Dear Ma,
Wow!! The semester is winding down quickly. I only have a couple of weeks left. I loved it! This semester was awesome. It went really well all in all. I had some pretty tough classes but somehow, it still went smoothly. This semester I would have to say that I did alot less waiting until the last minute and alot more planning. I’m not going to lie, it made the semester alot less stressful. Put that one in the “got it right” file! If I could do something different, I would have definitely studied harder for my first AP2 test. That one was a killer! In ten years, I will, honestly, probably only remember that I called for the immediate arrest for Santa Claus in a research paper for my comp. 2 class! It was a mock research paper but still. I hope to forget that time I choked on water and spewed it out in the hallway real soon! THAT, my mother, was very embarrassing! I’d have to say though, all in all, I had a great semester and I’m excited to see what’s in store for me for the next one! I’m excited to see you in a week and a half. Tell Dad I said Hi! I love you!
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