Meeting Minutes 5/1/2015

10:00 – 11:00

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Glenn Merrick, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein,

General Members present: Aaron Ekstrom, Nate Bronk, Al Finlayson, Cliff Koski

Guest Present:




New Business

The WLSSD-LSC compost drop site is in full swing. Susie provided Q & A on Earth Day and gave out home collection bins and compostable bags. Kristi has additional container to give away. So far, we’ve given out over 50 bins. In the fall, we’ll launch a full-scale compost collection for the campus. The Council talked a bit about where those bins should be placed. Concerns include number of receptacles, fruit flies/smell, cost of compost bags, and responsibility for pick up. Kristi talked with the triple bin vendor, and we can just swap out the labels for a few bins. The Council agreed we should start small with collection bins then expand based on additional requests.


Kristi asked Kathy Dugdale for the state contract wording for Lighthouse for the Blind’s access to campus facilities for vending machine placement. Concerns shared with Kathy and Al via email include: costs to power them ($300+ per machine per year), wasted energy, especially during non-peak building hours, total number of machines with respect to diversity of products (multiple rows of the same beverage in a machine, not an efficient use of space), loss of revenue to our Store/Café (!), aesthetic and sound disruptions in acoustically sensitive space (like the concourse and Student Lounge, the Lounge is NOT usable for speaker-related events), cost to dispose of refuse, concerns voiced by students/Student Life with regard to lack access to outlets for their electronics around campus because every available outlet is jammed with a vending machine, and offering far too many unhealthy options to our students. Al shared that the current contract is expired, and new criteria will be evaluated for an incoming contractee when the current contractee retires.


May 7th is our first Clean-Campus Power Hour. Kristi will send an email reminder to all employees along with a “Take A Hike Tuesday” and “Wednesday Weeding” options to gauge interest.


Kristi asked for volunteers to serve on an energy reporting committee this summer. We’ll address the types of information we should be sharing both with the public and administration annually. Al also suggested we re-visit the kiosk idea, and possibly house this information there. Kristi will continue to work with Steve when we further flush this idea out.

Gary Kruchowski would like to donate memorial tress to honor his father. The Council offered offered few location and species ideas. We’ll offer the ideas to Gary and ask what he prefers.


Ongoing Business


Old Business

Sustainability related purchasing and use policies and procedures have been through and approved by the Policy Committee. Kristi asked for any final input before they’re posted for campus review. None offered.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

Carol, Kristi, Mel, Wade

Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

*Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce

Grants and Awards: Pre-grant drafts and collaboration with grant office on potential opportunities

                *Deanne, Kristi, Wade

Landscape Planning: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

*Kristi, Mike, Aaron, Theresa, maintenance rep, Wade

Sustainability in Curriculum

*Theresa, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne, Glenn

-updates from Mel and Jane

-Garden Club update



FY15 Budget: $8,500

Encumbrances to date:

MN Waste Wise membership 2014-2015: -$150

Boreal Natives-Swale/Ditch project: -$5,735

Airpark Disability Services (plastic bag recycling): -$208

Dan’s Feedbin: -$300

Menards: -$200

AASHE: -$280

IOS (footrests): -$263.20

Amazon (footrests): -$123

Eden Brothers (S-bldg wildflower seed): -$192.51

SWCD for RSPT annual dues: -$300

Earth Day trail mix cups: -$5.92

Anticipated Travel for UW Madison Earth Day conference: -$483

BALANCE as of today: $139.06


FY14-15 potential budget items

  • LSC Earth Day costs
  • Spring landscape supplies (flowers)
  • Concourse lighting signage
  • Ditch/swale/raingarden info signs
  • Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Parking lot/rain garden info signs
  • Sustainability kiosk
  • MnSCU Sustainability Across Curriculum workshop host costs


Next Meeting

Sometime in June, Kristi will send a doodle later in May.


Notes submitted to SC blog and LSC Employee Portal>Committees by Kristi Heintz


Posted in: Minutes

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