ITC eLearning 2016



Key note: February 14, 2016

“Personalized learning should I care?”

Michael Feldstein

From Mind wires and Mindtap at Cengage


Gardner Hype Cycle

Personalized learning includes tutoring, contact time, and content

Homework time: contact time

Make class time more group time,

Let students learn from others, from each other, on their own

Presenter used a video presentation program called In the Telling:

The idea of personalized learning is that it is personal. Something that might not matter to one student might make a huge impact on another student.

Case study of developmental math, such a wide range of students. Some failed because they were bored at start of class, some failed because they were not ready for some of the material.

They have three eighty minute labs a week, using adaptive software, so they work at the right level. They can ask questions of each other and of the instructor. Study skills lab as well as math skills.

Then 2 50 minute sessions focused on talking about how they learn, how to learn better, etc. Community building, accountability

School found problem, looked at a pedagogical solution, then found software to help solve it.

Turning homework time into contact time. Using data from their homework to inform what you do in the class, to work on what students need.

Doing it right

Identify student need

Design pedagogical structure

Select products and technology based on their ability to support pedagogy

Need faculty training

Need technical support

Be prepared to measure, fail, and iterate


Key note Monday, Feb. 15

“Education in Abundance: Network Learning and Literacies”

Dr. Bonnie Stewart

From Charlottetown, PEI, university of PEI


She teaches new community college faculty how to teach. Many come from industry, maybe have not been in higher education themselves.

Education is shifting from closed to open practices, from public

Knowledge scarcity to knowledge abundance

Network behavior, how we think about tools shapes how we use them, same with education

What is literacy? Tools plus concepts.

Socrates riled against writing, thought the written word was a threat, would dumb down knowledge

1500 Gutenberg: now it’s about control. Who controls the knowledge? Not the church anymore. Literacy meant you had some control and were about to shape ideas of the time.

Now management and synthesis of knowledge.  People need to be able find information, pick what they need, and be able to understand and use it

In England, there is a GIST? Seven elements of digital Literacies.

Media literacy, communication and collaboration, career and identity management, Ict literacy, learning skills, digital scholarship, information literacy

What Literacies are we good at? What do we need to work on.

Berlo in 1975 said we no longer have to memorize information. Education should be able how to handle information

Now we have abundance overload

Structure of abundance =networks

Networks are not just digital, families are networks, connections are still individual

Teaching has been a broadcast model, one to many, network tv

Abundance is the world’s largest small town

Educating in abundance is about networks

Hierarchy, wirearchy emergent network, allowing for different people talking to others, not through the proscribed hierarchy

Architecture of participation

Can’t just put content online

Literacy : Identity

Must have a digital identity, not all under your control, reputation built on repeated interactions online

Digital identity equals control

Need to work on your identity before it will work for you

Identity does not need to be totally public but should allow in group identification

Should scaffold and extend conversations and resource sharing


Shared annotation tools, they can create their own identity there

Can also use Twitter to have student interact

Should model how to navigate Twitter, to navigate many to many communications with minimal harm…

To get started in any network,







Takes about three months to make a habit

In your institution, need to choose what tools and networks you want to build

Literacy 2: contribution

Posting blogs, YouTube, Facebook postings, these are all contributions

Visitors and residents

David white Oxford

Where are your practices?

Which tools do you use? Do you use them personal or professional or a mix of both?

Which ones are you a resident and which are you a visitor?

If everything you are doing with students keeps them on the visitor side, then you are not maximizing their learning.

Students need to become residents of somewhere in order to contribute

Clout, gives a metric on how influential you are, and where you are influential

Networked leaning is learning with an audience

What you need to ask?

Support students to build real audiences for their work

Hashtags, allow us to find out other people who are doing things that interest us

Be the change that will help people navigate the change


“Using Comic Life to create engaging content for students in online courses”

Joel Mellor

Instructional Designer at Kent State University

Comic life app:

Free trial version did not allow a long enough script

At first, it was $30

Had script, shot scenes with people

Took 40 hours to create graphic novel

This presenter has graphic design background

Look to see if Comic life has a tutorial to send faculty to.

Can export 300 dpi PDF

It is not screen reader ready. Could supply the script.


“First hand accounts of Second Language Learners in an Online General Education Course”

Li-Lee Tunceren

St. Petersburg College

Community of inquiry framework (2001)

Teaching presence+

Social presence+

Cognitive presence =

Learning presence

framework evolved extended   Picture and expands toon here on phone

Learning presence/ online self-regulated learning (osrl)

L2 second language

L2 can be seen as a deficit

Explicit instruction needed to advance Literacies within and across disciplines

Who is working on students’ writing and speaking skills beyond ESL and English classes?

She talks about pilot study in an online ethics class, no pre regs

Looked at what ELL students are doing? Are they using the skills they learned in ESL classes? No.

Asked about their perceptions on how things are going, three times


3 case study participants

Randomness of taking a course at large school. One professor might have things set up well for ELL learners, and others might not (such as timed, proctored tests)

More open assignments, less timed tests, but also need to give them time to work on their skills, reading and writing

Even when instructors have embedded librarians and tutors, students don’t always use those resources

Some possible conclusions, questions, etc. includes co requisites, ESL and comp I at the same time

Li-Lee contact

Skype. li-leet

727 791 2663


“Teaching with Glass”

Midlands Technical College

Diane Yeoman, Devin Henson, Barbara Mooneyhan

Students want to connect with their instructor

Want specific just-in-time videos

Putting faculty back in their natural habitat.

More like being in the classroom

Approachable, engaging, passionate, positive energy: qualities of great on ground teachers

Trying to replicate this.

65 percent of how effective a teacher communicates come from body language

Easy to implement

No studio

No custom equipment

No custom lights

Instructor can record alone


What you need:

White background

Glass board

Camera, web cam, action cam (not the best) a or DSLR camera (recommended) with remote



$60 webcam with stand

External microphone $100

Curtains behind camera $50

Glass board $ 100 to $300

Need software to turn image 180 degrees so the writing is not backwards

This though is trying to replicate the traditional lecture

Student feedback has been good. Students do like to see the instructor


“Gamifying Your Syllabus”

Leslie Van Wolvelear

Oakton Communication College

Using D2L Brightspace

Problems. How do we get students to read and understand the syllabus?

If the students don’t understand the goal and the rules, they can’t really score…


Move through levels

Earn achievements or

Play to avoid losing points

Collaborative, work with others to achieve goals


Process where game mechanics are integrated into traditionally non game tasks.

Does Gamaification help students learn?

Steven Johnson says it depends

Gamification can help the middle students, 40 to 60 percent who aren’t the top or bottom performers

Syllabus scavenger hunt

Clear and concise instructions

HTML file in content

Use of images for visual learners

Links to D2L tools, discussions, quizzes, Dropbox, surveys, checklists, email

Gets them practice with LE tools too

Points for completing assignments

Piloted this in a F2F class In a computer lab

“Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open.” Thomas Dewar

Students get extra credit for finding the hidden Easter eggs, something hidden.

Made an image a hyperlink and they had to find the hyperlink

Get them to explore everything. Give students a sense of accomplishment and also teach them to persist.

Set up conditional release, so they need to click on syllabus before they can even see the scavenger hunt file


Steps of scavenger hunt

Send an email. Give them the actual words and model good emailing techniques

Post a question or answer a question on the discussion board. a question about content of the class.

All these materials are in the ITC app including the quiz

The Easter egg is an image link to a Dropbox assignment that asks about their study habits, how many hours they study and word, what their plans are for getting through the work in your class.


Student panel from Rio Salado 

Rio Salado college at the forefront of online learning, talk to them…. Have 4 Gate grants

Students like different kinds of assignments that allow students to show their personality. Presentations, interviews, not just essay questions

Students also like videos, puzzles, word games, etc.

They like things like mymathlab

Students like to be able to have the time, scaffolding, building on skills, remember this, now we will use that to go on and do this….

Connecting with the instructor, treating as an adult, especially non-traditional students, communication open, good feedback, positive and encouraging, motivating

Learning about yourself

Instructor engagement, communication, connection, individual attention

Student services important. Advising, bookstore, counsellors, disabilities services, financial aid, getting involved in student life, help with resumes and letters of application, student tech center, transfer help, and tutoring, especially in math and science

Challenges: time management, learning what time works best (whether to work in the morning, etc.); timed essay tests can be challenging

Non-traditional: gap between educational experiences intimidating, also balancing work and school

Learn to plan time out, work several days even if all assignments are due on one day

Remember that online course does not equal easy class, treat it like a F2f class

Getting involved in student life, stepping away from the computer


Tips for new online students

Remind yourself, use sticky notes, phone to stay on track, remember to work, figure out what times works best for you

Can go at your own pace. In some classes, you can work ahead.

Give yourself time, prepare. Go at your own pace at the start. Make sure you have all your college stuff set up so that is a not a stressor. Financial aid, books, etc.

Set reminders in phone and Google to remind you to work, or separate alarm clock or dry erase board to write down all the things that are due

Take a college success course

Don’t procrastinate

Back up everything you do

Know what free materials are out there, especially software

Keep your books

Stay in contact with your instructors

Start slow. Lots of reading, takes a lot of time. See how it goes.

Get to know advisors and student services

Ask questions, anything

Being active in your own learning. Not just passively sitting and getting the info

Ideas. Have video and have students record short audio response, or short summary

Students want most from their instructors: communication and passion for the subject



“Animated, authentic, accessible, and free: using video in online courses”

Anne Marie Anderson and Melanie Morris

Raritan Valley Community College

Students react to authentic, instructor made videos

Why video?

Personalize classes

Live instruction

Can use it to flip classes or hybrid

Re watch and review concepts

For feedback and assignments

Universal design

Fits different learning styles, not everyone learns best through reading and writing, some through watching and hearing



Screen capture

Screencast o matic.  Free




Editing and drawing tools

Bamboo tablet

Live scribe



Make videos

Go animate. For schools, free version


Windows moviemaker or iMovie

Use existing videos

Khan academy



Can have students create videos, 4 to 7 minutes, in groups

Alternatives to papers, use video to teach or explain concepts and interpret

Use YouTube because it’s free and accessible

How to transcribe other people’s videos in YouTube:

Click on MORE, transcript, highlight text, and copy and paste it into a file.

Putting it all together using TedeD

Let students connect the content to their interests

Can add info into TedeD, activities, etc. can engage with other classes

More on this session:



“Avoiding the Zombie Apocalypse”

Beth Ritter-Guth

Union County College

Universal design in the sense that it makes the materials better for all the class, and can students manipulate them, and submit them in different ways


Tool #1


Can add questions right in videos and they have to answer the questions to go on. The answers go to the grade book

Can organize it into classes. Students can make videos too. There is a project portal.

You can add audio comments over the video

Students need to create an account and send you their username. Given them points for that.  They should not use first and last names. They can create their own name.

If the video you use is taken off YouTube, it goes away from EdPuzzle too although the grades still remain.

Can clip the videos too so you don’t have to ask them to watch the whole thing


#2 Tool


Can give students a picture and have them tag it, do the research

They have to come up with five links

Can have them label anatomy, etc. maybe have them annotate a poem for sound techniques?

How to get image from Google without violating copyright

Search for image, go to search tools

Go to advanced settings

Filter by license

Free to use even commercially

Save it

Then you can upload it to ThingLink

Can put a link or have students out their source there

Save a tag, have them out them as many tags as

Then share by embedding it

They have to create an account, can be the same as the EdPuzzle

Read speaker will read it, including the image text and tags



 Flip grid

Need to have a Camera

60 seconds to talk and they have 60 seconds to respond

This would be great for some ideas about poetry

More on this session:  HTTPS://


“Using Virtual Presentations

To connect your students with content and each other”

Joan J OSborne

Northern Virginia CC.   NOVA

Why have students do presentations?

Promote participation

Collaborate, create, and share

Social learning

Use class time for quality discourse

This applies to any mode of teaching, f2f, online and hybrid

Things to Consider

Planning is critical

Dr. Smith Budhai Link to article in presentation materials

4 Steps to planning


Leveraging Google apps

They could use google slides, Google hangout and google chat

This project is used in a faculty training class, trying to teach teachers how to use technology to engage students and to select tools that are useful for their discipline

First students need to work alone, doing some research

Go to blogs about teaching and technologies

Present on tools they think they could use in their classes

Do a discussion about ten or more tools that they are excited about. Narrow down to two or three technologies which they research more in depth! Then they present these to the class with resources on how to use the tools and how.


Other tools

slideshare, voice thread, knovio,, screen cast o magic. Mobile app, explain everything

7 x 7 rule. No more than 7 bullets, not more than 7 words per item in the list

The project is a week and then another week for review and discourse

Will give example of great presentation by English instructors!


Mega byte session

“Online training for online teachers:

A self faced faculty training course”

Chelsey Brokmann and Kathy Hanselman

University of Nevada, Reno

The instructional designer and a team does all the work; it’s their design and must be approved

They have a best practice course

Must be completed by faculty before they start developing class

Get $500 for completing a class

Faculty also get money for putting a course online

Class replicates what it’s like a class looks like, template of what their courses will look like, gives them the student experience

Four learning modules, syllabus same structure and color


Learning modules

Grades and assessments

Teaching your class


Each module is the same


Readings and resources

Lecture materials

Assignment and discussion


Instructors could get through it in a weekend but they usually take much longer

Have templates and examples from past instructors

Materials are on the APP

First assignment is to complete a draft syllabus

Second is to design and submit your week 1 module

Module three assessments and grading, the assignment is to create a quiz or take a quiz?

Module 4 about communication and using video, assignment is create an intro video

All about instructor presence, personalize the class


“Effective Online Grading”

Joe Safdie and Gwyn Enright

San Diego Community college district

Second largest community college system in California

Link to checklist of competencies for effective online teaching, SDCCD online learning pathways

They are talking about equivalent to Comp II, critical argumentative expository writing

What’s my grade?

No late assignments or make up tests because there are so many assessments

Look at assignment for looking at parts of an argument and rubric. Find an argument, trashier the better, video even better

Look at parts of the argument and comment on It

Could give audio feedback too.

Maybe have a short video to show students how to access all. The feedback

Flipped assessment. Positive feedback

Student create rubrics

Have students demonstrate what they learned in assignments

Grade with students in conferences

Can use video to give general feedback on papers.   Tool for audio to text transcription, need to be ADA compliant if giving audio or video feedback

More from Matt Evins:



“Creating an Online Learning Community”



Teach. Build, lead.

Based on the level of training, all faculty get privileges even adjunct. Incentives are for what they can get or do once they complete the training.

Level One.

Through office of professional development, faculty can sign up for course, D2L Teach, TE 125

Must pass with 80% to be TEACH certified and to go on to the next level

Modeling a good online course and give faculty the student experience. 15 great instructors help put it together

They do have emergency certification pathway if they need someone to teach an online class right away but they will need to go back and take it. Faculty who have been teaching online before this were grandfathered in, but they are encouraged to take it.

5 weeks, pilot 20 registered, 7 never participated, 2 left after the second module 9 passed,

Incentives, faculty who have been through BUILD will have priority in being assigned classes for part time instructors

State of Arizona gives no money to these community colleges


Level two:

BUILD TE 150,   4 weeks

Contact Anthony Sovak and Michael Amick at Pima for more info

15 people who helped create course, brainstorming what they wished they had known or learned… This is what someone needs to know if order to be a good online teacher

Will send out link on Twitter



TOOLS and Other links:

Note anywhere, chrome extension that lets you add notes to webpages and aggregate later

Tools screen leap, instant scree sharing

IFTTT. pronounced gift without the g

Text Expander. App that allows shortcuts for adding text, comments

Cool tools work smarter not harder


Student who take out loans for 4 year degree $100 per textbook over 30 years will be $23,000

Look at how students get help in online course. HTTPS://

Write 6×6 program from @soul4real

Wall of videos for teaching best practices

9x9x25 challenge

Todd Conaway




Amara, allows you to add subtitles

Mobile apps voice thread and explain everything

Crossroads. Where technology and pedagogy meet


Map for the 21st century educator

Adventures in Video: Connecting with Online Students Through Camtasia

Canvas as the Next Generation LMS

Tool to look at.

9x9x25 challenge

Cool Tools: Work Smarter, Not Harder



Seven elements of digital literacy
