LSC Runs on LED

LSC is now three years into an ongoing, multi-year energy saving plan, achieved  partially through lighting fixture and bulb upgrades.

In 2011, the Main Concourse was fitted with new energy saving lighting fixtures. This has allowed lower-watt bulbs to more efficiently cast light.  The concourse lights also utilize photocell technology, a high-efficiency function that allows natural lighting to determine whether the light stays on…or off. When sufficient daylight permits, a number of the lights in the concourse will switch off—in turn, further reducing our energy needs.  new library lights-smAdditionally, the library added a new row of ultra high efficiency T-5 fixtures to a space that was in  need of brighter, yet more efficient, lighting.  Finally, in some hallways where ballasts permitted, inefficient compact bulbs were replaced with more efficient lower watt bulbs.  Since the first year’s round of projects was completed, our energy consumption in those areas has reduced by almost 224,000 kWH per year, saving $13,000 annually! This project also utilized an almost $10,000 Minnesota Power rebate. To date, total payback from energy savings has nearly been reached!

LED parking lights300In 2013, a total parking lot lighting fixture upgrade cycle began.  Since then, 61 400-watt metal halide fixtures in LSC’s North and Lower Main parking lots have been upgraded to 116-watt LED, with photocontrol added for diurnal dimming depending on available daylight and parking lot use.  Rebates from this project were placed in an energy efficiency revolving fund, and that money will be reinvested in additional campus energy efficiency upgrades.  Anticipated payback for this project is about 10 years.  The campus’ West parking lot is next in line for LED upgrades.

Want more Information?

In The Dark About Picking A Light Bulb…”  for your home or office?  Check out this FAQ article from NPR.  You’ll even see a great watt comparison, from incandescent to CFL, to LED, they outline relative energy consumption, light output and life expectancy in “NPR’s Guide To Changing Light Bulbs.


Posted in: Good Stuff

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