Spring Break

   Well I could not make my spring break sound fun if I tried. I slept a lot. I mean A LOT! I played some ski-ball at Thrillz ( I would not recommend this place as everything seems to be broken) and I tried to straighten out my personal finances and what-not. I wish I could say that I went to Mexico and hung out with some famous person, but I did no such thing. I hung out in Duluth and shoveled snow. However, it is Friday and I have some friends coming to visit over the weekend so I will try to make up for the whole week in two days. If I’m not in class on Monday, you will know why. Ha Ha, ok I will make it to class. Hope everyone had a better break than I did.

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  1. Stephanie March 16, 2009

    I have been to thrills before and it is pretty bad! I am right there with ya tho..I had a very uneventful spring break myself.

  2. meschnep March 16, 2009

    i used to work at thrillz…there just as bad with employees as they are with their rides/games.
    I would not recommend thrillz either.


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