Meeting Minutes 7/20/2015

10:00 – 11:30

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Council Members present: Deanne Roquet, Glenn Merrick, Kristi Heintz, Mike Francisco, Theresa Hornstein, Jane Marynik, Wade Gordon

General Members present:  Nate Bronk, Janice Crede

Guest Present:



Deanne mentioned Dick Haney’s offer to guide an early fall Boundary Waters trip, possibly in late September.  Anyone interested should contact Deanne.


Deanne suggested we invite Dick Haney to sit on the Council as a community member.  The Council agreed his wealth of knowledge and passion are invaluable to the Council as well as LSC, and she will offer this option to him.


New Business

Kristi framed the FY16 budget planning discussion by giving an FY15 budget summary.  The Council was approved for an $8,400 budget in FY16.  After discussion involving landscape supply needs, Deanne motioned to open POs with approved vendors up to $600.  Mike seconded unopposed.


Related to landscaping, Wade suggested we acquire a storage cabinet or shed for landscape tools as an alternative to the inconvenient cold storage building.  He will ask the building construction for a supplies estimate for a shed that they would construct this fall.  Deanne motioned to move forward with that inquiry, Jane seconded unopposed.


Minnesota Waste Wise membership was due July 1st.  After discussion related to member benefits and usefulness to the campus, the Council concluded we’d forego membership for at least a year, citing our requirement to  report elsewhere and availability of numerous resources offered by AASHE and locally.  Mike motioned not to continue membership, Deanne seconded unopposed.


AASHE registration for the October 25-28 conference in Minneapolis is now open.  Anyone interested in attending should email Kristi asap.  The next tier of registration fees will increase at the end of August.  Once interest is known, the Council will set a travel budget.


Ongoing Business


Old Business

Sustainability related purchasing and use policies and procedures have been through and approved by the Policy Committee and went through all campus comment period with no feedback.  Kristi met with Al to discuss some minor questions he had related to the role/responsibility of the Business Office.  They’ll now go to Pat then the Cabinet.


Related to sustainable purchasing and use, Wade suggested sustainability awards,  recognition, or nominations for employees sustainability actions.   Similarly, Carol asked if there was further movement on the “Green Office” opt-in program that was discussed in work groups a while back.  The group’s chair has since left LSC, and the groups should re-convene, perhaps to discuss the award idea as well.


Kristi gave a compost expansion update. In late fall, an email went out to all employees, offering office suite compost bins and bags.  These bins, along with 1 community bin in the Commons area will be the first phase in rolling out the expanded compost program.  At about $28 per 48 compost bags, we’ll start the program small to reduce risk of bag waste and user complaints.  Janice inquired about our Café’s compost practices.  Kristi will work with Bruce to see if they want to proceed with vermicomposting or want to “single stream” their compost waste with the new program.


Kristi shared the energy reporting numbers she forwarded to James.  She also suggested the Council arrange a work-group meeting to talk about reviewing B3 data and preparing summaries, and will send a meeting request.


Kristi gave an update on the placement of trees honoring Gary Kruchowski’s father.  After discussion related to long-term care of trees and tricky terrain, with our Groundskeepers Janice and Jane, Kristi sent an email to Gary asking if he’d be willing to donate memorial benches instead of trees.  She’ll report back to the committee when he responds.


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)

Carol, Kristi, Mel, Wade

Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info

*Kristi, Deanne, Bruce

Grants and Awards: Pre-grant drafts and collaboration with grant office on potential opportunities

                *Deanne, Kristi, Wade

Landscape Planning: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening

*Kristi, Mike, Aaron, Theresa, maintenance rep, Wade

Sustainability in Curriculum

*Theresa, Kristi, Deanne, Glenn

-Garden Club update



FY15 Budget: $8,400 

Encumbrances to date:

BALANCE as of today: $8,400


FY15-16 potential budget items

  • Concourse lighting signage
  • Ditch/swale/raingarden info signs
  • Additional bike rack for main entrance
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Parking lot/rain garden info signs
  • Sustainability kiosk
  • MnSCU Sustainability Across Curriculum workshop


Next Meeting

August 20th or 21st

Notes submitted to SC blog and LSC Employee Portal>Committees by Kristi Heintz

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