Sustainability Council Meeting Agenda 11-8-2019


S111 Student Services Conference Room



Eco-E will host the MN Ag Commissioner in an Emerging Farmers Summit on November 14th in S255 (Randy)


New Business

Student Senate – Collaboration for food service feedback (Grant)

New Food Service Task Force (Connie)

Eco-Ent program updates

Eco Market bags

Minnesota Power’s free Level 2 charger grant opportunity

APB on compost bins


Old Business

FY20 SC Workplan Goals – updates

  1. Develop proposal for north trail as pedestrian path (Dave)
    • Desired Outcomes:
      1. consider appropriate surface for maximum usability,
      2. estimate total costs, development and ongoing maintenance,
  • account for the trail’s potential use as an access from lower main parking lots to Living Labs field site

UPDATE – Spur trail work – recap $225, 10 yards of limestone, 0.1 miles of trail, 10 volunteers, 6 hours, 12 donuts, 6 bananas



  1. Articulate the role of “Living Labs” at LSC
    • Desired Outcomes:
      1. draft potential interdisciplinary collaboration/learning opportunities at new Farm Site
      2. develop a forest management plan for Miller Creek corridor – identifying terrestrial invasive species threats and management goals
        1. align goals as potential course-related field experience, both through curriculum and Sustainability Distinction
      3. Update campus’ sustainability and energy goals
        • Desired Outcomes:
          1. align with state and system-wide sustainability goals, following Board of Trustees approval of new system sustainability policies,
          2. update LSC Sustainability webpages to reflect these new goals



FY 20 original budget: $8,450 – current balance $6,546.05

Encumbrances to date:

  • Menards: -$300
  • Dan’s Feedbin: -$150
  • P-Card (Amazon): -$167.95 (Compost bags)
  • AASHE dues: -$295
  • P-Card (Amazon – 10 sets loppers, saws) (Landscape Restoration – 10 buckthorn dobbers and dye): -$600
  • Bee-line spur trail Limestone: -$225.50
  • P-card (Amazon – Cornerstone $92.95

Potential purchases

  • EV install $1,500

Posted in: Agendas

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