Archive for Agendas

Meeting Agenda 8/27/2010

9:30 – 11:00

Location:  Student Life Conference Room

Reminder: Paper copies of this agenda will not be provided.


Discuss this semester’s meeting times

Student Success Day Table for Environmental Outdoor Club (Jeri)

Posted 2 energy miser posters, more needed? (Kristi)

Sub-Committee Reports


Old Business


New Business

Outline September 10th EC Representative meeting with Dr. Johns

Budget Report

Date Item (-) Balance
7/1/2010 Beginning FY11 Balance   $ 5000
7/9/10 MN Waste Wise Membership dues $ 150 $ 4850
8/24/10 Print/Laminate 2 compost posters p  
8/25/10 Print/Laminate 2 energy miser posters p  


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Agenda 6/21/2010

1:30ish (after lunch with Dr. Nelson)-3:00

Location:  Student Life Conference Room

Reminder: Paper copies of this agenda will not be provided.


MnSCU Sustainability 2010 document from Mark Winson (SharePoint)

Welcome week info table Tuesday August 24 11-1:00 in the Atrium-Student Life

Sub-Committee Reports

Climate Action Plan (Kristi, Tom)

     -Goals: Review and add to the list (SharePoint)


    -Commuting Survey Results Summary posted on SharePoint (Tom)

Old Business

LSC Sustainable Webpage (Kristi/Mat)

     New LSC Sustainability email address:

     Recruit student(s) to work on completing the website

New Business

Dr. Nelson’s “Book of Appreciation” letter (Deanne)

LSC Solar Sign on Trinity Rd (Kristi)

GreenPrint software (Kristi)

Tree Campus USA (Kristi)

Recycle Mania (Kristi)

Bagless Bookstore (Kristi/Kevin)

Student Recruit PPT (SharePoint-Tom)


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Agenda 6/21/2010

1:30ish (after lunch with Dr. Nelson)-3:00

Location:  Student Life Conference Room

Reminder: Paper copies of this agenda will not be provided.


MnSCU Sustainability 2010 document from Mark Winson (SharePoint)

Welcome week info table Tuesday August 24 11-1:00 in the Atrium-Student Life

Sub-Committee Reports

Climate Action Plan (Kristi, Tom)

     -Goals: Review and add to the list (SharePoint)


    -Commuting Survey Results Summary posted on SharePoint (Tom)

Old Business

LSC Sustainable Webpage (Kristi/Mat)

     New LSC Sustainability email address:

     Recruit student(s) to work on completing the website

New Business

Dr. Nelson’s “Book of Appreciation” letter (Deanne)

LSC Solar Sign on Trinity Rd (Kristi)

GreenPrint software (Kristi)

Tree Campus USA (Kristi)

Recycle Mania (Kristi)

Bagless Bookstore (Kristi/Kevin)

Student Recruit PPT (SharePoint-Tom)


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Meeting Minutes 5/17/2010

May 17th, 2010

11:00 Student Life Conference Room

Faculty/Staff Members present:  Kevin Futhey, Kristi Heintz, Cliff Koski, Glenn Merrick, Deanne Roquet, Jeri Schwerin


Cathy Carlson will be unable to continue as a full member of the Environmental Council and does not have a member of her staff with availability to serve on the committee.  The Council will invite Cathy to meetings that directly pertain to food service.

Cedar posts purchased last year by the EC and intended to be used on the interpretive trail this summer have been taken from behind the green house sometime between the last week in April and first week in May.  Glenn will send out an all employee email asking for information.

The greenhouse needs to be cleaned out by Monday May 24th.

Old Business

Climate Action Plan-Kristi and Tom intend to begin work on the Climate Action Plan on May 26th if the budget is settled and Kristi’s appointment has been extended by then.

Meeting with Dr. Johns-Deanne would like to complete a comprehensive EC report for both the out-going and in-coming LSC Presidents.  Deanne has requested a meeting with Dr. Johns.  A date has not been established.

Sustainability website- IE has been working with Steve Fudally to get the page up.  Kristi and Mat also met with Steve and have been working on the details of the webpage.  Kristi will continue to follow-up on the project.  Kristi is also working to develop an LSC sustainability email address to be used on the website and various publicity or information documents.

Worm composting bins-the worms were moved on May 7th thanks to Deanne, Theresa, and members of Deanne Environmental Science class.  Kristi is working on a sign to be mounted above the bins on the staircase.


New Business 

Deanne has arranged an EC meeting with Dr. Nelson on June 21st at the Olive Garden at noon.  We will have an EC meeting following lunch.

Kristi mentioned UMD’s recent bookstore event going “bagless”.  Kristi and Kevin will follow up with Connie to see if LSC could do something similar at least as a trial.

2011 EC Goals

1. The Climate Action Plan is due by January

2. Review the Storm Water Plan and implement immediate fixes using ideas from Keith’s work this summer.

3. Sustainable policies (purchasing, waste, food etc. ) need to be written.

4. Kristi spoke with Kate at MN Waste Wise and she would like to set up a meeting with us sometime in the near future.  Deanne feels Kate could help us with some of our 2011 Council goals.  Some items include:

– Write an RFP for more sustainably inclusive waste hauler service from Waste Management.  Gary Adams mentioned to Kristi that WM’s contract is up this year so now would be a great time to recommend changes to service.

-Deanne suggested several Council members attend a Waste Wise meeting in St. Paul next year to hear about efforts other businesses/schools are making in waste handling and management.

5. Annual Report


Budget Report

The exact amount of the EC’s remaining 2010 budget still has not been settled.  Mark is working with Wade to close out remaining POs and reimburse Diversity for funds covered through it for Earth Day t-shirts and UMACS registration fees.

The MN Waste Wise membership dues are due in June.  Kristi called Kate to arrange to get the dues payable in July so they would fall on a billing cycle that runs concurrent with our fiscal year.  The 2011 dues will be due July 1st.



No motions were made at this meeting.

Next meeting

Monday June 21st after lunch with Dr. Nelson.

Submitted by Kristi Heintz

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Agenda 5/17/2010

 10:30am – noon

Location:  Student Life Conference Room

Reminder: Paper copies of this agenda will not be provided.


Sub-Committee Reports

Old Business/New Business

Climate Action Plan

Meeting with Dr. Johns

2011 council goals

Summer meetings

LSC Sustainable Webpage

Budget Report

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Retreat Agenda 4/23/2010

Student Life Conference Room

Full Council Gathering (9:00 – 10:00)

Welcome and Structure

Structure of Today’s Meeting:  will focus on wrapping up projects that have been started this year

(9:15) FY11 Budget Planning: with Mark Winson

(9:45) New Building/Future Storm Water Plan: with Mark and Gary

Work Groups (10:15 – Noon)

Worm Building and all of its parts – a proposal for future use * Kevin and Kristi will co-chair


Sustainable Curriculum Review *Cliff will chair


Picnic Lunch @ Enger Park or Atrium if bad weather (Noon – 1:00)


Work Groups (1:00 – 2:00)

Annual Report/Power Point *Deanne will chair


Vending Miser Story *Kristi will chair


Full Council Gathering (2:00 until finished)

Report back on today’s work groups

A Change for the Future of the EC Structure: develop one year and long term Council goals.

-We’ll bring a list of STARS based projects to the meeting to work from, and also describe STARS and how it will be helpful in structuring the group.

-Also mention the Climate Action Plan plan (Cliff) and its tie to GLISTEN (Glenn)

-EC future leadership structure

-including specific roles like meeting leader(s), budget monitor, note taker, STARS tracker

-working with our administrative liaison

Date of next (and potentially last of semester) meeting

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Agenda 4/2/2010

 9:30 – 11:00 am

Location:  Student Life Conference Room

Reminder: Paper copies of this agenda will not be provided.


Sub-Committee Reports

Old Business


  • LSC’s presentation  (Deanne)

Earth Day

  • T-shirts (Mat)
    • Design winner
    • How many should we order, 50?
  • Animal, Vegetable, Miracle purchased
    • Discussion with someone somewhere, 10:00 (Kristi is following up)
    • A student, Sarah Lee, would also like to do a presentation related to the book and her family’s experience in organic farming, possibly linked with the book, what time? (Kristi is following up)
    • Heather is talking with Whole Foods about possibly doing a presentation
  • Food, Inc. – update (Kristi)
    • Other possibilities for a video/discussion leader?
  • Publicity- posters, email, etc.
  • Tables (Heather organized) 11:00 – 1:00
    • Goodwill
    • Johns Twin Ports Recycling
    • Whole Foods Coop
    • NRRI
    • MN Sea Grant
    • Deanne’s Student booths

Other Earth Day Activities (Heather organized):

  • Hemp/beaded necklace making booth –student clubs
  • Campus Clean-up Contest – Student Senate?
  • Volleyball /badminton/outdoor games – student clubs
  • Sidewalk chalk artists- student clubs
  • Auto Tech’s Prius

Climate commitment banner update  (Mat)

  • “Lake Superior College:  a signatory to the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment in 2008”

Climate commitment poster for faculty/staff only to sign and later frame and mount

  • “We, LSC faculty and staff, support the College in its commitment to be a role model to our community in reducing global warming emissions and working toward achieving climate neutrality.

   Lake Superior College:  a signatory to the American                      College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment in 2008”

New Business

Trail access to campus (Cliff)

Environmental Council Retreat

  • Friday April 23rd, Student Life Conference Room, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Lunch options
  • Agenda (Kristi and Deanne)

Next meeting:  April 16, 2010 9:30 – 11:00 in Student Life Conference Room

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Meeting Agenda 3/19/2010

Environmental Council


March 19th, 2010

9:30 – 11:00 am

Location:  Student Life Conference Room

Reminder: Paper copies of this agenda will not be provided.


Sub-Committee Reports

Update Sub-Committees (Kristi)

Old Business


  • Registration deadline – March 31st, Room reservations by March 22nd
  • LSC’s presentation  (Deanne)

Earth Day

  • Follow-up info on events  (Deanne)
  • “One Book” discussion (Deanne)
  • Key note speaker update (Kevin)
  • Climate commitment banner and t-shirt update  (Mat)

 Worm Building/Greenhouse

  • Form a discussion/work group 
    • New home for the worms?! (Theresa)
    • What to do with: structural materials, greenhouse parts, food scraps during construction, solar panels (Chris Ringsred?), wind turbine etc

New Business

Environmental Council Retreat

  • Friday April 23rd, Student Life Conference Room, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Potluck
  • Agenda (Kristi and Deanne)

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Meeting Agenda 3/5/10

Environmental Council


March 5th, 2010

9:30 – 11:00 am

Location:  Student Life Conference Room

Reminder: Paper copies of this agenda will not be provided.


  • Discuss next meeting date

Sub-Committee Reports

  • Update Sub-Committees (Kristi)
  • Environmental Council Retreat (Carol, Deanne, Wade)
    • Dates
    • Locations
    • Topics
  • President’s Climate Commitment
    • Potential CERT vending misor story (Kristi)


Old Business

  • Earth Day – Form a sub-committee
    • Form a sub-committee
    • Paul Thompson
      • employment history etc. (Kristi)
  • It’s in the Bag plastic bag recycling – requires a motion to purchase (Kristi)


New Business

  • Worm Building and the “impending” new science building

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Meeting Agenda 2/26/10

Environmental Council


February 26, 2010

9:00 – 10:30 am

Location:  Student Life Conference Room

Reminder: Paper copies of this agenda will not be provided.


  • New styrofoam shredding machine  (Kevin)

Committee Reports

  • Environmental Council Retreat (Carol, Deanne, Wade)
    • Dates
    • Locations
    • Topics
  • Recycling
    • Plastic bags (Kristi)
  • Environmental Purchase Policy/Waste Reduction & Recycling Policy (Kristi)

Old Business

  • Earth Day – Form a sub-committee

New Business

  • Worm Building and the “impending” new science building
  • Student Recruiting



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