi or Dick for more information.


This year’s UMACS conference is November 8-9 in Decorah, Iowa: The Sustainability Council will have a poster presentation related to the Sustainable Twin Ports project. 


No smoking signs have been posted at the trail’s secondary entrance, where smoking has typically be a big problem.  Student employees will continue monitor the trash and cigarette butt situation.


Student Employee & Work Group Reports

Garden Club:  Aaron reported that the vegetable garden is doing well and some vegetables have been harvested.  Some were used to garner interest for the Club at the Welcome Week table.  Kristi added that the structure of the garden was a huge undertaking and the Club did a great job at persisting through the many hurdles they encountered.  Kristi also commended Aaron on his summer watering responsibility at the S and E building entrances.  The Council will discuss its role in these landscaping projects in work groups.

Interpretive Trail Maintenance:  Glenn reported that our trails student employee, Steve, started trail clearing work Thursday.  He’ll also work on creating some tread way over a couple of seeps at the west end of the trail.  Al mentioned the need to clarify the signage for the secondary “blue” trail the circles the campus.  Hiking signs were installed, but Steve will re-evaluate the effectiveness of the signs in late fall.  This should also be mapped, perhaps another project for Civil Tech.  Cliff’s survey class will be shooting points on the course next week to update the map.  Dick also mentioned the idea of linking to the Superior Hiking Trail.  This would be a good focus group project.  Kristi proposed a trail re-grand opening once the new trail head sign is installed, possibly in late fall.  Glenn and Carol suggested a Student Success Day walk, and make sure the handbook includes information about the trail.  Safety concerns were discussed.  Al will talk with Wade to see if we have any options available to us.

Water aerators from CERTS:  The Council purchased aerators from Niagra Conservation.  Student Employees will install these this fall and keep track of the amount of water saved.  We’ll crunch some numbers and publicize potential savings (estimated to be $100 per faucet per year).  Mike suggested signs near bathroom faucets or mirror clings.  Al suggested promotion at the sustainability kiosk.

Sustainability Kiosk:  Al reiterated his sustainability kiosk idea.  Kristi has some design ideas for a hallway location outside student life.  This will be discussed more in a focus group.

New Business

The Council briefly discussed updates to the SC Committee Structure.  Kristi will look into policy for campus committee chair position.  Discussion tabled until next meeting.  The group also approved changing the occurrence of full Council meetings to once per month with focus groups meeting throughout the month and reporting back to the full Council monthly.  Full Council will meet the first Friday of each month at 9:00 am.


The Sustainability Council reviewed Jean’s poster design for the Sustainable Twin Ports Public Showcase.  It looks great.  Kristi will forward the design to STP for printing.

Sustainability Council’s goals and roles for the year: Many ideas generated today’s meeting will fit into focus groups, outlined below.  Kristi will email the list of focus groups to SC members.  Please sign up for at least one group when you receive the email, and indicate your willingness to organize meeting times.

SC Focus Groups

1. Policy and Procedure: employee reminders (printing, recycling, supplies, computer shut-off, small appliances), student reminders
2. Master Facilities Plan: landscape planning, trails, stormwater, campus green space
3. Sustainability Reporting: Greenhouse Gas Inventory, ACUPCC bi-annual reporting, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, publicizing results
4. Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/alternative energies demonstration, sustainability signage, seating
5. Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting/seeding, rainwater harvesting system, no-mow area, rooftop gardens
6. Sustainability in Curriculum


AQIP/STP Progress Report: Is due to Kent by September 23rd.  Kristi will work on the report and send it around for review.


Ongoing Business


Old Business



FY14 Budget: $9,000  

MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150

Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200

FY14 potential budget items

·         Concourse lighting signage

·         Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?)

·         Additional bike rack for main entrance

·         Outdoor recycling cans

·         Interpretive Trailhead sign

·         Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans

·         Parking lot info signs

·         Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures

·         Sustainability kiosk

·         Rain water collection system



Next meeting

October 4, 2013, 9:00 am, Student Life Conference Room


Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz

Posted in: Minutes

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