True and Notso

When I was a kid I went to Space Camp in Huntsville Alabama. It was one of the most memorable experiences from my childhood.

After researching my biological family on I followed my family line back to Germany and actually found distant relatives still living there. I have made contact with some of them and look forward to getting to know more about them.

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  1. jabraden August 28, 2010

    I am going to have to say that the second comment is true.

  2. lomolin August 29, 2010

    I want to say that space camp is true.

  3. tylinder August 29, 2010

    Im gonna have to say that they both sound very believable, but being that family is very important I would have to say that the second comment was the true comment.

  4. jepete15 August 29, 2010

    I think the second one is true about your family in Germany.

  5. danels15 August 29, 2010

    I believe the first one about the space camp is not true

  6. Lindsay August 29, 2010

    I think the second one is true about tracing your ancestors back to Germany.

  7. naongeri August 30, 2010

    I think the second one is true

  8. Tiffany August 30, 2010

    I think the secomd statement is true. I remember you saying you were adopted when you were younger.

  9. Devlar August 30, 2010

    i wanted to go to space camp pretty bad so I’m going to have to hope you didn’t either and say that it is true you have found living relatives in Germany.

  10. kamickel August 30, 2010

    I am going to have to say that space camp is true. I gues a little more elaboration on the ancesty one could have been more to it. but i could be wrong. haha

  11. dalagest August 30, 2010

    I really, really want Space Camp to be true!

  12. alice August 30, 2010

    i dont really believe on the second coz its so hard to trace a family background and requires so much patience and time and proffession so i think the first is true


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