Meeting Agenda 4/8/2016

Sustainabilty logo

Student Life Conference Room




New Business

Earth Day poster view and updates

Legacy Garden – update and walking path (Cliff)


Old Business

NREL assistance update

Stormwater and landscape signs – review

Meeting with UWS, CSS, FDL, UMD – recap


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Landscape (Kristi)

  • Landscape feedback, benches, picnic tables etc
  • hillside burn, hillside planting, groundcover, shrubs etc ?
  • Boreal 2014 seeded area 2016 management contact/plan (motion needed)



FY16 Budget: $8,400 


Motions needed

RSPT annual dues: $300

Encumbrances to date:

  • Boreal Natives (fall maintenance): -$348.68
  • Human Svs Dept (plastic bag removal-annual): -$280
  • AASHE travel (hotel for 2): -$601.58
  • AASHE registration for 2: -$575
  • Encumbered supplies (Dan’s, Shopko, Home Depot, Menards): -$700
  • Garden/Council supply shed: -$1000
  • AASHE dues: -$280
  • IOS (Earth Day supplies): -$9.97
  • Amazon (compostable bags): -$60.00

BALANCE as of today: $4,999.87 

FY15-16 potential budget items

  • Ditch/swale/raingarden info signs
  • Picnic table under H catwalk
  • Additional bike rack for main entrance?
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk
  • MnSCU Sustainability Across Curriculum workshop


Next Meeting

May 6th?

Posted in: Agendas

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