Food for thought

“There is joy in understanding; pain in ignorance”. These words written in Steve Dalager’s story, A note to college students, can have a broad and deep meaning for many individuals. How one interprets the world around them is largely based on what they understand. A simple example would be, how well do you enjoy a joke if you don’t understand the punch line. Also, how much do you really enjoy a documentary about beetles if you have a fear of them that makes you want to have nothing to do with bugs? You may feel left out of the joke, or completely uninterested in the documentary. If that same joke was put into a context that you understand, and if you watched that documentary which had information that alleviated your fear of bugs both may be more enjoyable for you. I believe what the statement and the story are trying to convey is that knowledge is power as well as peace of mind.

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  1. jabraden August 30, 2010

    On a simpler note, could it be that Steve was just fed up entirely to the point that he reached his breaking point and just busted him in the mouth out because of all the teasing? He may have been the “sensitive type”, be they even reach their point sooner or later.

  2. danels15 August 30, 2010

    I agree wit you Paul, it is very hard to grasp what is being said or explained to you if you do not understand what is being said. I think that if you do not understand something, ask questions, figure out what is going on so you understand completely.

  3. Naomi Ongeri September 1, 2010

    I totally agree with you that one feels comfortable and confident when they are in a setting that they can relate with.

  4. dalagest September 2, 2010

    Jokes are a great example. How we get along socially in the world often hinges on whether we “get” the jokes. It’s not always easy. There’s nothing worse than hanging out with people who have inside jokes that I’m not in on.


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