Meeting Agenda 11/7/2014
November 7th, 2014 10:00
Student Life Conference Room
Review Last Meeting’s Minutes
Fall open house is today from 3:00-6. We’ll have a table.
Lake Superior Binational Forum’s Open Public Meeting, November 14, 2014 12:30-5:00, Legendary Waters Resort and Casino in Red Cliff, WI
2015 UMACS Conference will be in Bemidji. It’s June 18-19th. Mark your calendars!
New Business
Review and update Work Groups-include new Grants & Awards Work Group
Motion to purchase seed from Eden Brothers for building entrance and new swale planting: $150+?
Composting Pilot update (Mel)
Ongoing Business
Old Business
Heated footrests (17 purchased since 2013, with additional requests)
ACUPCC Proposal to President’s Cabinet to review membership (Kristi, Wade)
Integrated Planning (Glenn, Kristi)
Work Group and Student Employee Reports
Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance)
Carol, Kristi
Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info
*Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce
Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage
*Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep
Landscape Planning: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening
*Kristi, Mike, Aaron, Theresa, maintenance rep, Wade
Sustainability in Curriculum
*Theresa, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne
-updates from Mel and Jane
-Garden Club update (Neldon, Aaron)
FY15 Budget: $8,500
Encumbrances to date:
MN Waste Wise membership 2014-2015: -$150
Boreal Natives-Swale/Ditch project: -$5,735
Airpark Disability Services (plastic bag recycling): -$208
Dan’s Feedbin: -$200
Menards: -$200
AASHE: -$280
IOS (footrests): -$263.20
BALANCE as of today: $1463.47
FY15 potential budget items
- LSC Earth Day costs
- UW Madison Earth Day travel costs
- Concourse lighting signage
- Ditch/swale/raingarden info signs
- Additional bike rack for main entrance
- Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans, exclosures
- Parking lot/rain garden info signs
- Sustainability kiosk
- MnSCU Sustainability Across Curriculum workshop host costs
Next Meeting
December 5th, 2014 10:00 in Student Life Conference Room
Posted in: Agendas
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