meeting agenda 9/5/2014
September 5th, 2014 10:00
E2028 Workforce Development Conference Room
Review Last Meeting’s Minutes
Introduction of SC’s new student employees: Jane Marynik and Melanie Kelson
-Landscaping and Compost Pilot updates
Midwest Renewable Energy Association (Custer, WI) may offer a solar education hour called Power Hour at LSC on September 18th. It will focus on residential PV evaluations. MREA approved installers will discuss finance. LSC agrees to help promote the event. If you’d like more information about the event, ask Kristi.
Recycling Asso. – meeting and posters (Deanne)
Work Group and Student Employee Reports
Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)
Carol, Kristi, Chad
Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info
*Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce
Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage
*Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep
Landscape Planning: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening
*Kristi, Mike, Aaron, Theresa, maintenance rep, Wade
-Landscape Plan and Boral Natives project
-update on Groundskeeper, and Groundkeeper Assistant (SE) positions (Kristi or Glenn)
Sustainability in Curriculum
*Theresa, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne
-Ag space update from meeting August 27th (Kristi, Theresa, or Aaron)
-Garden Club update (Neldon, Aaron)
New Business
Interpretive Trail Re-Opening Event & New Trail Guide
Greenhouse Gas Inventory/ACUPCC discussion: metrics fatigue, where do we focus efforts?
Green Ribbon Schools-new Post-Secondary Award
Update Committee Structure Doc, vote on 2014-2015 Council co-chairs
Tour Spirit Mountain Farm? (Aaron)
Integrated Planning for campus Sustainability
Ongoing Business
Landscaping budget responsibility discussion (Kristi)
Old Business
FY1 Budget: $8,500
Encumbrances to date:
MN Waste Wise membership 2014-2015: -$150
Boreal Natives-Swale/Ditch project: -$5,735
Dan’s Feedbin: -$200
Menards: -$200
BALANCE as of today: $2415
FY15 potential budget items
• Concourse lighting signage
• Ditch/swale info signs
• Additional bike rack for main entrance
• Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
• Parking lot/rain garden info signs
• Sustainability kiosk
• MnSCU Sustainability Across Curriculum workshop host costs
Next Meeting
October ?, 2014 ?:?? in Student Life Conference Room
Posted in: Agendas
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