Community Partner
My community partner is Gary LaPorte. He is my former boss of 18 years and still a good friend. I called him Sunday night and told him about my report on Agent Orange. Gary had served in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange. He currently still owns the business that I worked for at 3919 E. 18th St. in Superior, Wisconsin. I actually only have two specific questions that I plan to ask him. One is whether he had to actually prove to the military that he was in Vietnam, which is surprisingly something I found that many veterans had to do. The second question is about an anti malaria pill that was given to all ground troops in Vietnam and what he remembers being told about it compared to the facts that I have gathered on it. I will bring my sentence outline with me as a guide for discussion. I feel having known this man for 18 years a casual conversation will be the most productive approach.
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