The wisdom of understanding

What makes a person wise? I look at wisdom as the ability to understand your environment and being able to relate those experiences to others. My Uncle Les is the wisest person I know, in this respect. His compassion and understanding is based on his own life experiences. Though he is not a saint by any stretch of the imagination, he does offer advice and counsel to anyone that is willing to listen. Drawing from lessons learned from his own life, he has vast knowledge and skill that he is willing to share with anyone wanting to learn. Is he the smartest person I know? Most likely he isn’t.   Whether a person is wise or not is not based on how smart a person is necessarily, in my opinion, but how they empower those around them to be their best.

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  1. Danny August 27, 2010

    I agree with you about the difference between being wise and smart.

  2. James August 27, 2010

    I like the way you understand the meaning of wise. I like to think that I also share that mindset for the meaning. Your uncle seems like an interesting person to be around. Maybe I wouldn’t want the information he can provide, but at least he would be there when you do need him.

  3. Tiffany August 27, 2010

    I agree with you being smart doesn’t make a person wise. What makes a person wise is understanding and empowering others

  4. Lindsay August 27, 2010

    I really like this. A wise person definatley doesn’t have to be smart. To define a wise person one has to have gone through many life experiences and i really like how you emphasized that.

  5. Steve August 28, 2010

    Agreed. Wisdom and intelligence are entirely different. As you point out, “Drawing from lessons learned from his own life…” The wisest of us consider life to be a classroom.


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