Meeting Minutes 12/3/2010

9:30 Student Life Conference Room

Faculty/Staff members present: Carol Johnson, Deanne Roquet, Dick Haney, Glenn Merrick, Kevin Futhey, Kristi Heintz, Mat Gilderman

Students present: Tom Deschenes



Sub-Committee Reports

Living Green: Much discussion was had regarding this year’s Living Green Conference.  The Council agreed that with time running short and a lack of volunteers from the group to lead the planning effort, the Living Green Conference may not be possible this year.  Megan suggested we make it a bi-annual event, Dick suggested we invite those community members who originally showed interest in organizing the event to a meeting to discuss our position.  With administrative changes and financial constraints, the EC feels more planning ahead of time is necessary to make this a successful event.  Kristi will email Wade and cc the EC with our comments/concerns and ask for feedback.

Climate Action Plan: The Climate Action Plan is now titled Sustainability Plan of Action (SPA).  Kristi recommended we incorporate policies into this document regarding issues important for sustainability practice.  Kristi gave examples of items in the Plan which could potentially become policies.  These items are highlighted in the SPA and available on SharePoint.  The group decided to work on this independently.  Deanne suggested we have a SPA work meeting and bring all ideas to this meeting.  Deanne suggested December 9th at 9:00.  The Goals, Strategies, Tangible Outcomes, and Policies would be a great way to outline the SAP to faculty and staff at the January Duty Day.

Old Business

CAP Extension Request: Kristi submitted the extension request in Wade’s name on behalf of the Council.  We will get a decision in the next couple of weeks.

GGI annual data collection: Kristi followed up with LaNita regarding the possibility of getting work-study hours for spring semester to collect GGI data and put together a format for the Research and Development team to collect this data annually and forward it to us.  Tom reminded us that GLISTEN will also need w-s money to bring on a new liaison for spring semester.  LaNita informed us that Mark Magnuson will be making the decision as to who will get the remaining w-s money.  Kristi will email Mark and request 10 hours/week; 5/wk for data collection and 5/wk for GLISTEN.

Definition of Sustainability: The group worked on a definition for Kent.  Glenn will finish up the draft and email out to everyone for input today.

Double-sided Printers: Tabled until next meeting.  Kristi will invite Jamie Jepperson, Dan Pioro, and Dave Olson to the meeting to discuss this issue.

New Business

January Duty Day: Deanne was asked to put together a short paragraph outlining the purpose of our talk at January’s Duty Day.  A small group will worked on the request after the meeting and Deanne will submit the proposal to Kelli today.

Budget Report

Kristi set up a PO for the AASHE membership dues on November 24th.  The PO was transferred to Wade’s credit card and Wade will make sure the dues are paid and the fee will still come out of the EC cost center.

EC balance YTD

Date Item (-) Balance
7/1/2010 Beginning FY11 Balance $ 5000
7/9/10 MN Waste Wise Membership dues $150 $ 4850
8/24/10 Print/Laminate 2 compost posters p
8/25/10 Print/Laminate 2 energy miser posters p
9/17/10 Waste Wise Annual Meeting Registration for Kevin and Kristi $70 $4780
9/24/10 MN Waste Wise Meeting Mileage for Kevin and Kristi P $306 $4474
11/24/10 AASHE Annual Dues P $250 $4224


No motions made at this meeting.

Next meeting

Next meeting will be December 9th for SAP writing and the last semester meeting will be December 17th at 9:30 in the Student Life Conference Room.

Submitted by Kristi Heintz

Posted in: Minutes

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