Meeting Minutes 12/17/2010

9:30 Student Life Conference Room

Faculty/Staff members present: Cliff Koski, Deanne Roquet, Kevin Futhey, Kristi Heintz, Megan Bugge, Wade Gordon

Guests present: Dan Pioro and Jamie Jepperson

Students present:

Old Business

Dan and Jamie attended today’s meeting to discuss the current policies, or lack of, related to printer purchasing and duplex printing.  Kristi mentioned the upcoming Purchasing Policy and the need to include approval from the Computer Service Department in the purchasing approval process.  Personal printers were mentioned as a wasteful use of resources.  Dan agreed and also mentioned there will be new office printers purchased with privacy settings so individuals can queue documents then enter a code to print once they physically get to the printer.  This will alleviate the need for personal desktop printers.

The default double-sided printers in the student labs have been changed to single-sided.  Jamie told the group that some students were printing and unintentionally getting duplex prints as some instructors are requiring single-sided prints.  This was causing a lot of head-aches in the lab, the Council agreed this needs to be address with faculty.  Dan agreed we would be able to charge a 2₵ reduced fee for duplex printing to entice students to print double-sided.  The first side will cost 5₵ the back side will cost 3₵.   Kristi will work with Christine to get signs put in the labs to make students aware of the change.


Annual Watershed Festival, sponsored by RSPT and SLRA: Kristi was contacted by Sarah from the Watershed Festival Planning Committee.  They are hoping to have LSC host the annual event and possibly run it concurrently with the WLSSD rain barrel sale.  Potential dates are May 21st or June 4th.  Kristi put Sarah in contact with Hilary to work out event details. 

Printer cartridge and cell phone recycle boxes will be ordered from Innovative Office Solutions (IOS).  This program is completely free and proceeds go to the Susan G. Kowan Foundation.  Kristi inquired about the current collection boxes that Barry Dahl organized and he will no longer be collecting.  The Council discussed the best location for these boxes, Kristi will order 9 boxes and be responsible for placing empty boxes and collecting full boxes and shipping them back to IOS.

Mike Miller will soon be ordering 30% recycled content paper in the copy center.  It is only slightly more expensive than the virgin paper he is purchasing now.

Sub-Committee Reports

Living Green: More discussion was had about Living Green.  The Council came to an agreement that we will not hold the conference this year for reasons mentioned at earlier meetings, but planning should begin in late January or early February with potential community partners for next year’s event.  Deanne mentioned several key potential partners that should be invited: Julie O-Leary from Minnesota Environmental Partnership, Sarah and Suzie from WLSSD, Dean Talbot from Duluth Energy Efficiency Program (DEEP), the League of Women Voters, Peter Gravett from Hartley Nature Center, and DyAnn Andybur form the City of Duluth.  Deanne and Kristi will work together to organize this meeting. 

Wade mentioned he’d like to see Living Green become a 2-day event with Friday geared toward K-12 education and involving LSC students and Saturday having more of a community focus.  Deanne thought it might be a good idea to piggy-back the event with Earth Day and, if partnering with Hartley Nature Center, showcase their annual fundraiser which is held Saturday night following Earth Day.

Sustainability Plan of Action:  Kristi only mentioned that a meeting with Gary and Mark needs to be arranged to discuss the Energy and Financing portions of the SPA.  Kristi also mentioned that a meeting has been set up with Kathy Dugdale and Dave Olson in the Business Office for discussion on the Purchasing portion of the SPA.  The meeting will be December 28th at 9:00 in the BO Conference Room.  Cliff, Kristi, and Wade will attend.

Old Business

January Duty Day:  The Council discussed the purpose and direction of the Duty Day SPA “unveiling”.  Kristi will put together a power-point next week briefly describing the history of our involvement with the ACUPCC, the Plan itself, and cite examples of how this relates to all employees.  The Plan description will take about the first 15 minutes of our 30 minutes and in that time will ask for small groups to discuss what they can see as areas of concern or places for potential change in each of their own areas.  We will then ask small groups to come up with examples that they can then share with the whole group.

Kristi will work on this over break and send emails for feedback.  Megan also volunteered to work with Kristi to put this together. 

New Business  

Budget Report

We put together a budget plan for FY12 with the assumption we will again receive $5,000.  Kristi forwarded this plan to Wade and it is also available to view on the SharePoint Portal.

EC balance YTD:

Date Item (-) Balance
7/1/2010 Beginning FY11 Balance   $ 5000
7/9/10 MN Waste Wise Membership dues $ 150 $ 4850
8/24/10 Print/Laminate 2 compost posters $ 7.50 $ 4842.50
8/25/10 Print/Laminate 2 energy miser posters $ 7.50 $ 4835
9/17/10 Waste Wise Annual Meeting Registration for Kevin and Kristi $ 70 $ 4765
9/24/10 MN Waste Wise Meeting Mileage for Kevin and Kristi $ 296.18 $ 4468.82
11/24/10 AASHE Annual Dues P $250 $4218.82


No motions made at this meeting.

Next meeting

Next meeting with be January 7th at 9:30 in the Student Life Conference Room.


Submitted by Kristi Heintz

Posted in: Minutes

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