Research Update Numero Uno
I tell you what, I am LOVING the databases. I really feel like I’m reading some concrete information. I mean I love google and all, but I just feel like I’m finding what I’m looking for with Gale and EBSCO. I have been finding some very interesting articles. But there was one in particular that caught my attention. It discussed the idea that one of the arguments was that creationism isn’t considered a science due to the fact that it is not testable nor observable, but we consider evolution a science even though it is neither testable nor observable. I mean we may think it is, but no man, that has been able to keep a record, was around when species were “evolving,” meaning that it should not be considered observable. I liked that idea. I had never thought of it that way before.
I would say that my research has shifted from start to this project to right now. This is made most evident by the fact that I had to write two posts for my topic. And as I stated above, I like that I’m moving away from google and looking more in the databases. What was frustrating was coming up with a topic, but now that I have found my “sweet spot” in this whole project, I am rather enjoying myself. Also, the bibliography is alot of work!
I have shared bits and pieces of my topic with my team. This is mostly done by me saying, “pssst.” One of my members will look at me and then I go, “how’s the research going?” But that is mostly it. I think I will be more intentional with talking to my team this week. Also, I might try using the discussion board.
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