Meeting Agenda 1/17/14
8:30 – 10:00
Student Life Conference Room
Review Last Meeting’s Minutes
Work Group and Student Employee Reports
Policy and Procedure: employee reminders, education, and training needs (printing, recycling, supplies, computers, small appliance) *Rachel, Carol, Kristi, Chad
Sustainability Reporting/Benchmarking: GGI, ACUPCC, MnSCU Sustainability Reporting, Superior Compact, B3, publicizing info *Kristi, Aaron, Deanne, Bruce
Sustainability Kiosk: energy dashboard/demo, sustainability signage *Duane, Rachel, Student Senate Rep
Grounds Maintenance/Campus Appeal: annual flower planting, rainwater harvesting, no-mow areas, rooftop gardening *Kristi, Mike, Aaron, Theresa, maintenance rep, Wade
Sustainability in Curriculum *Theresa, Duane, Aaron, Kristi, Deanne
Garden Club update (Neldon, Aaron)
Other SE Updates (Neldon, Aaron)
- Aaron: café benchmarking project
- Neldon: rain garden clean-out
New Business
Hosing the next Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop (Deanne)
Water bottle filling station for the S-building (Kristi)
FY15 Budget (Kristi/Wade)
Earth Day themes, ideas?
Hosing STP full-day training sessions (Kristi)
Downtown campus energy projects (Wade)
Ongoing Business
Greenhouse Gas Inventory update (Kristi)
Update SC Committee structure: members, Governing Council, and Council co-chair responsibilities
Old Business
AQIP close-out (Kristi)
FY14 Budget: $9,000
Encumbrances to date:
MN Waste Wise membership 2013-2014: -$150
Open PO for Menards (landscaping supplies: azalea mulch, planter flowers): -$200
Open PO for Menards (Interpretive trail supplies) – $200
AASHE membership: -$280
Airpark plastic bag recycling program: -$208
Rene Fall (Int Trail GIS mapping): -$320
UMACS Kristi travel and registration: -$758.39
ACUPCC annual 2013-2014 membership: -$750
Eden Brothers (seed mix for S-bldg): -143.96
Grainger for faucet aerators: -$85
BALANCE as of 1/14/2014: $5918.65
FY14 potential budget items
- Concourse lighting signage
- Bottle filling station for ERTC (did this happen in FY13?) and downtown campus
- Additional bike rack for main entrance
- Outdoor recycling cans
- Interpretive Trailhead sign
- Interpretive Trail bench, trash/recycling cans
- Parking lot info signs
- Legacy: fencing for exclosures
- Sustainability kiosk
- MnSCU Sustainability Across Curriculum workshop host costs
Next Meeting
February 7th, 2014 9:00 in Student Life Conference Room
Posted in: Agendas
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