Sustainability Council meeting minutes 9/7/2018
9:00 – 10:30
Student Life Conference Room
Governing Core Members present: Deanne, Al, Wade, Mary, Dave, Nate, Theresa, Jenna, Mike, Eric, Glenn, Kristi
General Members present:
Woody Plants Field Workshop & Removal (Duluth CISMA) Oct 3rd, 3:30-5:30, Casket Quarry Park
New student employees for the Sustainability Council have been hired. Grant and Nicole will tag team trails and garden work this summer/fall and the Council will prioritize student projects at our October meeting.
LSC’s Integrated Mfg assists in Imagine Canal Park in Sept, kick off event is tonight.
Harvest Fest is Saturday (9/8) in Bayfront Park
The Duluth People’s Climate March is Saturday (9/8) starting at 10:00 at the AICHO
Monthly Twin Ports Climate Conversations, October’s meeting will be at Perch lake for wild ricing demo and discussion, contact Deanne or Kristi for more information.
Soles to the Poles– Nonpartisan get out the vote festival is October 13th, 1:00-5:00 pm at Denfeld HS, contact Deanne for more info
LSC hosts the Izaak Walton League monthly meetings and programs. Next meeting is Wed October 3rd with a focus on understanding treaty rights. Contact Glenn for more information.
New Business
Our FY19 budget was set, as last year, at $8,450.
Glenn shared fall plans to reprint the Interpretive Trail-head sign to include an updated campus map and proposed new trailhead. Rental of a dingo/auger is needed for sign holes. The Council discussed the proposed trailhead and sign location and ideas to make the ditch more traversable. Al favors a permanent culvert. Kristi shared the updated map that Jean modified for our hand-maps and trailhead sign. Mary suggested adding a QR code or link to the trailhead map so people don’t have to take a paper hand map. Supply needs for the trail include limestone and supplies to repair and stabilize the old trail entrance. Dave motioned the Council use its budget to fund these projects, Theresa seconded. Unopposed.
The Council reviewed its membership roster on the Campus Committees page. Kristi will request updates.
Kristi hosted a “Hosting a Zero Waste Event” meeting for most campus event planners/purchasers this summer. Student Life hosted their first nearly zero waste pizza party event during welcome week, and it was a great success. Kristi was able to easily place bins, provide education for students, and assist with clean up. In the future, this will become a student employee task.
Connie is still on board for purchasing these items, if departments are willing to purchase from the LSC Store. Wade noted it would be great to get to a place where zero waste was part of normal event planning, and planners would have to opt-out if they intended to purchase items not listed as compostable. A great goal!
Summer Grounds Projects
- Pollinator garden-Kristi shared photos of the pollinator garden planting and progress. The Council briefly discussed winter management (ie keeping salt, snow, and sand off the plants). Kristi plans to put reflective stakes around the garden and will continue to work/communicate with maintence. The Council will continue to work on a design for the black plastic area over winter.
- Tansy town-Glenn and Kristi shared our experience on the H-building hillside. Kristi shared that Prairie Restorations had done the first application of Escort in late spring, and we plan to do the same next spring. Glenn noted the project is simply gigantic, and too big for us to manage on our own. Following a second year of tansy treatment, the Council will continue to plan for a planting strategy. Kristi suggested we continue to look for grant opportunities for the project.
The Council discussed preliminary thoughts about the new student housing project ahead of the September 14th meeting with architect Carly Coulson. Kristi and Deanne took notes; Kristi will summarize throughts and will circulate to the Council ahead of that next meeting.
Remaining new business agenda items were tabled for October meeting
Old Business
Work Group and Student Employee Reports
FY 18 original budget: $8,450
Encumbrances to date:
- Prairie Restorations (tansy treatment): $300
- Menards: $200
Next Meetings
Meeting with Carly Coulson: September 14th, 9:00 am, Large Admin Conf Room (S2920)
Regular monthly meeting: October 5th, 9:00 am
Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 9/7/2018. Posted to LSC Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.
Posted in: Minutes
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