Meeting Agenda 1/18/2013

8:30 – 10:00

Student Life Conference Room


Regional STEM Workshop: Community-Engaged Learning and Food Sustainability Regional Workshops May 16th at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN.

Work-Study & Work Group Reports

New Business

Remaining FY (fiscal year) budget planning:

  • MnSCU Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop (Registration free, $lodging/travel x 2 or 3)
  • Event mugs for Food Service?
  • Earth Day shirts/bottles?

STP Early Adopters update: AQIP Action Project Commitment Form update

ACUPCC Progress Report due Jan 13th 2013: update

Sustainability “Folks” meeting (Kristi)

Purchasing and Use Policies update (Wade?)

5R Event discussion

Ongoing Business


Old Business



FY13 Budget: $9,000

Expenses since last meeting: IOS-Business Office foot warmer -$45.13

Balance as of 1/16/2013: $7,576.52


Next Meeting

February 1st, 8:30, Student Life Conference Room


Posted in: Agendas

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