Posted by jy5546fj on November 1, 2013
Location: Student Life Conference Room
Governing Council Members present: Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein, Wade Gordon
General Members present: Glenn Merrick, Dick Haney, Bruce Wallis, Duane Timo
Guest Present:
SC meeting with Facilities Master Plan Consultants will be November 4th. Cliff, Dick, Theresa and Kristi will represent the Sustainability Council.
UMACS is at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa: November 7-9. Kristi will attend and present the Sustainable Twin Ports project and showcase the posters along with Duluth Coffee Company and STP flyers.
Work Group and Student Employee Reports
Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)
*Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad
This update and discussion was tabled for December meeting
Master Facilities Plan
*Dick, Cliff, Glenn, Kristi, Theresa
Cliff, Kristi and Glenn met for a second time to discuss our priority proposals for the master planning consultants. Sustainable landscape procedures, annual maintenance plan, trails and accessibility options, and campus leisure spaces (both inside and out) will be our key priorities. Dick mentioned his discussions with Paula for outdoor opportunities on the ERTC campus. Wade would like to see a self-sustaining Eco-house built on campus, used as a demonstration and a means for generating foundation support. This also spurred a conversation about admissions and ambassadors incorporating sustainability into their planning. Kristi mentioned she’d emailed Brandon Leno about doing a quick promo video, but hasn’t received a response from him yet. Wade also suggested the Sustainability Council meet at and tour the ERTC campus.
Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info
*Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce
Kristi forwarded the lists generated to Wade and Al. Aaron and Bruce are continuing to work on Superior Compact benchmarking. The group had an impromptu discussion about local and regional food procurement. Bruce will be offering Locally Laid eggs along-side his usual egg salad next week, at different price points, to gauge interest in supporting more local. More discussion in today’s “New Business”.
Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage
*Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep
Duane gave a report on sustainability kiosk ideas he’s compiled so far. Wade mentioned that he and Al have identified at least three places on campus where they’d like to see a kiosk placed. Wade has touch screens available. The Kiosk groups is tasked with coming up with content ideas for the touchscreens and possible leisure area ideas to accompany it.
Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening
Theresa, Mike, Aaron, Kristi, maintenance rep
This group hasn’t met yet and needs a chair volunteer.
Sustainability in Curriculum
Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne, Glenn
This group hasn’t met since last meeting.
Garden Club indoor plant pots discussion tabled until next meeting.
New Business
Cliff, Aaron and Kristi met last week to determine the best method for compiling the FY13 Greenhouse Gas information needed for the Inventory, which is due in January. The new Clean-Air Cool-Campus online format is much more user-friendly and the group discussed having those with the information (Business Office, Denise in Inst. Research, etc) directly input data that we need. Wade will have the conversation with Al. The group discussed the accuracy and use of the data that is collected, Wade suggested a commuting counter be placed on the entrances to count cars over a few months’ time.
The group talked about using the AASHE STARS platform to track our annual progress. The group looked at the advantages of using the $900 subscription services versus the free format. Wade pointed out that the $900 could be better utilized in projects. Kristi also mentioned the Sustainable Twin Ports beta metrics project, which is based on STARS. Kristi will be involved in the beta project and asked if the Council thought both tools could be useful. Deanne motioned to use the free STARS tool this year, and assess the benefit of subscription after the first year. Dick seconded the motion.
The S-bldg entrance lawnscape project is underway. Seeds have been purchased and work will hopefully begin next week. Gary Chick will use the bobcat to work the soil, and the remaining Juneberry trees will be removed. Wade has material that machine tool can use to laser-etch signs.
The search committee for Building Services Forman position is taking question suggestions. Anyone with sustainability related suggested questions should email them to Kristi by next Friday. Kristi will send a message for hard-copy review before November 15th, then forward to Wade.
Review HLC comments from our STP AQIP update (tabled for Decemeber meeting)
Update SC Committee structure: members, Governing Council, and Council co-chair responsibilities (tabled for December meeting)
Collaboration opportunities or outreach material with Admissions (tabled for December meeting, Kristi will invite Ashley Grimm).
Ongoing Business
Old Business
FY14 Budget: $9,000
Encumbrances to date:
MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150
Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200
Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200
AASHE membership: -$280
Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208
Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320
UMACS Kristi travel and registration: -$758.39
ACUPCC annual 2013-2014 membership: -$750
Eden Brothers (seed mix for S-bldg): -143.96
FY14 potential budget items
- Concourse lighting signage
- Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus
- Additional bike rack for main entrance
- Outdoor recycling cans
- Interpretive Trailhead sign
- Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
- Parking lot info signs
- Legacy: fencing for edible exclosures
- Sustainability kiosk
Next meeting
December 6, 2013, 9:00 am, Student Life Conference Room
Notes submitted by Kristi Heintz