Who We Are
Welcome to the English Department at Lake Superior College!
Offering a mix of composition and literature classes, the English Department at Lake Superior College is one of the largest departments on campus. When it comes to reading, writing, and effective verbal communication, our faculty get significantly hepped up and have been known to toss out random jazz hands coupled with high chorus-line kicks. Students are urged to join in, so long as they sign the requisite “We Won’t Sue You If We Slip a Disc” paperwork first.
We genuinely enjoy working with students–even those who refuse to throw their hands in the air like they just don’t care–and love seeing those in our classes gain the confidence, skill, and power that come from increased control over the written word.
At the end of the day, when our jazz hands are numb from overuse, we sometimes troll the videos on YouTube and find ourselves watching raps about punctuation. No, really.
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