Maia’s gorgeous head of blond hair was severely altered a few weeks ago when she decided to donate 8 inches to Locks of Love. Locks is an organization that makes wigs for cancer victims out of real hair. Her friends Ellie and Brittany were raising money for the American Cancer Society and organized a Locks of Love Root Beer Float event, which Maia couldn’t attend because of her acting career (her Theater Camp play was the same night). She, however, sought out Mary the Clipper and got her done anyway. Below is photo documentation of the event.
It starts withe a creation of a large braid.
Then it gets lopped off.
It’s a little creepy, isn’t it. Here she is now, lovelier even than before.
It’s probably something I’ll never do, but I’m glad she did it.
The whole project is part of a larger partnership between two churches – Gloria Dei and Trinity Lutheran – call Givin’. A number of young people have been given $100 each with which to make the world a better place (a la Oprah), and this is one of the projects. Maia’s own project is actually an awareness and fund raising campaign regarding the Darfur Genocide. She and her friends Chuck and Paul have joined a project called Tents of Hope, and they will be visiting various churches with a tent and a presentation about the genocide this fall to raise awareness.
such beauty!