10:00 – 11:30
Student Life Conference Room
Governing Core Members present: Theresa Hornstein, Kristi Heintz, Eric Brandt, Alex Sundberg, Wade Gordon, Cliff Koski, Mike Francisco, Marissa Johnsen
General Members present:
Guest Present:
November meeting minutes reviewed
MPCA is hosting a free Climate Adaptation conference for Minnesota higher ed in St Paul on January 31st. Deanne and Kristi have already registered, anyone that would like to ride along should register at the eventbrite site. Kristi will also meet informally with Emily Ziring, Minnesota State Sustainable Facilities Program Manager.
New Business
Kristi shared that Dave and Amy Freeman would be available to key note our Earth Day on Tuesday April 25th. The Council agreed that date should work. Kristi will follow-up with Igrid Lyons to confirm.
Bret Pence of Ecolibrium 3 has initiated a northland meeting with MREA (Midwest Renewable Energy Assn) and representatives from LSC/UMD. January 4th was put forward as a potential date, or January 11th would be an alternate. The focus of this first meeting would review solar deployment strategies we’ve been assessing for our own campus (related to our NREL assessment) and regional education opportunities ie, how MREA’s certification programming could partner with our institution(s). Kristi asked the Council for feedback on individuals at LSC that should be invited to this initial meeting. Jon Lintula, Don Ness, and perhaps Matt Whitehill were noted. Kristi will make the initial invite and include Al and Wade in the planning.
Kristi noted she gave a sustainability-focused facility tour to new campus Admissions and transfer coordinator. They had some GREAT ideas for less-waste events on campus. Kristi will continue to collaborate.
Kristi asked if there’s anything for spring 2017 that the Council should be proactively assessing, budget related or otherwise? Wade asked if local conferences will be happening this year: UMACS or Sustainability Across the Curriculum. Kristi will look into these. He also noted there is a need for a bottle filling station near Student Life/Atrium. Perhaps the Council can look at funding one at the end of FY.
Old Business
Kristi gave an update on the NREL solar analysis. NREL has provided an amended analysis, reflecting rate increases and an ownership model. Kristi has not taken time to fully review the report, but results were more favorable this time. Kristi will provide a more comprehensive overview at January’s meeting. Kristi added there may be an RFP coming for community solar garden hosts in January, and LSC should discuss intentions related to that opportunity.
In November, Glenn requested an estimate for Interpretive Trail sign reprint from Sheldon. Based on printing in 2012, signs cost $14 each and we’ll likely print 17. Theresa motioned to print signs up to $300, Dave seconded the motion with no opposition.
Work Group and Student Employee Reports
Kristi gave a brief update of the work the Council sub-group’s November 15th “Energy Task Force” (working title) meeting. Attendees at the first meeting included Marissa, Connie Moore, Deanne, Glenn, Luke, and Mike (any others?). The committee discussed the myriad reports and projects undertaken in past years, and opportunity to report on energy with most efficient use of time, noting the SPA likely wouldn’t be read by a huge audience. Deanne noted at the committee meeting that it would be good to update initiatives that were outlined to demonstrate progress, Kristi noted this could be formally done in a STARS format each year. The committee will look at maybe integrating energy reporting into annual reports.
Tangentially, Kristi found a B3 Post Occupancy Evaluation opportunity to collect building occupant feedback. After contacting the SPOE Director at the UofM Center for Sustainable Building Research, the project team discovered we had not input our project to the B3 tracking portal, therefor we are not eligible for the free SPOE. Unclear about WHY we didn’t input or were exempt, Kristi will continue to dig into the B3 requirements. The SPOE for non-B3 participants is $4,000.
Alex provided a PowerPoint update on the status of the waste sort. Kristi will work with Theresa to try to incorporate the waste sort into a class. Alex also shared the beginning stages of data collection/baseline for paper towel use for the last year. Starting in January, student employees will initiate a waste reduction campaign and continue to track paper towel use.
Encumbrances to date:
- Annual AASHE dues: -280
- Boreal Natives (fall-spring maintenance): -$600
- Boreal Natives (fall maintenance): -$200
- Human Svs Dept (plastic bag removal-annual): -$280
- Menards -$341.71
- Dan’s -$100
BALANCE as of today: $ 6,410
FY17 Budget priority review/planning
FY16-17potential budget items (carryover FY15-16 list)
- Bottle filling station near Student LIfe
- Ditch/swale/raingarden info signs
- Picnic table under H catwalk
- Additional bike rack for main entrance?
- Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
- Sustainability kiosk: pamphlet holder, plastic bag bin
- MnSCU Sustainability Across Curriculum workshop
Meeting adjourned 11:30
Next Regular Meeting
January 13th, 2017
Notes submitted to SC blog and LSC Employee Portal>Committees by Kristi Heintz
Posted in: Minutes
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