Minutes 3/18/2011

April 18th, 2011
9:00 Student Life Conference Room

Faculty/Staff members present: Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Glenn Merrick, Kevin Futhey, Kristi Heintz, Heather Grillo, Patty Dorn, Wade Gordon
Student members present: Amy Alves, Kent Olson, Tom Deschenes
Guests present: Rebecca Ronning, student

USGBC/LHB discussion forum is April 7th at 7:30.  Contact Deanne for more information on attending.

Sub-Committee Reports
Earth Day
-Patty gave us the finalized workshop schedule for Michael Monroe
-Student Life will pay to print event posters for LSC Earth Day activities
-The Environmental Council and Patty’s grant will share costs to pay for posters related to the concert/workshops.  Janet Blixt and Sandy Pederson are in charge of these 2 poster designs and will get the designs to Kristi when they are finished.  Kristi will work with Mat, Janet, and Patty to decide how many to print.  Patty and the Council would also like postcard sized flyers made to be handed out.
-After discussion, Patty decided to try to avoid as much paper use as possible and do concert “programs” in a PowerPoint format.

SPA timeline
–Kristi will meet with Student Senate March 25th
–EC complete draft to Carol March 28th-31st for proofing
–Kristi will send relevant sections to Kathy D, Mark W, Cathy C, Gary A after proofing is complete
–Wade will arrange meeting with Pat, tentatively for April 11th , Kristi will get a copy of the Plan to Pat before this meeting.
–Release Plan to campus on Earth Day, April 14th
–Final revisions done by May 6th and submit.

April 21, 22 Duty Day
-Mat is working on the promo posters for the 5R e-waste collection.  Kristi will follow-up. That printing cost will come out of the $500 set aside for Earth Day poster printing.  Kristi will also have postcard sized flyers printed to be handed out at the Earth Day concert and LSCs Spring Open House April 15th.
-Glenn suggested we keep the outside projects grouped as 1 activity to sign-up for in Stars, then we can divide people as needed.  The 3 outdoor projects will be:
1. Parking lot trash, debris and sand clean-up
2. Interpretive Trail Maintenance, ie limestone placement, tree trimming (trail conditions permitting)-Glenn
3. Rain Garden and Rock Swale Workshop/Clean-out-Jeri
Kristi will send this info to Mary.

New Business
Spring Sustainability Newsletter will be sent out after Earth Day and Duty Day

Duluth Trail and Bikeway Plan Glenn will discuss this with Dick.

Rain Garden(s) Signs
The Council looked at some preliminary wording for signs.  Input included the need to make the information directly relevant to all levels of understanding ex: how much water it catches, less technical wording…Glenn will work with Kristi on wording.  Wade will talk with Max about materials.

Review Kate’s Waste Wise Report and choose success story-tabled until next meeting

Purchasing Agent call for hiring committee members The Council agreed it would be a good idea to have a representative on the committee to hire for Dave Olson’s position as buyer for LSC.  Dave was in the process if helping us with the Purchasing Policy, and we’d like to have a voice in hiring his replacement.  Kent agreed to sit on the committee as a student representative.  Thanks Kent!

Old Business
Energy Walk-Through results of the walk-though were discussed, Deanne brought info on toasty toes foot warmers.  The Council decided we would bring this information to Pat along with the SPA discussion in April.

Budget Report
EC balance YTD:

Date    Item    (-)    Balance
7/1/2010    Beginning FY11 Balance        $ 5000
7/9/10    MN Waste Wise Membership dues    $ 150    $ 4850
8/24/10    Print/Laminate 2 compost posters    $ 7.50    $ 4842.50
8/25/10    Print/Laminate 2 energy miser posters    $ 7.50    $ 4835
9/17/10    Waste Wise Annual Meeting Registration-Kevin & Kristi    $ 70    $ 4765
9/24/10    MN Waste Wise Meeting Mileage-Kevin & Kristi    $ 296.18    $ 4468.82
11/24/10    AASHE Annual Dues    $250    $ 4218.82
2/7/11    Online Cert. in Sustainability Leadership, Ithaca-Kristi    $550    $ 3668.83
2/8/11    Northland College Sustainability Meeting mileage-Kristi    $72.42    $ 3596.40
3/1/11    MN Waste Wise: plastic bag recycler + shipping    $200  $
3/1/11    Holtzman Betchel Co: 2 Rubbermaid compost bins    $253
3/18/11    Printing YTD    $4.42

balance:  $3138.98

No motions made
Next meeting
Next EC meeting will be on April 1st at 9:00 in Student Life Conference Room

Submitted by Kristi Heintz

Posted in: Uncategorized

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