Meeting Minutes 1/27/2012


Location: Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present:  Amy Brooks, Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Kristi Heintz, Theresa Hornstein, Wade Gordon

General Members present:  Dick Haney, Jeri Schwerin, Patty Dorn, Lance Lindgren



Work Studies Introduction  Kristi introduced our newest work-study, Lance Lindquist.  Lance was hired last week and will be working 10 hours per week along with Amy.  Lance is in his first semester at LSC.  Amy is in her 4th semester at LSC and was previously a member of the EC.

“Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time”  Dick announced this movie will be playing at UMD on February 9th at 7:00 at UMD in the Bohannon Hall Room 90, attendance is free.

LSC Newsplash The Council would like to see weekly sustainability tips in the Newspash which is sent out by Mat every Monday.  Wade suggested we set up a list of ideas and give them all to Mat to use weekly.  Until then, Kristi will send Mat something to print on Fridays.


Work-Study & Work-Group Reports

Kristi on behalf of Brian Sanner: SS Legacy Project update.  Brian contacted Boreal Natives via email and has received a response to his message stating they’d be happy to work with the Senate in constructing a site plan.  Brian will follow-up again and keep Kristi posted.  An avid gardener and student, Kevin Lindquist, attended the meeting and gave a lot of great suggestions for the project.  Kristi will make sure Brian has his contact info as he would be a great resource for the Senate throughout the project.  Wade added that administration would like to see a plan outlining timeline, detailed definition of space to be used, and a plan for the annual phases and additional planting.  It may also be a good idea to include the Campus Tree Care Committee in the planning process, which includes members of maintenance.

Amy-RecycleMania: Amy gave a brief overview of the RecycleMania project she is working on with Beth in Student Senate.  The Council gave suggestions for waste tracking; Deanne suggested she contact Kate Whorley at Minnesota Waste Wise for tips.  The Council also discussed ideas for promoting the project throughout the next few months.  Kevin L. suggested a kick-off event with a movie, he suggested “Home” and Deanne suggested possibly include Heather and Student Life in making popcorn.  Kristi suggested using it as an opportunity for comprehensive campus recycling education and Beth would like to include some sort of a pledge that students would sign, possibly a banner.

Lance-Vending Misers:  Lance will be taking on the vending miser project.  Wade has 7 new misers to be installed.  Wade will work with Lance to first install the Kill-A-Watt meters to get a week-long baseline of energy use for soda and snack machines before installing.  Lance will also work on repairing the existing misers and putting up signs to educate users and product/machine distributors.


New Business

Saddle bags  Kevin has asked the EC to purchase 80 saddle bags for existing offices that do not currently have them.  The EC approved spending up to $250 on saddle bags and Kristi created a purchase order.  The vendor Kevin supplied for saddlebags is no longer in business.  Kristi found a similar product from Innovative Office Solutions (IOS), but it’s a bit bigger and more expensive.  With the $250 encumbered, 50 saddlebags can be purchased.  Kristi will have Shannon purchase just one for an example and will have the existing PO revised for IOS if that product is satisfactory and existing bags fit into them.

Toasy Toes Kristi gave the first foot heater to the Welcome Desk, and they’ve had mixed feelings.  It’s warm, but not as warm as a space heater.  Kristi gave them a small flyer explaining the energy and dollar savings they are achieving by using the foot warmer instead.  Wade suggested mopboard also be used along the base of the Welcome Desk to cut down on draft.  Kristi and Lance will work with maintenance to get this installed.  Lolly has also requested a foot warmer for her new space in the President’s Suite on the second floor.  Kristi will get a second foot warmer for her and also an informational flyer.

Living Green by the Lake is next weekend at the Coppertop Church.  Kristi has registered LSC as a sponsor for the event and has asked Mat and Jean to put together a poster highlighting the H-building’s LEED properties.  They will finish up with the poster early next week.  Theresa and Deanne are working on the rest of the info table for the event.

ReUse Room-Evaluation of Use:  The room was utilized fairly well.  There was no “illegal dumping” or misuse of the room.  For being open for about 2 weeks, the room saved the campus over $2,500 in reclaimed supplies.  After Kristi sent a final reminder for pick-ups in the room, it was fairly well cleaned out.  Office supplies remaining will be put in the Academic Affairs supplies room.

Earth Day  Patty would like to be a part of planning music for Earth Day.  Wade offered to help pay for an artist if it has a cultural appeal, Student Life also has money for music, and the EC may also contribute. Patty will look into options and will consider using the outdoors as a venue on Thursday the 26th to compliment outdoor work.  Patty will also follow up with Kent Richards about the possibility of asking faculty to show a short video with Earth Day appeal, on Wednesday the 25th, in classes.


Old Business

Meeting attendance: voting membership  Deanne suggested we re-visit the intentions of voting members and attendance at meetings.  It was decided that those members that committed to being voting members should be held to making as many meetings as possible.  Deanne will send an email to all voting members, asking for commitment.  If attendance isn’t possible, a replacement for that voting position needs to be found.  Discussion about the frequency of meetings was also brought up.  There was talk of making some meetings during the busy parts of the semester (beginning and end) just work-group meeting weeks.  It’s a great idea, but there was concern of follow-through.  This idea can be discussed more at a later meeting.



PO encumbrances since last meeting:

-Living Green by the Lake sponsorship: $250

-Gov. Connections: laptop battery $104.60

-Recycling Products, Inc: 80 saddlebags $274

—-Note: this company is no longer in business, IOS sells this item for $4.95 each

Balance as of 1/25/12” $2,448.35


Next meeting

Next meeting is February 10th at 9:00 in the Student Life Conference Room


Notes Submitted by Kristi Heintz


Posted in: Minutes

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