My Peer Review Experience!
I walked into peer review day having no idea what to expect. All I knew is that I had my paper completed and submitted and that my classmates were going to be reading it. But I soon found out that this day was going to be so much more than that. For instance, I learned alot about LSC. I learned that credits don’t transfer as nice as everyone wants to think. I learned that the learning center is amazing and very worth the visit. I also learned that academic probation sucks, and I never want to be on it. I also learned more about myself as a peer reviewer. At first, when I was looking at a draft I was thinking, “I have no clue what I’m doing…” And I immediately felt terrible that I didn’t have more to offer to my classmates. But, as I went on, more and more ideas started to flow in my head. I don’t know how much help I was, but I sure hope I had something to offer. I struggled on the “problem” section of reviewing. I didn’t know how to word what I was trying to say, nor did I know if my what I thought was a “problem” really was. I hated putting something down and having it be totally off on my part! I also learned about myself as a writer. The comments from my peers were so helpful and helped me see that proofreading myself just doesn’t cut it. I need that “fresh” set of eyes.
Also I saw some of my style of writing in my peers’ writing, and that excited me. I like seeing a bunch of “kids” who, if they have nothing else in common, have writing. It’s like writing unites us!
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