Meeting Agenda-Notes 4/12/2013

April 12th, 2013

Meeting cancelled due to weather


Review Last Meeting’s Minutes



April 19th Silver Bay Eco Industrial Tour-bus leaves at 8:30


Work-Study & Work Group Reports

Student Senate updates: Kristi and Aaron met with Student Senate on Wednesday, regarding their interest in initiating a “green fee” for all incoming students.  They’re going to spend some time discussing the proposal and Kristi will follow up next week.


New Business

April 26th Duty Day: Sustainable Twin Ports cohort will present progress of the STP training on Duty Day next week.  Beyond the logistics of STP training, is there anything the Sustainability Council would like us to share or focus on?  The STP cohort will meet next Thursday (the 18th) to work on planning.

Open House table: Eliciting feedback: Kristi will have some “brainstorming boards” posted at the table and will try to get feedback from students on overall campus sustainability: “What are we doing” “What should we do” with prize drawing for Earth Day stuff

Ongoing Business

Earth Day planning:

Compostable plates and cups for the grill-out will cost about: $75.95.  Kristi will send an email message to voting members to approve this purchase.  Kristi will pick up compostable bins and bags from WLSSD, then haul the plates, cups and food scraps to WLSSD after the picnic.

Old Business



Balance as of 4/10/2013: $5,231.42


Next Meeting

TBD (our next meeting would fall on April 26th, a Duty Day)

Posted in: Agendas

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