Posted by jy5546fj on September 10, 2012
Location: Student Life Conference Room
Governing Council Members present: Carol Johnson, Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Theresa Hornstein, Wade Gordon, Vaughn Johnson, Christina Eckstine
General Members present: Dick Haney, Glenn Merrick, Neldon Heron, Bruce Wallis
Guest Present: Sarah Newport, Dylan Thorbjornsen, Jacqueline Evertz, Julie Johnson
Set semester meeting times: The EC will meet every other Friday morning from 8:30-10:30 in the Student Life Conferenece Room.
The next meeting will be September 14th. Kristi will send an Outlook Calendar request to everyone.
Upcoming Conference: MN USGBC 2012 Impact Conference is Tuesday September 18th.
UMD has received an AIA award for design excellence on the Bagley Center. Deanne would like to send a letter of congratulations on behalf of the EC. Kristi and Deanne will work on the letter.
Duluth LEAP (Local Energy Action Plan) public meeting: Dick would like LSC to be considered as the host site for this meeting and invites anyone interested to attend.
Student Employee & Work Group Reports
Kristi introduced Christina Eckstine, the EC’s newest student employee. Amy Brooks will also be working with the EC this year. Kristi will arrange regular meetings outside of the EC meeting with student employees to work on projects. Student Employees will report back to the EC during regular meetings.
New Business
From the office of the VPs: Campus Committees LSC is now forming advisory committees on items including furniture and equipment purchasing as well as general facilities input. In meeting with Al a few weeks ago, he encouraged members of the Council to participate in these committees to bring a sustainability viewpoint to relatable issues. Wade is a part of both equipment committees, administrative and instructional, and Kristi has asked to be considered for both the facilities and furniture committees.
Adopt-A-Parking Lot Kristi gave an update on the status of adopted lots. Just 2 lots remain. Kristi will email all clubs and try to get the last two lots adopted. Kristi will also meet with Student Employees to plan a kick-off event in late September and lay out the instructions for adoptees.
Council semester project planning: the group started to discuss the importance of laying out tangible and quantifiable projects to focus on. Deanne commented on Al’s suggestion at an earlier meeting that the EC try to quantify the dollars saved by initiating certain projects, for example composting, re-use room, water bottle filling stations…Carol again mentioned faculty office trash and recycling collection as a missed opportunity in time savings by maintenance. Many ideas were generated, Vaughn said he will instruct maintenance staff to no longer clean out individual offices, but to have individuals bring their trash to a community location. He will also run some numbers on the amount of time it will save them. The discussion concluded with a reiteration of the importance of an LSC Purchasing Policy. Kristi will make this the first priority, after supervising student employees.
Wade suggested the Council initiate annual green stewardship awards for a student, faculty and staff for innovative ideas or office space practice. Kristi will bring this to the Student Employees as a project to peruse.
Ongoing Business
Old Business
FY13 budget: $10,000
Expenses since last meeting:
-plant identification and garden plot sign holders ($325.65)
Balance as of 8/28/12” $9,316.35
Waste Wise Annual Meeting is October 2nd. Cliff, Theresa, Vaughn and Kristi will to go. Kristi will work on travel POs and registration.
Next meeting
September 14th, Workforce Development Conference Room, E2028
Notes Submitted by Kristi Heintz