Meeting Minutes 4/6/2018

9:00 – 10:00

Student Life Conference Room


Governing Core Members present: Tim Leudke, Kristi Heintz, Marissa Berger, Danielle Wood, Mike Francisco, Connie Moore, Nate Bronk, General Members present:

Guest Present: Chris Whaley




New Business

Kristi shared the final results of our 6-month Trex recycling challenge.  Our final total weight of collected material was 503 pounds, surpassing our goal by a whopping 3 pounds!  In recognition of fulfilling the goal, Trex will be shipping free a bench to us, a $529 value!  The Council can discuss best placement of the bench when the weather turns spring.


Going forward, Kristi has reached out to A1, who is now providing plastics pick-up service in the Twin Ports area.  To our knowledge, this is the only plastics hauler in town.  They charge $25 per pick up.  The Council agreed we might use them for a year at one pick-up per month.  Because a contarct for service will be necessary, Kristi suggested we wait to establish this agreement until July 1st.  Further discussion can happen at that time.


Kristi updated the Council on our landscape prep.  The contract with Shoreview Natives has been established.  Kristi also requested further information from Dan regarding pollinator friendly certification and signage.  Dan offered some options:

From Dan Schutte: “Certifying a pollinator site is a cinch. There are a couple of options:

  • Certified Monarch Waystation – The Monarch Watch program sponsors this out of Kansas University. Good program to support, pretty popular to certify with them.
  • National Wildlife Federation Habitat Certification – NWF has a habitat certification program that this installation would qualify for.
  • Xerces Society– Xerces is an international invertebrate conservation NGO, kind of nice to promote them, and the sign is very descriptive of what the site accomplishes.
  • Wild Ones Butterfly Garden – Wild Ones has a robust chapter in the Arrowhead. They have a nice looking sign.  All of these are $20-30 to certify

The May meeting will look closer at these options, and a potential local Wild Ones’ Affiliate Not-for-Profit Org member benefit.


MAP #3 “Distinctions” Task Force: Leadership in Sustainability focus from existing courses (tabled until May meeting when additional information is available)


Kristi shared that the MREA PV Development for Institutions Course wrapped up two weeks ago.  Kristi posted a blog update and linked to MREA’s press release earlier this week, and also shared it on our Sustainability facebook page.  Kristi requested marketing assistance to share the course participation widely, Janet reached out to the DNT, no further updates at this time.


Tangentially, Marissa noted Al’s mention of support for PV deployment.  Armed with our new knowledge, Kristi is optimistic there will be some momentum going forward.  There has been further discussion on PV installation in curriculum which would necessitate a panel or array for teaching.  Kristi will continue to update the Council as it all unfolds.


Kristi shared the Earth Day poster and agenda.  The Council discussed a couple of remaining details:

  • Connie shared that Superior Small Batch and Upper Lakes Foods will be donating our samples. We still need to secure help for sample prep.  Kristi and Connie will work with Heather on this.
  • Barb from the TLC suggested a clothing shop. Kristi will send an all campus email to prompt employees to drop clean and gently used clothing in the Learning Center for student shopping on Earth Day.
  • Tim cleared up some remaining presentation/audio questions. Kristi will work with Carly on making sure those options are set.


Tree planting planning is moving along for May 3rd and 4th.  Kristi made a facebook event, and she will ask marketing to share it on the LSC page.  Kristi will also send another email reminder to all employees.  The Council suggested adding it to all employee’s calendars too.  ERTC is unable to do a grass burn before that date, so we will work to weed whip the hillside in the weeks leading up to the planting.  Kristi received 40 bags from Duluth Coffee Company to use as weed barrier, and is looking at other options including grain sacks from breweries.  We’ll need about 250 bags total.


The Boreal Natives contract is set for the spring burn.


Summer groundskeeping and trails manger student employee needed.  The position is posted on the LSC student employment page.


Old Business


Work Group and Student Employee Reports

GreenCorps project(s) update:

  • Chris and Tim gave an update on the smart strips.  Most agree the current sensing strips do not work for work stations, but the Belkin button/timer strips work well.  Tim shared some additional IT projects that are in the works.
  • Chris gave an update on an appliance replacement survey he’s been working on.  He’s identified a refrigerator in the Art building that could be replaced, although it gets very little use.  Connie also has a need for a new cooler.  If energy efficient options exist, the Council may consider chipping in, especially if the cost slightly exceeds a less efficient model.  Connie will keep the Council informed as they look at their options.



FY 18 budget balance: $2,796.65

Encumbrances to date:

  • Earth Day supplies and cookies: -271
  • Shoreview Natives: -3,000
  • Prairie Restorations: -700
  • Amazon (smart strips): -275
  • Amazon (pruners, compost bags for campus): -87.67
  • RSPT annual membership: -330
  • Menards: -300
    • Atrium soil, potting soil, landscape tools
  • Mileage reimbursement: MPCA site supervisor training: -160.50
  • Mileage B3 luncheon: -167.99
  • B3 luncheon registration: -27.37
  • AASHE annual membership: -280
  • Print/postage: -36.47


Review/revise FY18 potential budget items

  • Smart strips
  • Energy-related requests/ideas?
  • Bottle filling station for Atrium?
  • Picnic table under H catwalk, or Student Life area?
  • Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
  • Sustainability kiosk: pamphlet holder, plastic bag bin
  • workshops?

Connie motioned to adjourn, Tim seconded.

Next Meeting

Friday, May 4th, 9:00

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristi Heintz, 4/6/2018.  Posted to LSC Sustainability Council Blog and Employee Portal Committees page.

Posted in: Minutes

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